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why is it..


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that when you deal with a business and you have a bad experience, and the bad experience is because of something the did.. bad quality, poor customer service, bad fitment , etc..

you write a review about the experience and its the truth

your all the sudden the asshole

i have only had to do it 3 times, and every time i have gotten lit up by the company / owner / person

i mean i understand you want to protect your business and potential customers, but you could have done that by doing things right in the first place.

i think honest reviews, good or bad are what help us as customers to see what we are going to expect.

sorry for the rant.. but i needed to vent after getting blown up on over the phone by a company i left a review for :o

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Hob, its typical. Everyone has an automatic defense mechanism they use when attacked, justifiably or not. These anti social mediums we use, phones, internet....etc only commonly serves to give those who fit the 'flight' portion of 'fight or flight' the balls to 'fight' back with their mouths or keyboards.

The day of good customer service is nearly gone and with it any portion of 'I give a sh!t' from even company owners.

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If I read a review and the company stepped up and corrected the problem, than I will definitely do business with them.

If I read a review and the company does nothing to correct a problem, it would make me cautious in doing business with them.

If I read a review and the company attacks the reviewer, there is no way in hell they are getting my business.

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Hob, its typical. Everyone has an automatic defense mechanism they use when attacked, justifiably or not. These anti social mediums we use, phones, internet....etc only commonly serves to give those who fit the 'flight' portion of 'fight or flight' the balls to 'fight' back with their mouths or keyboards.

The day of good customer service is nearly gone and with it any portion of 'I give a sh!t' from even company owners.

imo: there are plenty of companies that will stand behind their products and take negative reviews as an opportunity to show this commitment and make improvements.

@hob, the only people that will attack an honest review are people that lack any business knowledge and do not know how to conduct themselves professionally

Edited by obesityrules
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If I read a review and the company stepped up and corrected the problem, than I will definitely do business with them.

If I read a review and the company does nothing to correct a problem, it would make me cautious in doing business with them.

If I read a review and the company attacks the reviewer, there is no way in hell they are getting my business.

Fo sho

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Funny I have a great story about this, I can be long winded so let me break it down if I can.

Specialty RV in lancaster had 1 of my trailers for a new rubber roof, usually costs 800-1,000. Just roll on rubber and seal everything up. No problem, takes 2 days tops. They had the trailer for 8 weeks. I didn't go get it because everytime I called they said they were starting it and it was torn apart and I didnt want to drive to lancaster to check. Plus it was still early spring.

Anyways, after 8 weeks they call me and say it is done, they did that, and repacked bearings, and checked trailer breaks. They told me the bill was 780 or something I was like awesome.

I go pick it up, the guy tells me he cant warranty anything, Im like that is fine I understand. He then proceeds to tell me they did NOT put a rubber coating on but just filled the cracks, I said for 780? no way. Caulk is 6.00 a tub for hte top of the line, and he claimed they used 8 boxes! I was like WTF rubber coating is 50 for a gallon, takes 2-3 to do...

Anyways, I call and try to talk to the store owner, nothing, get sent back to the service manager, he tells me he didnt warranty it and wont refund anything. I take the trailer to the races, it leakes first trip in the rain. Worse than before, I call again, same thing.

I file a BBB report, it got deleted because it was "resolved" I was NEVER contacted, nothing lasted, nothing was done.

Now I tell anyone and everyone to stay away from them and go to RCD in Newark/Pataskala. I've been to RCD twice now, and they told me this is ongoing with Specialty RV in Lancaster.

But the dude i talked to steve in the service department acted like I was the bad guy accusing him of his mistakes and lies.

It is funny because it's so true.

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heh I was afraid I was going to be dealing with this same issue. I'll leave the name of the company out because they did the right thing but here the story:

I ordered and HID kit for the bike early last week. The company is out in CA, bu the item was shipped from China. last night the package arrived poorly packaged, and with no instructions. I pulled the kit apart and it seemed to be pretty good quality. I started looking at the harness and realized that its the harness for a car and not a motorcycle. They just provide a slim ballast and send only one bulb. I started looking in to modifying it to work, I would have had to splice and extend the connector that connects to the factory bulb connector. It's 3 wires and really not that big of a deal. But if I cut the harness it voids the lifetime warranty.

I checked their site and it states the kit is for a bike, but I've never seen a bike with the headlight and the battery 8 inches apart. (the harness has the battery terminal connections and the connector to connect to the factory bulb connector on the same end of the harness.) So I was left with 2 options send it back and get charged a 20% restocking fee, on top of the money to ship it, or modify the harness and hope I never need the warranty. I ended up calling them today to discuss the issues, they waived the restocking fee, so I'm going to ship it back.

They were reluctant to waive the restocking fee, but finally did. Like I said the kit looked like it was pretty good quality, but the fact that it was poorly packaged, had no instructions and was using the harness for a car, just doesn't seem right.

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sorry for the rant.. but i needed to vent after getting blown up on over the phone by a company i left a review for :o

I am curious what they said to you. I certainly take you at your word that you were honest about your experience...and I assume you gave them a chance to make it right and they didn't. So I guess I wonder WTF they could possibly say at that point about your review. Just trying to understand their logic.

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Here is the review i wrote


earlier this year i put a Southern Motorcycle Works Black Sabbath Elite 21" front wheel

i was running a stock 18" off a 2011, so when i ordered the wheel i ordered a wheel for a 2011 since i already had the axel and spacers for a 20111 already in the bike.

when i got the wheel after 2 months it didnt fit. i had to send it back and they put a different hub in it, that took about 2 weeks..

get the wheel back and it fit, sweet... but i was out $60 to ship it back to them

they did however send me matching rotors for free to compensate for the mistake, which i no longer use since i went to brembo brakes upfront.

after a while having a nice 21" wheel up front and a stock wheel out back got to me.

so i call them up to order a matching rear wheel

ordered a 18 x 4.25" rear wheel (thats what most of the guys on the forum run when going to a custom wheel)

stock on my bike is a 16 x 3.5" wheel. i discussed with him that i wanted to go to that wider wheel cause i wanted that wider wheel look, and the 150 70 18 would fit nicer on that wider wheel.

this time it only took 2 and a half weeks to get the wheel, which is pretty quick since they cut there wheels upon order.

mount my tire, throw it up on the bike and it just plain doesnt work.. pulley hits the swing arm, or if i move it over the other way rotor binds in the caliper.

call randy and ask him what the deal may be. he offered to swap me wheels out, send the 4.25" wide wheel back and he would send me a 18x 3.5"

i still wanted to keep the 4.25" wide wheel so..

at my wits end i take it to a local custom bike shop, maybe i was doing something wrong. they have the bike no more than and hour and give me a call. they say the hub on the pulley side is to big.

i call randy at Southern Motorcycle, he said that what he sent me should have worked for the application i was doing. i call the shop back and get measurements, etc. they told me i need a 3" hub and whats on there is a 3 1/4" hub which is making the pulley hit the swing arm. and the belt to tire clearance is over a half inch. so i got room to come in with the pulley.

call randy back and he agrees to send me the new hub. which is 2.91"

one way or another the hub that was sent in the wheel just wouldnt work for me

so instead of getting a set of wheels i could just bolt on, i get a freaking mess.

the shop is gonna charge me 2 hours which is about $150 plus parts.. which is custom spacers, new pulley bolts and rotor bolts (because Randy forgot to mention when i ordered, that i couldnt use the stock bolts, and didnt send any bolts with it either)

The wheels are very good quality, and i love the design, one of the biggest reason i ordered from them.

Seems like they dont know the fitment of there wheels, i just wish that i could have ordered once and everything would have bolted up without issue.

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Owner basically said i didnt state everything that happened. I think did a pretty accurate account of what happened.

He found out about the review from a customer who called in wanting wheels but was concerned about fitment issues after reading my thread... Which he should be

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I did clean my post up since its original post, i used some cuss words out of anger, so i reworded to omit them lol. Trying not to make it as vulgar. I try to give an accurate review thats honest and list good and bad points. Im not gonna go and say just the bad aspects, cause that wouldnt be fair

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Ok, if that dude had called me to yell at me for a review like that after what they did I would have just told him to F off and die. People make mistakes, we all do. It is what they do to correct the mistake that is a measure of how good they are. They offered no solution that didn't end up costing you extra cash. Send the wheel back for 60 bucks and they put the hub on it, or you pay someone else 150 bucks to put the hub on.

Neither solution is acceptable, and your review accurately reflected that. Next time, tell them Tonik said F off and die.

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Playing Devil's Advocate here, but the fact is that there are always three sides to every story. The customer, the seller and the truth is most likely somewhere in between.

The review seemed perfectly fine. I felt that there were some missing details as such like was there ever any measurements given by Hob, were there questions asked to make sure the spacing was correct by the seller, etc.

I also think that people nowadays have pretty thin skin. I think it is POSSIBLE that Hob is taking what they said as yelling at him and I think they are taking what Hob stated as really bashing them.

Truth be told in business and social media, you NEVER seem to get people creating threads about just how great the service they got was. However, if they do, it is a VERY small % when compared to the number of people that get on forums to complain. Not saying Hob is complaining...

See what I mean? The company probably is a bang up company that does a really great job. They probably have hundreds upon hundreds of great and satisfied customers. But, as with ANY company, they screw up. And, when they do, most the time, people are going to rant on them in the social media. Now, if they get it fixed, they get it done right and make things right, then that's something that usually goes without note. Meaning, the customer doesn't usually get online, create a thread saying the issues were this and company XYZ came through and made everything right. They just move on.

I also wouldn't ever expect that the stock bolts would have worked on a custom wheel. I also wouldn't expect that they wouldn't supply bolts had they not been able to use stockers...

Anyways, sounds like a fairly minor issue overall. When doing things completely custom, one has to always count on shit not going right. After all, you are not using what the bike was designed for and are changing the bike way beyond what was intended. Custom work is just that - custom and typically never exact the first time...

I think both sides have merit as to being a bit upset. But, as I mentioned above, we usually only get one side. We need to consider that sometimes, we tend to get a little creative on our story telling at times. Emotions were high and Hob was upset so, I am sure a bit of that came through. But, IF the company guy yelled at Hob for that review, I can see a bit of that. As stated before, if they fixed the issue, that's what matters. But, it is hard to fix something that a guy goes on the forums and posts stuff before putting it solely to bed. Why not contact the company about the bolts and spacers? If you did, what was the response? Or, did you want to move forward because you didn't want to wait anymore?

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I like to take any issue to the owner/manager and give them a chance to make it right "in my eyes". When that doesn't happen or I feel feet are being dragged I go straight to the Attorney General and BBB. 9 times out of 10 the issue gets resolve to my satisfaction shortly thereafter. If it does not get resolved I have full documentation to present my side and the business has no room to bitch about the bad review.

+1 to Hob for trying to present the FULL story, but like I said I'd go to the attorney general or BBB first because now the business is less likely to try and resolve the issue because the damage is done.

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