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fail boat


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I don't care who has the right of way, you have a freaking mile to see this coming, get the fuck out of the way. Unless they were playing the slowest game of chicken ever, in that case touché to the bigger boat, you obviously won that one!

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It never surprises me at the amount of morons that get behind the wheel of the boat with absolutely zero knowledge of the laws of the waterway or even common courtesy. I can't remember a single summer I've been on the lake that I don't see dumb shit like this on a regular basis

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Boat ROW rules are weird and not as well defined as road rules. Depending on the type of vessels you can have a situation where one rule gives YOU right of way, whereas another rule gives THEM right of way.

None of that matters though - this was a clear day and they both had plenty time to avoid that collision.

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Boat ROW rules are weird and not as well defined as road rules. Depending on the type of vessels you can have a situation where one rule gives YOU right of way, whereas another rule gives THEM right of way.

None of that matters though - this was a clear day and they both had plenty time to avoid that collision.

They are defined just most dont know or care to know them.

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Small boat yields to big boat

Powered boat yields to sail boat

Give-way boat yeilds to Stand-on boat.

Shallow boat yeilds to Draft-limited boat.

So who has ROW when a large sailboat meets a smaller but draft-limited powered vessel on its right?

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Here is your pecking order simplified.

-Boat not under command (injured operator)

-Boat with restricted maneuverbility (tug boat)

-Boat with constrained draft

-Fishing vessel (not the guy trolling for walleye in lake erie. Commercial with long lines or nets)


-Power boat

So i would say the sailboat needs to giveway. If im reading what your thinking right.

It does seem confusing. There are alot of scenerios that you just wont run into inland. Most importantly just dont act like a dick out on the water and your fine. Say your going thru a channel on an inland lake. There is a boat coming the opposite direction. Now if you started giving him a 1 short or 2 short blast from the horn letting him know if you were going to pass on the port or starboard side he would look at you like WTF 99% of the time. I just move out of his way, wave and go about my afternoon.

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