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Can we just call this OhioFirearms.net


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Hey now, I'm 18-25, and I don't have a gun. But I do understand that a group of people that has more than one common interest will discuss both.. I'd be more interested in guns if I could stop myself from spending gun money on my bike. Doesn't mean I'm against the sub forum though.

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OP... 18-25 years old, grew up within the outerbelt, mom is a Democrat. Tell me I'm wrong.

let's not crucify the OP for asking a question. How he or she reacts to the answers posted will tell me a lot more about his or her character than the fact that the question was asked.

Disagreeing with democrats is a zestful endeavor; using the term "democrat" as an insult is somewhat out of line this early in the game. Let's not prove the gun haters right by going all "from my cold dead hands" on them prematurely.

To wit, the OP never (directly) said he or she had anything against firearms.

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I meant nothing derogatory by any of those descriptors. The comment about gun-enthusiast=assassin indicates a certain naivety often demonstrated by those with few experiences outside of urban America and its public school system. It was simply my guess at his profile.

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let's not crucify the OP for asking a question. How he or she reacts to the answers posted will tell me a lot more about his or her character than the fact that the question was asked.

What you think he is going to fly off the handle and disappear for a while :D

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IMO the firearms threads add interaction with people on here and unlike most sites the people here actually do things together, not just type about things they do from a computer... I have met some good people from this site that i would not have ever met if it were not for there shared interests in firearms. I could also say the same thing about the dirt threads, not everyone in here shares the passion for riding dirt but it is a great forum to meet the people that do and ride differant area's that maybe you didnt know about or did not want to ride alone.

Edited by bowdog
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Also... gun forums are full of know-it-all pricks. Here, we have know-it-all pricks who ride too. What's not to love?

haha. ^ rep coming your way.

I think it's fair to add as well that firearms can be more accessible to some members who aren't able to ride, or own a bike for one reason or another.

You can pick up an inexpensive .22 rifle, or a hi-point pistol new for $130. Find a road-worthy bike for that price...

We really need to work on a trackday/shoot meetup to combine the best of both worlds.

Friday evening open practice with MotoSeries, and then saturday shoot at A&A? Then camp again Saturday night, and watch or race on Sunday?

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I have also learned here at OR the people are from all walks of life and will help a fellow rider with anything...pets guns bikes jobs etc. So rather than be confused or lost on any subject ask here first some one will help you...and you might be able to help some one else too.

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I have also learned here at OR the people are from all walks of life and will help a fellow rider with anything...pets guns bikes jobs etc. So rather than be confused or lost on any subject ask here first some one will help you...and you might be able to help some one else too.


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Ok, let me start by saying that I have absolutely nothing against guns, or those who own them. I just stated that I notice a lot of the new threads being about them.

My comment about the assassin was kinda meant to be a joke, i obviously realize that all people that like/own guns do not use them for a living. I have been to the gun range a few times in my life and I enjoy shooting, just dont have one of my own.

You guys make a lot of good points, some unnecessary, but none-the-less interesting. :) I cant blame any of you for your enthusiam about guns because I share the same enthusiam about my bike, don't ride for a living, but I ride it enough to say I do...lol

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Ok, let me start by saying that I have absolutely nothing against guns, or those who own them. I just stated that I notice a lot of the new threads being about them.

My comment about the assassin was kinda meant to be a joke, i obviously realize that all people that like/own guns do not use them for a living. I have been to the gun range a few times in my life and I enjoy shooting, just dont have one of my own.

You guys make a lot of good points, some unnecessary, but none-the-less interesting. :) I cant blame any of you for your enthusiam about guns because I share the same enthusiam about my bike, don't ride for a living, but I ride it enough to say I do...lol

OR <3 making unnecessary points! Welcome!

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I like the ability to discuss firearms with limited moderation. Gun forums are too restrictive in subject matter and free ideas. The know it alls on gun forums are really annoying to have a conversation with when the parameters are so narrowly defined. A fucking stupid comment needs to be replied to appropriately and discourse needs to have its place. Suggesting that doing something illegal in conflict with a stupid law should have a place to get hammered out. If you don't agree with my ideas or opinion you should be able to do it without guidelines just like in the real world. Gun forums suck for the most part. You can glean valuable factual information from them but discussion in them really sucks.

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^ I mostly agree, but we have to be careful about not jumping down people's throats when they ask relatively innocuous questions.

It's nice to see that the OP was able to get past some of the more "blunt" answers.

...it totally ruins my entertainment for the rest of the work-day, but it's nice to see.

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Why do SOO many people come HERE to OhioRiders.net to discuss guns?? :confused: (Am I missing something?)

ORDN is a catch all. We talk about bikes, guns, politics, (sheep)sex, etc, etc. There is a wide variety of people one here and from my experience guns and bikes seem to kind of go hand in hand. Many of us get together for shoots and cookouts, not just going on rides.

If you get lost in gun threads, and want to learn more, just browse through the firearms section. There is a lot of good information there, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Most of the gun people on here are always willing to help you out and convert you to a "gun nut" :D

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This forum is actually what made me get my handgun and ccw, just reading through some of the threads made me think about situations I never thought about before and really got me interested lol I grew up around guns and had a couple shotguns but no one I ever knew carried one, at least that I knew of. But after being on here a while I realized a lot of people do carry and for legitimate reasons.

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