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I'm on ebay shopping for some shorty levers for the SV. Chinese all over the place for $36+. ASV from an American seller for like $146. I would really rather support the American seller, but at that much of a difference, I can't bring myself to do it.

Heard some guys talking in Harbor Freight (of all places...) the other day about looking for a good floor jack, and everything the found (at other stores) is Chinese.

They've got us up against a wall. Facing it. In a perp spread.

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The chinese levers are shit. They are not machined from the same material and they are typically pressed or cast and made to look like CNC machined higher end aluminum.

We had a set of rearsets a guy was using from a chinese maker and they actually broke at the seam where they were pressed together.

I mean, you crash, they will break and fail as will the good stuff. However, if it falls over and hits and fractures and you don't know it and hope they don't fail while riding your bike, you get off lucky where the ASV levers will most likely not bend and will certainly not fracture and you are good to go.

With the budgets being so tight on race teams all over the world, if the chinese shit was worth a fuck, they'd be running it on their bikes. As far as I know and from the racers I run with or am around, not a single privateer puts faith in Chinese shit...

Car jacks aren't as important as levers...

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Actually, these are for the broke-dick SV1k (strangely not called the S-Vee while the lil one would be the S-Wee according to VStrom criteria. Thank goodness).

I done did something to it, now the fuel system won't prime/ pressurize.

I've got the Chi-Comm shorty's on the 6, and they've done just fine. I'm not a machinist, so can't say for sure, but they seem to be machined from solid billet. Its the whole "supporting China and sealing our own fate" thing for me.

They're gonna crush us.

Now, gotta go out and buy that new Korn CD.

  Isaac said:
I had CRG levers on my 748. I loved 'em. They were expensive' date=' but it wasn't like I was riding some broke-dick SV650. You'd probably be alright with the Chi-Com bits. After all, Hobs' Harley is ~85% Chinese.. and he's not ashamed to ride it. Not really sure who/what you're trying to be, but just remember to know your role. Who do you think you are? #petty bourgeois.


Ok.. actual reply:

I installed a set of the Chinese adjustable levers on a customer's Monster. They were quite nice, save for one small issue. The new levers didn't have enough material to adequately trip the brake switch. The customer had to modify his switch to make it function with the lever. Other than that, they were nice.

Depending on what kind of modifications you'll have to do to accommodate the quality control, it may be beneficial to buy the USA bits. Hard to say if the SV levers have this same issue, but that's the firsthand knowledge I have of them.

Good luck. :)[/quote']

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  Hoblick said:
i had the chinese levers on my track bike.. they were actually very good quality, and contrary to KTM brians post they are machined. i saw them raw at the dealer show last year.

Just going off of what I saw from one guy... I am sure some can come machined. I would bet they aren't the same grade aluminum, though...

Oh, and don't forget that at the dealer show, they can actually do one off stuff to showcase their product and you get a very different product at production level...

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havent had those exact levers, but i had cheap chinese levers on the vmax and i had to hit the brakes hard (left a light in a group ride with some OR folk, and the person directly in front of me stalled)...the brake lever actually snapped right at the base, and once that happened i didnt really have control of the bike anymore and dropped it at like 1mph lol..no damage...but had to ride home without a front brake...i will never use junk levers again on anything

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There may be some decent stuff to be had out of China, but there is a big difference between a solid company manufacturing things in China and controlling the quality, and some random chinese company making cheap knockoffs. Your $36 levers are probably the latter.

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cant comment on the brake light trigger thing, for the f4i was a track bike only. but it did trip the clutch switch if thats any help

i was impressed by the quality of the levers.. i think i paid $60 shipped or something. took a while to get them but for the money i was more than pleased

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