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The internet just won its first fight


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The president's stand was is being viewed as a betrayal by some copyright owners, especially those in the film and music industries and some of them are now promising to cut off financial support to Obama's re-election campaign.
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Hard to believe a bunch of nerds can sway the political power like that!!

I would probably say it was the opposite and was all the people who can't spend 5 minutes without looking at Facebook or youtube that swayed the vote.

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Bump. Looks like the SOPA has been knocked down...for now:



"As a consequence of failing to act, there will continue to be a safe haven for foreign thieves," Dodd said.

This is a guilt trip. It should be followed by "and everyone continues to keep their freedom of speech."

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Bump. Looks like the SOPA has been knocked down...for now:


be careful. i doubt this fight is over, and they will probably try to bring it back.

and id bet dollars to donuts they will try to market it as "protecting children from online child porn" or some other bullshit...

that way you can't oppose it. if you do, then that means you are for child porn.

if you arent with us you're against us right? :rolleyes:

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The forum that has helped me out with my bike enormously is overreacting WAY to much to SOPA

With the new SOPA Bill in question. We here at kawasaki454ltd.com have decided that we will be making changes to the website and forum effective January 21, 2012. We will be losing the online manual and the download manuals as well. As to the forum the photo gallery will be deleted and members will not be able to post any photos on the forum. The administrators of said site with out notice will delete any post made by any members. We hope this will only be temporary. If this bill becomes into law all seems likely the site will shut down.

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