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Lost my seat...


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So, I went to hang with a friend last night. All went well. We rode to a park and chilled. Dropped her off, put my other helmet back under the seat. (Quick explanation: When I bought it, I didn't like the fabric helmet straps, so I bought some steel rope, collets and made my own little loops on the underside of the seat, NOT on the subframe. Purdy awesome.) Latched the seat onto the bike, or so I thought.

It held pretty ok, though. I got, for you Daytonians, from Xenia back to Dayton on 35W up until it gets really bumpy right before the 675 interchange. The bumps must have wiggled the un-latched seat loose. I'm pretty sure that it would have been fine if it didn't have the weight of the helmet pulling on it. So, I got home, noticed my emergency stuffsack dangling from where my seat ought to be...

Retraced the trip back from her house, and saw the helmet in the grass of the median. Stopped, and found what was left of the helmet. A big chunk had been blown out of the side, the visor long gone, the padding was mostly missing/mangled up. I did find one of the speakers from the $200 Cardo bluetooth intercom still velcroed in there. But, the wire ripped from the rest of it, so screw that.

My main concern was finding the dam seat! Nothing. Went back today, and searched in the daylight, to no avail. Didn't even find the shell I left there. I woulda brought it home as a souvenir to my stupidity, but had nothing to latch it to...:nono:

So, there was a beat up seat on ebay for $17 with shipping, but it was ending soon, and I am still debating options. I saw it's been listed a couple times so it'll be up again. OR! I could get a fanshy shmanshy cowl, and say screw passengers... They look BA, but I kinda like taking girls out and shtuff. Why am I replacing 's' sounds with 'sh'? I have no clue.

If you didn't feel like reading that, condensed version is, I let a $200 helmet, half a $200 intercom set, and an apparently almost $200 seat fall off my bike last night. :cry:

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where the leather passenger strap is, i just unbolted it, made a loop on each end of the wire, i think it was 3/16" diameter wire, shoved a collet on each one and hammered it down. tightened the nut on the loop on one side, and wrapped the other around the plastic stick directly behind the bolt in the picture. originally the seat also has the nylon straps up front but this random pic i stole from google doesn't.

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Not uncommon for our year or R6, several times I've been riding and I feel something start tapping my back to reach back and feel my seat flipped up hitting my back. First ride this year I went out and was doing about 60 when I felt one solid tap and watched in my mirror as my seat went flying 30 feet into the air and spinning down the road after me. I found it but it was a lil banged up.

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Hmmm, if dem's seat got 30 ft of air, maybe yours took a similar flight and went further off the road than you think it might, even with a helmet weighing it down. The fact that there wasn't much left of.the helmet tells me maybe a truck rolled over it...probably your seat too. Get a cowl and keep a kitchen sponge in your back pocket for passengers.

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Yea sorry for your luck, must be a pretty common thing because i lost mine on 670 one day and had to jog my fat ass back about a mile or so to pick it up all the while looking like frogger crossing lanes of 670.

PS you do know those white clip looking things are to put the metal buckle of the helmet on right?!?!? i would never strap my skid lid to those crappy straps.

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:eek:bowdog, i swear either you're a genius, or i'm an idiot...



...wait... guess i know why i lost my seat.

anywho, spencer emailed me back, no damaged seats. i'm kinda bummed. don't see why, as he's going to take all of the damaged crap off anyway. the plastic would probably be in fine condition. i'd order a sat cover, which i told him in the email... gr.

it's whatever though, he can run his business how he likes.

seeing as how i was riding a passenger 3 times a week over the summer, for convenient commuting to school, i've ruled out a cowl. :( gotta put the family's interest over my own, with the family car.

so, it's either a new seat for $100-ish, or take a chance with a ripped up one, and reworking it...

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