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Gun dude 6 year old


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So I had my nieces and nephews over for a "sleepover" last night. We were eating breakfast, where I had an (empty) magazine for my gun on the table. Six year old nephew sees and asks what it is. To keep it simple, I say "it's part of my gun, that holds bullets". He says "a magazine?". Um, WHAT? There's gun guys who (incorrectly) call them cartridges. And my 6 year old nephew has it right??

I ask him how he knows that. He points to his head and says "it's all up here baby" (or something like that. )

(his dad is NOT a gun guy. Turns out he learned it in school w a LEO visit)

NoBama 2012

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I think it's good when kids are schooled on firearms early in life, the more they know the better, just in case.......I learned to shoot at age 8 and my Dad taught me some decent basics of guns and hunting, plus we took the hunter's safety course together so we could share time killing/dressing small game and deer -- definitely worth it for Dad's to teach their youngster's whats what - never know when they'll need some survival tactics in life......especially when the zombie's are a comin'!!

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That's alright my 6 year old just blew the guys at the gun shop away last Friday when we were picking up my gun. We walked up to the gun cases and he looks in an says wow dad look at all the 1911's they have. The guy was shocked to say the least. He was also impressed my older boys pointed out the scar and m4's they also taunted me by pointing out the m1a I drool over..

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