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GL Christmas C.A.


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So my dad found a place in Mansfield that has a ton of it, BUT it was $51.00 out the door... I almost feel like the place he bought it litearlly charged him for like 2 cases.

Is that the norm? I haven't bought it by the case, only on tap, and never had anything like that before.

And yes, I am serious, local carryout in Mansfield, 51bux out the door for a case of Great Lakes Christmas Ale.


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Thanks boss, I was just like wtf. I know when I get it on tap its normal micro price.. I don't really mind paying 8 for a pint or what not lol.

yea i know what you mean, the cashiers always give me the weirdest look when they see I'm spending $100 on just 2 cases of beer. It sucks, but its one of my favorite beers and its only out a limited time so I drink the hell out of it this time of year

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Damn! I feel lucky going to the brew pub every friday and getting it for $4 a glass. And kegs are available in any kind of G.L. from the brew pub, as for anywhere else you are probably only going to find what ever the seasonal beer is at the time if your lucky. I just finished off a keg of Nosferatu and will probably be picking up a keg of christmas ale shortly :D Im really starting to like Cleveland haha

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