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Man Charged with Pulling Gun in Bar


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Deer Park

Chad O'Reilly (damn Leprechauns!!)

A spokesman for the Buckeye Firearms Association says it was illegal before and it is more illegal now and it shows that the law is going to work, because O'Reilly is facing serious felony charges.


The comments are actually pretty good as far as people saying its not the new laws fault just a bad area and would have happened anyway

Of course there are the typical GUNS ARE BAD post as well


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"Executive Director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence says, "We are grateful that no one was injured or killed. The people of Ohio need to take this opportunity to stand up by asking their favorite bars and restaurants not to allow hidden guns."

Effin Great.

Anyone know if he had a CHL? Haven't seen that mentioned yet.

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Story is basically this: He was in a bar drinking, had an argument with a "Hispanic" patron. He left and came back shortly after with his Glock .40 and threatened to kill him. His buddy's took him outside and he was later arrested without any resistance. He is a CCW permit hold as well.

So here's what I see: 1) we don't know if he was even carrying while in the bar in the first place. If so why didn't he just pull on the wetback right there instead of leaving and coming back. 2) this has absolutely nothing to do with the new law. All it does is make the penalties for taking a firearm while licensed to carry into an establishment and drinking greatly increased. 3) the dude was on the 'roids! Can everyone say "Roid Rage!"

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:nono: the news will play this out to read all CCW holders are bad! :mad:

Which is such a shame. I mean look what just happened again yesterday in California. Another crazed lunatic indescrimately picking people off in a crowded public place. The only intervention in a situation like that is someone with a CCW that can take the POS out. By the time that LEO's arrive they've usually killed a good number of unarmed people.

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:nono: the news will play this out to read all CCW holders are bad! :mad:

This is why I think CCW with handguns is bad. Allow rifles and shot guns only! Everyone can see you coming and make a judgement call on weather or not you look mentally stabile enough to carry the weapon. :D;)



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Maybe not. But you know this is going to hurt the cause. See my quote above, it's already started.

Oh I agree completely. Take a look at some of the comments on the link I provided. I guess I'll be taking a drive over to Danny Bubp's office to talk to him about how this will be seen in Columbus. ;)

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I can see the 11pm news now. :lol: Never seek out a journalist looking for them to see common sense. They don't care about reality, they sell stories based on drama. Like the motorcyclist in Gahanna who was stopped for wreckless opp. Story wasn't about the wreckless driving as much as "he had a gun"! CCW is an excuse for journalists to inflame situations with artistic license about the added danger due to a gun being present.

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This pretty much sums it up for me: Buckey Firearms Org - O'Reilly Case

"In this case, it is also important to note that the behavior allegedly exhibited by O'Reilly was illegal under our previous laws, and is still unlawful under our present laws. Ohio's new law didn't cause, help or allow this alleged criminal to do anything he couldn't have done before the law was modified. And since law enforcement officials say O'Reilly was apparently an unlawful user of a controlled substance, he may not have even been able to have possession of the gun in the first place. Ultimately, this incident just goes to show that no gun control law can prevent someone from gaining possession of or using a firearm unlawfully."

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The media never does.

I wonder if the folks that write these articles or are antigun have ever fired a firearm before. I mean I remember the first time I shot one at a range it was a s&w .40 and I was a little nervous but after I shot it I was like.....WTF! That's all it is? It's just like using a tool like a saw or a drill, yes you can kill with it but anything can kill you.

This guy could've been like me and carried a knife then the story would be that people shouldn't carry knives, but people carried knives before guns, where is the outrage over knife crime?

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