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new feature for the forum?


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i noticed on some other forums, on the left side under the user name where it says location, they also have a thing where it says what bike you have. this might help out some of us newbs that are trying to put user names to bikes.

just an idea

Yup. This is coming. Just waiting for the new version of PHPBB to come out. Right now it's in Beta5. The next release will be RC1. At that point I'll migrate our board over to the new software. The new software is the shit. I have the beta running here. It's amazing how much new stuff they added. It's bad ass. I also have it running on www.3rdHonk.com if you want to check it out. 3rd Honk has the default theme and everything. I'm working on modifying this theme for the new software.

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holy shit 3rd honk is back?

my buddy billy owned that a long time ago, racing forum just for our friends. then he forgot to re-sign/pay for the year and some photographer guy bought the domain.

so i take it you own 3rd honk now?

Uhm, that's definitely not what happened. Billy's server crashed, and he gave up. He signed the domain name over to me, and I threw a bulletin board on it. But yeah, it's up and I run it. A few people are helping me out with it since I spend most of my time working on this site.

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