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Passing a stopped school bus


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K, I talked to my brother's friend's golf buddy's cousin's neighbor who says on a 4-lane road you have to get out of the car and limbo-dance the whole length of the bus before you can proceed. ORC must be wrong.

That only applies if your in the right most centerest lane on the third Tuesday of the fourth month on the eighth hour driving a a magenta striped green gremlin

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All of you who do not ride by after leaving the bar on the rear wheel, flipping the kidz the bird, as your helmet is attached to the seat, wearing flip flops and shorts, and your "bad cop, no donut shirt", while wearing your glasses on the top of your head.....

Are pussies and I refuse to wave to you any longer! ;)

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It's not behind her back - she took part in this thread giving her "expert" opinion. I, for one, am interested to see if she accepts the law is written differently than her original understanding, or if she will ticket people in this kind of case.

We all make mistakes (I am almost an expert mistake-maker) but I admit my mistakes.

Edited by Scruit
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if she will ticket people in this kind of case.

cops dont care. ticket/arrest everyone and let the court sort em out.

just like the genius that told me open carry is illegal and he would arrest me for it, or the ones that arrest people for video taping them in a public place.

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Funny this was brought up. Ohio law is pretty clear and it's been beaten past dead in this thread. Clearly on a 4 lane road opposing traffic doesn't need to stop...

So here I am living in TN now...Schools been in session all year and I have been passing busses just the same as in Ohio...exactly like the OP did. Well ok, about half the time, the other half I get stuck behind stopped traffic. Finally decided to look up TN law and low and behold, unless the lanes are divided by block wall or some other solid type of lane separator all lanes of traffic must stop...

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cops dont care. ticket/arrest everyone and let the court sort em out.

basically, yeah. There is no penalty for the police when they're "wrong," unless they infringe upon your civil rights, or beat you up or something. Even then, you pretty much have to be a minority for anyone to care. Parma police shot an unarmed white kid. there's some local outcry (posters, a plane with a banner a few weeks ago), but no media coverage.

I was in Ocean City, MD for a bachelor party. The people below us called the cops on us (noise) at 8:30 PM.

There were 17 guys there. 1 is a police officer, 1 is a licensed attorney, and 2 of us are law students. The responding officers told us (direct quote), "if we have to come back, everyone in the house will be arrested and taken to jail."

That is flatly bullshit, but strangely, the people who work in legal professions were the least outraged. "YOU CAN'T ARREST SOMEONE FOR A NOISE COMPLAINT!" blah blah blah. Suddenly my friend the mechanical engineer knows more about law than the attorneys?:rolleyes:

The fact is, you can't get someone convicted of anything but a minor fine for a noise complaint. The police would have just called the landlord of our rented condo, said, "hey, we're going to slap you with this $2,500 fine for a noise violation ...or you can issue a criminal trespass notice to the people you're currently renting to."

Then they would have arrested us for trespassing, disorderly conduct, public intox, etc., and taken us to jail. In the morning, we would have been arraigned, the charges would have been dismissed or plead-down to minor fines, and we would have been free to go. But the fact remains, we would have spent the night in jail.

I suppose we could have filed malicious prosecution claims against the police officers and/or the landlord if we'd really wanted to make a point about it, but it's a lot easier and less expensive to just walk away and let the police make their point: "we don't tolerate that shit around here."

we ended up getting a hotel room so we could be rowdy when the strippers got there at 11:00 :D

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The police would have just called the landlord of our rented condo, said, "hey, we're going to slap you with this $2,500 fine for a noise violation ...or you can issue a criminal trespass notice to the people you're currently renting to."

does that even work? how can they ticket the landlord when he is not even present, and is not the one making noise?

also, i thought for it to be trespassing, they had to ask you to leave first?

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I was listening to NPR this morning' date=' and they were discussing some bullshit law in NJ(shock?). They write tickets if the "recycle police" rummage through your garbage and find things that should have been tossed in the little blue bucket, instead. One woman had to pay more than $1000 in fines, because her tenants didn't recycle properly. So.. legal or not, it happens.

I just can't seem to wrap my head around the "personal privacy" violations that occur from the city digging through someone's trash without a warrant.[/quote']

:eek::wtf: Nanny state anyone? Wow, this has me getting out my tinfoil hat and lining it with another layer.

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I just can't seem to wrap my head around the "personal privacy" violations that occur from the city digging through someone's trash without a warrant.

From watching CSI-type shows I know that trash is public once it hits the treelawn. Or maybe the cops on TV just don't know the laws either.

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I just can't seem to wrap my head around the "personal privacy" violations that occur from the city digging through someone's trash without a warrant.

they dont need one. you have no expectation of privacy in respect to your trash placed outside for collection. it is placed in an area with public access, and is open to public inspection.

see california v. greenwood

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The lady being inteviewed mentioned she had posted "No Trespassing" signs' date=' but they entered her property anyway. The trash wasn't on the curb.

Basically, if your recycle bin isn't on the curb on recycle day, they walk up the drive and check your refuse bin.[/quote']

Shuck that Fit.

Every time they open my trash they will find a roadkill skunk sitting on top. Not a nice fresh one that smalls like coffee, but one that has been aged for 3 weeks.

Where I live I'd have to pay to have them take recyclables.

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