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China hit and run little girl left to die


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Found this on another forum:

If a vehicle operator hits a pedestrian the government forces them to pay the medical bills (which are insane in China's economy) the people quite literally cannot afford it. IF however the victim dies on the scene there are no fee's or medical bills, and the government writes it off as an "accident." This means if someone hits you in a car or a bus they will INTENTIONALLY back up over you until you are dead in order to avoid inevitability going bankrupt.

Even if the driver flees and someone on the street runs to help, THEY are charged with your injury. No one wanted to help her because the government would charge them the insane bills this girl would have if for some ungodly reason she was still alive. This rule is multiplied immensely if you're American, as you will inevitably seek the help of an American doctor or medical institution which are astronomically more expensive.


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Those people need to be shot...in the face...with a .50 cal. As a dad of 2 little girls I would track down and kill anyone involved if that was my child. Coming from the same society that eats dogs, I am not terribly shocked though.

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Really? Comon man...

As sad as it is, it is quite true. With the booming population problem in China and not wanting a girl, I am sure far worse things than this occur. I am not condoning or supporting this activity as it is definitely fucked up but it is what it is. As the world becomes more and more over crowded things like this will become more common.

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It is a culture thing. They as a people have been programed for hundreds of years. Remember, the best way to control the masses is to make them believe in an unseen God, and keep them un-educated. :nono:

Not condoning it, but who do you blame?

Ride safe all, and please, ATGATT.


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yes it's fucked, but so is slamming your baby to death in the middle of the street like the hood rat over on 16th ave did last year. you cant really stereotype an entire culture when we have shit that is just as fucked up going on at home.

btw all those people need to die

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I don't believe the description of Chinese laws. There are a couple of chinese guys on my team at work so I can ask them. I do know there are severe penalties for hit and run.

Anyway, if anything good can come from this, but drivers were arrested.

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Sorry, couldn't stomach actually watching the vid. My little girl (7) is lying peacfully in her bed, and I am thankful for that each night. That is beyond inhuman what has been described here. 7th circle of Hell for that Chinese bastard!

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