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Salt makes me sad.


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I have lived in akron now for almost a year, moving from rural indiana. Akron sees a little more snow than where i'm from, but not that much more. What shocks me is that very, very rarely are the roads snowy and slick here. Summit county must have a gigantic salt budget. I drove my truck to work and home today, and its the first i've been out since friday. It was FILTHY. The salt was just caked on the poor old girl. I'm going to spend more on car washes this winter than food. I washed it after work, but i'm sure it'll be caked on with the shit tomorrow, and i'll have to wash it again. :(

Where i'm from, they plowed the major roads, salted the interstates and intersections and left most everything else alone. By the end of winter they were rationing salt and many places never even got any. People slowed down, and you got to laugh at the idiots who didn't. Here, i can't even get my wheels to spin with 2.5 inches of snow on the ground. I actually hit a thick white patch on a fairly rural road and was preparing for the back end to kick out. When it didn't i gave it a little gas and it grabbed. The salt was so fucking deep i thought it was a patch of snow.

I guess they don't call this the rust belt for nothing. No wonder people can't fucking drive here when the snow hits unexpectedly. I really wish they would just plow the deep stuff and call it good like they do back home. I'm going to have to buy a beater to get through winter, my truck already has some rust issues, it's going to be gone after a few years if i put it through this shit.

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I'm getting my truck sprayed with bar and chain oil underneath in an attempt to keep the rust at bay. It really makes me sick to my stomach looking at the roads. I love my truck, and rust is what will take her from me. Anything else, I can fix. Clutch gives out, big deal. Brakes, I do them in my sleep. But there's no fixing it when the frame rots through. It always had a touch of rust, but last winter it just exploded underneath. Gas tank got it, lost 3 brake lines, rear bumper support, core support and fenders all have holes that they didn't before.

Off to craigslist to search for a sacrificial lamb....

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Brake lines/fuel lines/exhaust/oil pan and shit are replaceable, and have already been replaced once by me. I'm concerned for the frame and body. My bed supports are just gone after last winter. Massive holes. By the end of this winter i'm betting it will be sagging if i don't work hard to stop it.

I'm jealous of those cars in the southwest that have sun beaten paint but look brand new underneath.

My truck looks pretty decent from the outside, but crawling underneath it i just want to cry.

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I have family down south, i kinda droll at those early 80's Silverado truck down there that are:

1. Still on the road

2. Paint and body just as perfect as the day they rolled off the showroom.

My 84 Silverado plow truck was pos, rot wagon when I got rid of it. You can only patch the cab corners, cab and bed mounts so many times.

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I'm amazed at how many more 70's and 80's trucks are still rolling around in Indiana compared to here. Yes, stuff rusts in Indiana. Just a hell of a lot slower than here. You don't see a whole lot of perfect trucks there, buy you see at least 5 of those old 80's chevys anytime you go anywhere. Here, Not so much.

Hell you see cars and trucks that aren't even 10 years old with rust holes in them here. My poor truck doesn't stand a chance.

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Salty Ohio roads are a main reason Zeibart stays in business - had a couple trucks that had been undercoated there, huge difference in life expectancy compared to others I didnt get undercoated

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Salty Ohio roads are a main reason Zeibart stays in business - had a couple trucks that had been undercoated there, huge difference in life expectancy compared to others I didnt get undercoated

me/my parents have a truck i wish we would have done this 2. Its about "totaled" now. Multiple rusted brake lines/misc brake componets, bed mounts, and some heavy rust on the frame with actual fist size holes in some places. Would cost more to fix then its worth. LESSON LEARNED!

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Thats crazy you guy are experiencing that kind of extreme rot. I've probably got about 10 15-20 year old ford and Chevy 3500s with close or over 500,000 miles that are rusty but nowhere near as bad as what you guys are saying. And these babies get abused and driven daily

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Hmm I wonder if sitting vs being used would cause a difference. Interesting thought. Ours have pretty much been outside 24/7 their entire lives other than when in the garage getting work done

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