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To the rider coming off Airport drive tonight...


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You: Guy on a dual sport/sumo type thing, came off Airport Drive, past Dominican, left on Sunbury. In the rain. In the dark. Looks like you might have just about bought the farm making the turn, looked back to make sure that your ass was still there and not smeared across the intersection.

Me: In the silver Sable three cars back thinking, "better you than me, brother." Bet it wasn't raining or dark when you left home, right? Daylight savings is a bitch. :D

DISCLAIMER: Rider was wearing full gear, so plus points there.

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I always forget that every Ohio motorcycle owner is a member here. :D

Odds are they are, but if not they will be or at least be a vistor. The main objective here is a friendly reminder to all to 1. check the weather 2. Keep your eye on the time. But it also let's us know you never know where a fellow rider might be. I would of been greatful just knowing had something happened there was some one there watching making sure i was safe.

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