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I might get blasted for this one... CCW owners.. Please comment.


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I work off shifts, Got out of work a little late wanted to stop and get something to drink and some food. As I am walking out of the fast stop store. A man walking through the parking lot starts yelling at me and walking towards my car quickly. I got to my car and entered as fast as I could and went to put the car in gear. Stupid me forgot my window was down. Next thing I know he is climbing through my window saying give him money and my food and beer I just picked up. He would not let go after I pushed him as hard as I could, screamed I had a gun, still would not let go of the center counsel. As soon as I pulled my gun and jammed it in his chest he dropped off my truck and rolled out of the way and ran off screaming. Ever since then I carry EVERY time I leave my house. I do need to figure out a better way on the bike? I only carry 50% on the bike.

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I work off shifts, Got out of work a little late wanted to stop and get something to drink and some food. As I am walking out of the fast stop store. A man walking through the parking lot starts yelling at me and walking towards my car quickly. I got to my car and entered as fast as I could and went to put the car in gear. Stupid me forgot my window was down. Next thing I know he is climbing through my window saying give him money and my food and beer I just picked up. He would not let go after I pushed him as hard as I could, screamed I had a gun, still would not let go of the center counsel. As soon as I pulled my gun and jammed it in his chest he dropped off my truck and rolled out of the way and ran off screaming. Ever since then I carry EVERY time I leave my house. I do need to figure out a better way on the bike? I only carry 50% on the bike.

Get a small .380

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The Ruger LCP is perfect. I had it on me last weekend, and I don't think anyone could tell I was carrying.

I think I will be picking one of these up, I want something small to carry in the summer and when I am on my bike. I love my XD and if Springfield made a small single stack 9 or a .380 I'd have it. I have heard rumors Springfield was going to make a small single stack 9 which is why I haven't purchased anything yet.

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I think I will be picking one of these up, I want something small to carry in the summer and when I am on my bike. I love my XD and if Springfield made a small single stack 9 or a .380 I'd have it. I have heard rumors Springfield was going to make a small single stack 9 which is why I haven't purchased anything yet.

Have an XD9SC that I love to death, but I see myself carrying the LCP much more often "great lil gun by the way". If Springfield does come out with a new single stack, I will for sure be getting one.

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I think I will be picking one of these up, I want something small to carry in the summer and when I am on my bike. I love my XD and if Springfield made a small single stack 9 or a .380 I'd have it. I have heard rumors Springfield was going to make a small single stack 9 which is why I haven't purchased anything yet.

You should. A lot of people on here own them, and love them. I've never shot a more accurate pocket pistol, like the LCP. I total trust my life with it.

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I think I will be picking one of these up, I want something small to carry in the summer and when I am on my bike. I love my XD and if Springfield made a small single stack 9 or a .380 I'd have it. I have heard rumors Springfield was going to make a small single stack 9 which is why I haven't purchased anything yet.

Kimber, Sig, and Ruger all have new small 9mms. Springfield also has the EMP which is pricey, but gets good reviews. Needs to be stainless now in case you spill your beer on it during a drunken gun-fight.

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Kimber, Sig, and Ruger all have new small 9mms. Springfield also has the EMP which is pricey, but gets good reviews. Needs to be stainless now in case you spill your beer on it during a drunken gun-fight.

LOL I very rarely drink anymore. I think the last time I was in a bar was about a year ago.

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My friend was pulling out of the parking lot and a guy ran up with smaller gun, like a .32. Tried to carjack him. My friend pulled his .357 magnum out of the center console and the carjacker high tailed it out of there.

It's an amazing thing how the mind works. The deadbeat that tried to rob him probably couldn't find the inch marks on a ruler. As soon as he was looking down the business end of a bigger boom stick, his eyes became a micrometer and told him he drew the short straw that day.
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It's an amazing thing how the mind works. The deadbeat that tried to rob him probably couldn't find the inch marks on a ruler. As soon as he was looking down the business end of a bigger boom stick, his eyes became a micrometer and told him he drew the short straw that day.

Yeah, he said he got a big laugh out of the whole thing. He has told me a couple other stories where he had to draw but I can't think of them right now. Great guy. One of those that if shit ever hit the fan, I want him to have my back.

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I don't believe you. :p

it was huge, black, was making threatening gang sign gestures, and moaning something about it's favorite food. "wiiiiiiiiiiiings" or "plataiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins" or something.

it looked JUST like this:


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Im a hillbilly, redneck, snarky Ethug and I always carry one and alot of times two, plus atleast one in the truck at all times yet I dont act like a bad ass.

And to answer your question, December 21 1994 Cleveland ave Columbus. Headed to dinner with my girlfriend in my very nice TransAm GTA, bts blue Ford Granada stops behind my car as Im backing out of her grandmothers driveway and at the same time 4 black guys approach, 2 on each side waving their guns and yelling give us the car. I liked my car and put alot of time and money into it so... that wasnt what I felt like doing. They didnt seem happy that I did not listen and one was jittery little fuck and I could tell he was scared and was gonna start shooting. I pulled and started firing thru the windows of the car..movie style shootout. They did the same, I was hit twice and girlfriend once. I think its safe to say their plan was to shoot us as soon as we got out of the car so I would say that it saved both our lives that night. I refuse to go anywhere unarmed since that night and Id say with good reason. It made the news for several days and I have it recorded as well as the newspaper articles and pictures plus the scars for all the newbs that do not know me that wanna call bs. So yes it will benifit you sooner or latter. And for those of you that do the math and know the laws, yes I was carrying illegally then as there were no permits in 94 but I lived in the ghetto and knew it was just a matter of time. I did get a ccw charge out of it that has been wiped from my record and did not interfere with me getting my permit.

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Im a hillbilly, redneck, snarky Ethug and I always carry one and alot of times two, plus atleast one in the truck at all times yet I dont act like a bad ass.

And to answer your question, December 21 1994 Cleveland ave Columbus. Headed to dinner with my girlfriend in my very nice TransAm GTA, bts blue Ford Granada stops behind my car as Im backing out of her grandmothers driveway and at the same time 4 black guys approach, 2 on each side waving their guns and yelling give us the car. I liked my car and put alot of time and money into it so... that wasnt what I felt like doing. They didnt seem happy that I did not listen and one was jittery little fuck and I could tell he was scared and was gonna start shooting. I pulled and started firing thru the windows of the car..movie style shootout. They did the same, I was hit twice and girlfriend once. I think its safe to say their plan was to shoot us as soon as we got out of the car so I would say that it saved both our lives that night. I refuse to go anywhere unarmed since that night and Id say with good reason. It made the news for several days and I have it recorded as well as the newspaper articles and pictures plus the scars for all the newbs that do not know me that wanna call bs. So yes it will benifit you sooner or latter. And for those of you that do the math and know the laws, yes I was carrying illegally then as there were no permits in 94 but I lived in the ghetto and knew it was just a matter of time. I did get a ccw charge out of it that has been wiped from my record and did not interfere with me getting my permit.


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Im a hillbilly, redneck, snarky Ethug and I always carry one and alot of times two, plus atleast one in the truck at all times yet I dont act like a bad ass.

And to answer your question, December 21 1994 Cleveland ave Columbus. Headed to dinner with my girlfriend in my very nice TransAm GTA, bts blue Ford Granada stops behind my car as Im backing out of her grandmothers driveway and at the same time 4 black guys approach, 2 on each side waving their guns and yelling give us the car. I liked my car and put alot of time and money into it so... that wasnt what I felt like doing. They didnt seem happy that I did not listen and one was jittery little fuck and I could tell he was scared and was gonna start shooting. I pulled and started firing thru the windows of the car..movie style shootout. They did the same, I was hit twice and girlfriend once. I think its safe to say their plan was to shoot us as soon as we got out of the car so I would say that it saved both our lives that night. I refuse to go anywhere unarmed since that night and Id say with good reason. It made the news for several days and I have it recorded as well as the newspaper articles and pictures plus the scars for all the newbs that do not know me that wanna call bs. So yes it will benifit you sooner or latter. And for those of you that do the math and know the laws, yes I was carrying illegally then as there were no permits in 94 but I lived in the ghetto and knew it was just a matter of time. I did get a ccw charge out of it that has been wiped from my record and did not interfere with me getting my permit.

Well that pretty much sums It up. Thanks for sharing.

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Im a hillbilly, redneck, snarky Ethug and I always carry one and alot of times two, plus atleast one in the truck at all times yet I dont act like a bad ass.

And to answer your question, December 21 1994 Cleveland ave Columbus. Headed to dinner with my girlfriend in my very nice TransAm GTA, bts blue Ford Granada stops behind my car as Im backing out of her grandmothers driveway and at the same time 4 black guys approach, 2 on each side waving their guns and yelling give us the car. I liked my car and put alot of time and money into it so... that wasnt what I felt like doing. They didnt seem happy that I did not listen and one was jittery little fuck and I could tell he was scared and was gonna start shooting. I pulled and started firing thru the windows of the car..movie style shootout. They did the same, I was hit twice and girlfriend once. I think its safe to say their plan was to shoot us as soon as we got out of the car so I would say that it saved both our lives that night. I refuse to go anywhere unarmed since that night and Id say with good reason. It made the news for several days and I have it recorded as well as the newspaper articles and pictures plus the scars for all the newbs that do not know me that wanna call bs. So yes it will benifit you sooner or latter. And for those of you that do the math and know the laws, yes I was carrying illegally then as there were no permits in 94 but I lived in the ghetto and knew it was just a matter of time. I did get a ccw charge out of it that has been wiped from my record and did not interfere with me getting my permit.

I bet if you didn't shoot then you wouldn't have gotten shot or your girl, and u could just call the cops about the car...

Problem solved!

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Im a hillbilly, redneck, snarky Ethug and I always carry one and alot of times two, plus atleast one in the truck at all times yet I dont act like a bad ass.

And to answer your question, December 21 1994 Cleveland ave Columbus. Headed to dinner with my girlfriend in my very nice TransAm GTA, bts blue Ford Granada stops behind my car as Im backing out of her grandmothers driveway and at the same time 4 black guys approach, 2 on each side waving their guns and yelling give us the car. I liked my car and put alot of time and money into it so... that wasnt what I felt like doing. They didnt seem happy that I did not listen and one was jittery little fuck and I could tell he was scared and was gonna start shooting. I pulled and started firing thru the windows of the car..movie style shootout. They did the same, I was hit twice and girlfriend once. I think its safe to say their plan was to shoot us as soon as we got out of the car so I would say that it saved both our lives that night. I refuse to go anywhere unarmed since that night and Id say with good reason. It made the news for several days and I have it recorded as well as the newspaper articles and pictures plus the scars for all the newbs that do not know me that wanna call bs. So yes it will benifit you sooner or latter. And for those of you that do the math and know the laws, yes I was carrying illegally then as there were no permits in 94 but I lived in the ghetto and knew it was just a matter of time. I did get a ccw charge out of it that has been wiped from my record and did not interfere with me getting my permit.

Wow! :eek: I never knew that. I am glad you guys made it out alive. If this story doesn't want to make you carry, I don't know what else will.

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