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End of the dollar...we are screwed


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very interesting and long video http://www.stansberryresearch.com/pro/1108PSINEWVD/6PSIMA22/PR

Same information in text instead of video http://www.stansberryresearch.com/pro/1108PSINEWVD/6PSIMA22/PR

He actually makes some really good points about the possibility of the dollar no longer being the worlds resereve currency and it is a scary thought.

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It is pretty scary when you think about it and realize that paper in your pocket is just that or that number your bank account is just a number that could have virtually no value some day. Our money is no longer backed by gold and hell there is more than likely not even any gold left at Ft Knox.

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we will eventually take a huge hit as a country however i believe that will lead to our country becoming better for the citizens. More employment because we will have to produce our own things instead of buying most of it from other countries. Not to mention it would restructure our government and economic systems (hopefully for the better due to the need of more restraint) which we know we need to do now.

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Don't know about anyone else, but I have to think of Brazil. Their economy went bonkers in the late 90s, and the money they earned from their paycheck wouldn't make it from where they cashed it to the grocery to spend it. It devalued that fast. They were in that bad of condition. But they survived, and are a reasonably powerful economy now. Eighth largest economy in the world.

If anything, that's exactly what would happen to us. A decade of struggle.

In part triggered by the Asian economic troubles of the time. Which were brought on by bad decisions and practices by some of the Asian banks. The economic struggles of the renewed Russia at the same time didn't help.

The point there would be that even a hint of troubles in the Euro Nation will certainly effect the USA, and vice versa.

edit: oh, and don't forget the 512 point drop in the DOW in 1998 as a result. That and several other drops in the DOW that same year. At the time, the second largest drop in the history of the DOW.

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Debts to other countries are nothing new, and used to be settled by trading land for debt. So what part of the USA would we give away, that another country would actually want? My guess is that Japan would cover us in trade for Hawaii, which would fetch a rather high value. China, who owns our debt, would take anything. I would guess they would have an interest in our West Coast. Anything from LA to Alaska.

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  ReconRat said:
Debts to other countries are nothing new, and used to be settled by trading land for debt. So what part of the USA would we give away, that another country would actually want? My guess is that Japan would cover us in trade for Hawaii, which would fetch a rather high value. China, who owns our debt, would take anything. I would guess they would have an interest in our West Coast. Anything from LA to Alaska.

I keep saying we need to sell Washington DC to China. Unofficially they own it already. :lol: It wouldn't hurt my feelings is we sold New Mexico. Let the Chinese enforce the border there. :rolleyes:

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  JRMMiii said:

Oh stop being so serious. We know that Mexican Drug Lords actually owns the US. Or at least California. Canada Owns Maine and parts on New Hampshire. Cuba owns Florida. Japan Own Hawaii. Finland Owns Utah. Ireland owns Ohio, ergo our new rainy weather patterns. Not sure who owns Michigan. :rolleyes:

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  buildit said:
Oh stop being so serious. We know that Mexican Drug Lords actually owns the US. Or at least California. Canada Owns Maine and parts on New Hampshire. Cuba owns Florida. Japan Own Hawaii. Finland Owns Utah. Ireland owns Ohio, ergo our new rainy weather patterns. Not sure who owns Michigan. :rolleyes:

I don't know if you could even get anyone to claim Michigan

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  buildit said:
Well, I know the car manufacturers are trying to leave as fast as possible. :rolleyes:

I always just have to bust peoples balls about Michigan. We have a few locations up around Detroit metro area and work very closely with the automotive sector. I just can't stand a good chunk of the people up that way or their mentality

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Hmm....anyone that says "I will share this secret with you soon, I don't want too many people to know about it." makes me very skeptical. :dunno:



Just google "Porter Stansberry scam" and browse around...

That being said, yes the dollar and the US are screwed...

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  chevysoldier said:
Hmm....anyone that says "I will share this secret with you soon, I don't want too many people to know about it." makes me very skeptical. :dunno:



Just google "Porter Stansberry scam" and browse around...

That being said, yes the dollar and the US are screwed...

yea I cant say i would trust this guys but what he is saying makes sense he just happens to have an interest in revealing these truths for his own gain

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