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Da*n It!!


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So I was coming back from the gym at 9 tonight and managed to get locked out of my apartment again. Deadbolt seized up again this is the second one they replaced in three months for the same thing about damn near broke the key off. I tried to call the emergency number and no one called me back left five voice mails in a hour. Even called CPD to see if they could help no dice but the officer did know pretty well my apartment complex which is bad news. After being locked out for an hour and a half I had to break a window to get in. I tired of this fucking place and shitty management as well. What's the use for an emergency number if no ones gonna call you back to come out. So tomorrow I had to call off from work and gonna let the shit storm lose. So I have a broken window and a broken dead bolt lock now just what I fucking need. Their fault for the window so I'm not paying for shit. Ok rant over

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sorry to hear you had such a f-ed up night man. A good rant always helps. And hell yea, Im make them pay for the window, they didnt answer the emergency # for over an hour and youre locked outside and its 20 degrees out. Id start looking for a new place

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Yea, I'm gonna look for a new place this week just short on funds like always. Hell rents due here now. I might just ise that to move I chilled in my truck with some heat all my neighbors said the same thing they don't pick up the phone wtf really.

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Fuck that shit. I'd be pissed!

Oh I am went to the office when they opened up and let lose. Girl at the desk was surprised when I told her I broke out a window to get in 20 degrees outside I told her she just looked. Didn't have to pay for shit and they emergency pager they said they'll look into it. So I'm looking for a new place if I can find one or if someone needs a roommate let me know. I'm done with this place already.

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That sucks about the dead bolt. Wish I still had contact with a guy from work he had rental house around campus be he left over a year ago. good luck with finding a new place.

Irony is I already did this past weekend got into a place that has garage. But they won't let me move in untill I. Get released from my current lease. I'm in the process of trying to find a legal way to break it. I've. Already sent a lawyer a e-mail asking for assistance. So will see what happens.

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