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Stupid F%&#@ B&%^&!


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Can somebody tell me how long we've known the weather would change in central ohio? Can somebody tell me why the F(&^ Franklin County hasn't been salting or clearing the roads since rush hour?

Last week, during our little snow fall, I didn't see one plow or salt truck.

Tonight, I see an exact repeat of this AND WE'VE KNOWN FOR DAYS, THE TEMP WAS GOING TO FALL TODAY.

There were 9 - NINE cars spun out on 161 off 270E...and I'm from an area that gets quite a bit of snow...I was all squiggly on the exit, too, but it won't rattle me.

WHY THE F@#^ didn't the cUnty prepare?

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I'll play devil's advocate: If we have known for this long that the temps would drop (and it was raining all today so there will be ice), why were there that many people driving poorly enough to cause 9 spin outs? I think some people need to learn to drive better and anticipate poor driving conditions.

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I didn't spin out, but I was amazed at the show of destruction happening around me.......

Wish people could learn how to drive and I wish central ohio could learn to treat snow and ice removal like a 3 month job than a 3 month EMA situation.

Plan ahead!

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People are fucking idiots.everyone forgets how to drive every winter. Modern safety restraints thwart Darwins attempt at removing them from the gene pool. I passed a car on the way home that spun off the road into someones yard. I know how to drive in the snow, not too fast but not too slow.

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Salt spreader truck was running through my neighborhood midafternoon on Thurs. I saw that his spreader wasn't spinning in the back, so called the street dept to let 'em know. They said that was the "plan for the day". They wanted to lay down strips in the middle and let the cars spread it out. Said that if they flung it out, it would just end up on the sides of the road with the wind and and all. Made sense, and the roads look great this morning. Oh, and we did have rain.

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I'll play devil's advocate: If we have known for this long that the temps would drop (and it was raining all today so there will be ice), why were there that many people driving poorly enough to cause 9 spin outs? I think some people need to learn to drive better and anticipate poor driving conditions.

That isn't playing devil's advocate. That's speaking the truth.

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I believe that part of the license process should he a hazardous condition class. Something setup in a controlled environment where you learn to control a slide, correct a spin, and other similar situations. I believe that a good amount of the accidents are caused by people who freak out and over correct or freeze up. If people knew what it felt like and what a proper response is, there may he a lot less accidents. Also, people need to just learn how the hell to drive.

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yes and people don't understand that slamming brakes is the worst thing you can do. Or maybe if they took the foot off the accelerator when changing lanes, on bridges or turning they'd have less issue. But people are to god damn stupid to realize these things

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Roads around me were all shit. Looked like they hadn't been touched. I leave my house at 9am and they were still terrible. Westerville rd, Morse and Stelzer were all covered. It stopped raining last night, why were the roads not plowed or salted after that? Snow removal here sucks ass

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I didn't spin out, but I was amazed at the show of destruction happening around me.......

Wish people could learn how to drive and I wish central ohio could learn to treat snow and ice removal like a 3 month job than a 3 month EMA situation.

Plan ahead!

I hear you on that. We get way more snow than you guys up here and you'd think the local population would figure it out. It snows, you can slide, it's ok as long as you don't freak out. But everyone does...

Most people just can't drive in general. Snow only exacerbates the problem.

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Did a lawn job in my father's maxima once. 5mph around a right turn was still too fast, was plowing straight towards a mailbox. whipped the wheel the other direction and missed it by inches on the passenger side but was now in the front yard.. kept steady power to keep momentum and was able to turn it around pull it back out on the road in 10in of snow. I thought for sure I was atleast going to get stuck. Nothing like the rush from being so screwed but pulling your ass out of it!

I like snow and inclimate weather.. focuses the mind, flexes those survival instincts.

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