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Internet blackout planned...


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In case you missed it, some people don't like the SOPA law up for vote in congress. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Wiki, and other techie websites are planning a protest blackout. Their plan is to blackout, all on the same day, with an anti-SOPA message and plea to contact congress in opposition to passage of the law.

This would actually put quite a slam on the internet.

From your favorite news source, Fox News...

Will Google, Amazon, and Facebook Black Out the Net?

Now if a few ISPs and major routers shut down, I'd be impressed.

But most ISPS are folding up and supporting the SOPA.reference what happened to GoDaddy yesterday...

edit: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, eBay, Mozilla, Yahoo, AOL, and LinkedIn

Edited by ReconRat
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I've seen nothing about when it might happen. Right now it's just a plan and a threat to make it actually happen. What the heck, maybe they'll do it just for fun, to prove a point. I'll check Google+. I got links to the Google peeps there, and maybe they are talking about it.

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Here's the list of some of who support SOPA.

edit: (These are the companies that belong to The Entertainment Software Association (ESA),

an association that supports #SOPA.)

38 Studios

345 Games

505 Games

Capcom USA, Inc.

Deep Silver

Disney Interactive Studios, Inc.

Eidos Interactive

Electronic Arts (retracted)

Epic Games, Inc.

Her Interactive, Inc.

Ignition Entertainment

Konami Digital Entertainment

LEVEL-5 Inc.

Microsoft Corporation

Namco Bandai Games America Inc.

Natsume Inc.

Nexon America, Inc.

Nintendo of America Inc. (retracted)



O-Games, Inc.

Perfect World Entertainment

SEGA of America, Inc.


Sony Computer Entertainment America

Sony Online Entertainment, Inc.

Square Enix, Inc.

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

Tecmo Koei America Corporation

THQ, Inc.

Trion Worlds, Inc.

Ubisoft Entertainment, Inc.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc.



and GoDaddy (retracted)

Time Warner, DC Comics parent company

Sony Electronics (retracted)

The full list from congress of SOPA supporters (PDF)

Edited by ReconRat
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You wonder if those ass hats in DC take notice of this and the public outcry over other substantial changes companies have proposed (Verizon, Netflix, etc.) and start to get any hint that people are reaching a point of boil over.

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Here's the list of some of who support SOPA.

edit: (These are the companies that belong to The Entertainment Software Association (ESA),

an association that supports #SOPA.)

38 Studios

345 Games

505 Games

Capcom USA, Inc.

Deep Silver

Disney Interactive Studios, Inc.

Eidos Interactive

Electronic Arts (retracted)

Epic Games, Inc.

Her Interactive, Inc.

Ignition Entertainment

Konami Digital Entertainment

LEVEL-5 Inc.

Microsoft Corporation

Namco Bandai Games America Inc.

Natsume Inc.

Nexon America, Inc.

Nintendo of America Inc. (retracted)



O-Games, Inc.

Perfect World Entertainment

SEGA of America, Inc.


Sony Computer Entertainment America

Sony Online Entertainment, Inc.

Square Enix, Inc.

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

Tecmo Koei America Corporation

THQ, Inc.

Trion Worlds, Inc.

Ubisoft Entertainment, Inc.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc.



and GoDaddy (retracted)

Time Warner, DC Comics parent company

Sony Electronics (retracted)

The full list from congress of SOPA supporters (PDF)

Look at how many of these companies are foreign based.... Coincidence?



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ok.... just when you wouldn't think things could get any weirder.

Hackers are a large enough group to have their own conventions and guidance as a group. Their latest "plan for the future", is to launch and control their own satellites in orbit. To be used for broadcasting to the internet. This would eliminate a lot of the planned censorship. Oddly, they also would like to put an astronaut on the Moon.

Take that China, see if you can get there before a bunch of computer hackers...

Hackers plan space satellites to combat censorship

China plans manned moon mission

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  • 2 weeks later...

Craiglist opposes SOPA. From their site:


HR3261 & S968 are

threatening CL and

the rest of your

Internet. Most of

the web sites you use

strongly oppose these

bills. Find out why, and

how you can help put

a stop to this madness

before it's too late!

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That's it! We all need to ban the internet. From here on out, ohioriders.net will be by snail mail only. Please send all attachments via Fed Ex or UPS, all other posts can be sent using USPS.

Carrier pigeons... I'm going to raise and stock carrier pigeons...

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I don't normally say this, but Wikipedia has a pretty decent write up on SOPA. (HERE)

From what I can make of it, it's written strictly to prevent access to sites that host or distribute pirated material. Many of the counter arguments seem to be mostly smoke and fear-mongering. I guess both sides DO engage in it.

It does look like a judge has to review the case, which would make me believe it's a civil matter. Which means all those companies that are opposed to it, already have the legal departments to easily deflect any "heat." And with our current judicial system, money equals innocence.

From what I can put together about SOPA: It seems that, companies and the justice department, being unable to target and prosecute sites that host pirated material directly, are now simply cutting those sites physical connection to the internet.

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I don't normally say this, but Wikipedia has a pretty decent write up on SOPA. (HERE)

From what I can make of it, it's written strictly to prevent access to sites that host or distribute pirated material. Many of the counter arguments seem to be mostly smoke and fear-mongering. I guess both sides DO engage in it.

It does look like a judge has to review the case, which would make me believe it's a civil matter. Which means all those companies that are opposed to it, already have the legal departments to easily deflect any "heat." And with our current judicial system, money equals innocence.

From what I can put together about SOPA: It seems that, companies and the justice department, being unable to target and prosecute sites that host pirated material directly, are now simply cutting those sites physical connection to the internet.

the reason why google etc are against it is they can be sued by the content owners because they linked to a site with their content.

these companies are just using the sopa as a trojan horse to get full control of the internet period. which they've already demonstrated interest in doing by trying to get the FCC to hand over the "net neutrality" rights.

with that they can block you for example from being able to use google. you'd only be able to use their search engine.

or for example if ohio riders was owned by walt disney and time warner is your internet service provider they might not like walt disney and can block it's users from being able to use ohio riders.

we're on the brink of the downfall of the free internet as we currently know it. that is if congress can grow a pair of fucking balls and put their foot down for once. I have a feeling someone is getting a lot of money for their political party to allow such a blatant attack on the free internet without killing any kind of these attempts as soon as they start. I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for saying this, but if a republican wins the presidential vote this year, kiss free internet goodbye. the republicans will bend over backward to please large companies like time warner, verizon, comcast etc etc.

but I also wouldn't be surprised if obama won again, that congress would still go into a gridlock and drag the matter out for another year. and ultimately give a little bit of the control to these companies and leave a lot of loop holes so they can shove little bits and pieces of bullshit through and fuck us over in the end.

and obama just sit there with his thumb up his ass and do nothing about it. because that's what he's been so good at doing thus far.

Edited by serpentracer
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This seems a bit dumb to me. I get the idea of SOPA, but most of these companies are overseas and the internet is sorta out there in existence, hence World Wide Web... so we mandate/punish companies within our boarders. That isn't going to stop the companies from making pirated copies. If people want bootlegs of things they will find them with or without the help of google. I guess someone in China could just create a new search engine and avoid the whole issue as our government wouldn't have any ability to filter it. Maybe the next step the government should make is just limiting all of us to websites based within our boarders...ugh

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