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People not looking Rant


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just need a moment to rant about how much less people are looking, i swear it is worse now then in the summer, and it was damn bad in the summer. Today on my commute in to work I had a Lexus on Olentange change lanes on the curve and damn near hit me. I grab the brakes and hit the horn, and they give me the nasty looks like it was my fault that I was where they wanted to be. Then not even a half a mile later a CABS bus pulls away from the curb on King and damn near takes me out, I hit the horn and and twist the throttle a bit to get by, and they just keep coming.

Ok, Thanks for the rant, we now return you to your normally scheduled gun talk.

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If you happened to get the bus number or a general description of the driver I can help you out.

Thanks, but I didn't get any of that, it was about 7:30 today on King between Cannon and Pennsylvania. I really just needed to rant a bit and get it off my chest. I wouldn't worry about it.

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Youre stating the obvious!!. You dont look for snowmobiles during the summer do you? Same thing with Deer. I dont see posts in June about watching out for deer.


Yes they should watch out but the average person doesnt think a motorcycle rider is going to be out when they are wearing a winter coat and scraping frost off their windshields in the morning. You're ridding during the off season and you need to pay more attention!!!

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Youre stating the obvious!!. You dont look for snowmobiles during the summer do you? Same thing with Deer. I dont see posts in June about watching out for deer.


Yes they should watch out but the average person doesnt think a motorcycle rider is going to be out when they are wearing a winter coat and scraping frost off their windshields in the morning. You're ridding during the off season and you need to pay more attention!!!

Uhm, it's almost 70 today. I'd say it's still motorcycle season. Cagers think it's open season though.

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Uhm, it's almost 70 today. I'd say it's still motorcycle season. Cagers think it's open season though.

Still a seasonal thing. A random nice day doesnt change the fact that the season is over for most. Snow in the summer doesnt mean its winter either.

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seasons have nothing to do with it. people just dont look.

ive ridden pretty much year round, and i do not have any more incidents in the winter than i do in the summer.

people dont pay attention REGARDLESS of what season it is.

btw YES i watch for deer in june. they are all over ALL YEAR.

maybe im not expecting a snowmobile in july, but if i see one, im not gonna run into it.

Edited by John
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Youre stating the obvious!!. You dont look for snowmobiles during the summer do you? Same thing with Deer. I dont see posts in June about watching out for deer.


Yes they should watch out but the average person doesnt think a motorcycle rider is going to be out when they are wearing a winter coat and scraping frost off their windshields in the morning. You're ridding during the off season and you need to pay more attention!!!

Ummmm I was paying attention, that is why I am venting on here and not in the hospital or morgue, or jail from where if I was not too hurt, I kill them.

So by your logic, if they did hit me, it would have been ok because it was my fault for riding when Flounder says I should not?

You sir, are an asshat.

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I have more close calls during the "normal season" than I do Spring or Fall. I swear drivers are getting worse and worse, however.

Case in point, I almost got T-boned in my neighborhood, IN MY CAR!! Lady totally blew a stop sign and about ran me off the road, never looked till I chased her down and had a few words with her. I hope she'll be more careful next time.

Edited by wantahertzdonut
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hmmm, had two attempted lane changes into me this morning. Pretty much typical. But I was in the SUV, just like them. So I ignored them. And guess what? They back off and get out of the way. Makes me wonder if not a good percentage just want to force their way into another lane. I'm thinking so. They see you sometimes on a motorcycle, they just don't care.

And yet another lesson, I almost blew through a yellow yesterday, but decided not to. Nasty intersection, you never know what will happen there. And this little dirt bag car to my left, yanks it over into my lane, barely clearing both me (on the bike) and the truck that was in front of them in that left lane, and blew through the yellow/red, swerving hard enough to nearly hit the curb on the opposite side. Geez... glad I backed off and was already on the brakes.

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hmmm, had two attempted lane changes into me this morning. Pretty much typical. But I was in the SUV, just like them. So I ignored them. And guess what? They back off and get out of the way. Makes me wonder if not a good percentage just want to force their way into another lane. I'm thinking so. They see you sometimes on a motorcycle, they just don't care.

And yet another lesson, I almost blew through a yellow yesterday, but decided not to. Nasty intersection, you never know what will happen there. And this little dirt bag car to my left, yanks it over into my lane, barely clearing both me (on the bike) and the truck that was in front of them in that left lane, and blew through the yellow/red, swerving hard enough to nearly hit the curb on the opposite side. Geez... glad I backed off and was already on the brakes.

I see enough of people destroying their car to pass me in a bus. It's almost a wtf moment as to why they are in a hurry so bad.

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seasons have nothing to do with it. people just dont look.

ive ridden pretty much year round, and i do not have any more incidents in the winter than i do in the summer.

people dont pay attention REGARDLESS of what season it is.

btw YES i watch for deer in june. they are all over ALL YEAR.

maybe im not expecting a snowmobile in july, but if i see one, im not gonna run into it.

I actually get people pulling out MORE when its "motorcycle season"

I think it has to do with the double takes i get when people see a motorcycle when its below freezing. The more the temp drops, the more i seem to be seen.

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I will get it eventually, since I ride all yr when possible. The old palms up and dump as a hay rake look, or the No. 1 high sign. Or the bright lights on, as if I need to be reminded your in a car.

But the best is the, and it is usually a little old woman, cause her husband lost his balls yrs ago.

"You motorcycle guys should not be aloud to ride in the Winter".

I usually ask why is that, and the response is usually, "You just shouldn't".

Only once I did say that she shouldn't be driving in the Winter also, when she asked me why I said, and I feel bad about it: Because your to old to drive. I watched you cut off a van when you pulled in earlier, remember that? She didn't. But she did remember that I was No. 1, I just smiled. :D

Just remember all, we are INVISABLE, and it is our responsability to make them see us. Bright gear, high beams, give them space and don't ever assume, anything.

Ride safe all, and please, ATGATT.

God, is it that tough to figure out ?


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just need a moment to rant about how much less people are looking, i swear it is worse now then in the summer, and it was damn bad in the summer. Today on my commute in to work I had a Lexus on Olentange change lanes on the curve and damn near hit me. I grab the brakes and hit the horn, and they give me the nasty looks like it was my fault that I was where they wanted to be. Then not even a half a mile later a CABS bus pulls away from the curb on King and damn near takes me out, I hit the horn and and twist the throttle a bit to get by, and they just keep coming.

Ok, Thanks for the rant, we now return you to your normally scheduled gun talk.

I fully understand your rant,I had two EXTREMELY close callls last week.The second one even led me to stop riding to work for a couple days,but I was back out there this week.I know it goes without saying,but be careful out there.

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I know it happens all the time, hell rarely a week goes by that there isn't some cager that does something stupid. It was just a rant because that day was just enough to make me pop my top. And I wanted to vent to others that know what I am talking about. Ranting to cagers is not the same.

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