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The real reason Megaupload was taken down?


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They had some great ideas and you right all the sprouting artist would just sell and market themselves and not worry about the record label companies

exactly. thats the whole reasoning behind all of this SOPA/PIPA thing. it has absolutely nothing to do with piracy. thats just the BS justification they give. its the same shit that went down when VCRs came out or cassette tapes. or when the RIAA flipped shit over internet radio.

they always fight new technology tooth and nail, make a shit ton of money off of it, then go and fight the next new technology. new technology is a threat to their revenue and control stream, and they always use the "piracy" argument.

what its really about is the fact that the RIAA is a dying industry in their current form and are trying to find some way to keep themselves relevant in the lucrative middle man position.

if you can make music, market it and distrubute it through the internet, then what do you need a record label for? 10 years from now, they are going to be obsolete, and they know it. you dont need the middle man anymore. THATS what they are pissed off about, and that is what they are fighting. sites like soundcloud, youtube, bandcamp etc completely get around their control of information flow.

even if no one ever pirated anything, they'd still be crying over their loss of control. HOW DARE YOU NOT NEED US ANYMORE!!!!

its a lot cheaper and easier to just lobby congress, than it is to make your obsolete business model competitive again.

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Desperate moves by a desperate industry. The major labels are destined to collapse as some point. The are such bureaucratic bloated entities that cannot react to change that they will eventually go the way of the dinosaur.

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exactly. thats the whole reasoning behind all of this SOPA/PIPA thing. it has absolutely nothing to do with piracy. thats just the BS justification they give. its the same shit that went down when VCRs came out or cassette tapes. or when the RIAA flipped shit over internet radio.

they always fight new technology tooth and nail, make a shit ton of money off of it, then go and fight the next new technology. new technology is a threat to their revenue and control stream, and they always use the "piracy" argument.

what its really about is the fact that the RIAA is a dying industry in their current form and are trying to find some way to keep themselves relevant in the lucrative middle man position.

if you can make music, market it and distrubute it through the internet, then what do you need a record label for? 10 years from now, they are going to be obsolete, and they know it. you dont need the middle man anymore. THATS what they are pissed off about, and that is what they are fighting. sites like soundcloud, youtube, bandcamp etc completely get around their control of information flow.

even if no one ever pirated anything, they'd still be crying over their loss of control. HOW DARE YOU NOT NEED US ANYMORE!!!!

its a lot cheaper and easier to just lobby congress, than it is to make your obsolete business model competitive again.

If I had rep, damn 24 hour rule


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It may have been taken down because it was a vast repository of copyrighted works from which people were freely stealing.

Or maybe that Mega-iTunes thingy conspiracy.

Or our government got bored after winning the war on terror and started the war on piracy.



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This article is missing a few things. Like Megaupload was already suing Universal Music Group over blocking of the MegaBox, and blocking of YouTube that Megaupload was using. So if it looks like the music industry is afraid of independent artists producing and easily selling their own music, they probably are.

“Those UMG criminals. They are sending illegitimate takedown notices for content they don’t own,” he told us. “Dirty tricks in an effort to stop our massively successful viral campaign.”
Universal Censors Megaupload Song, Gets Branded a “Rogue Label”

Megaupload to Universal: You’ve Got Some Explaining To Do

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It may have been taken down because it was a vast repository of copyrighted works from which people were freely stealing.

Or maybe that Mega-iTunes thingy conspiracy.

Or our government got bored after winning the war on terror and started the war on piracy.



I have to ask Casper why he automatically believes every such bullshit story that is on the internet.

Casper, do you spend hours in line at the grocery reading the tabloids? You do realize that every story you post is equivalent to the batboy story in the tabloids as your links never include any substantiation of the claim, just a thin veneer of bullshit. Why do all of your links not pass the smell/idiot test? That means that the story smells so bad that even an idiot knows not to latch onto it.

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I have to ask Casper why he automatically believes every such bullshit story that is on the internet.

Casper, do you spend hours in line at the grocery reading the tabloids? You do realize that every story you post is equivalent to the batboy story in the tabloids as your links never include any substantiation of the claim, just a thin veneer of bullshit. Why do all of your links not pass the smell/idiot test? That means that the story smells so bad that even an idiot knows not to latch onto it.

Wow. Tell me how you really feel. You must have missed that part where I said something to the effect of, "if this has any merit". Never said anything about believing it was the reason Megaupload was taken offline. Simply putting it out there for discussion. :nono:

It's at the least a hell of a coincidence.

Edit: Sorry, I said, "if this is true, wow".

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I have to ask Casper why he automatically believes every such bullshit story that is on the internet.

Casper, do you spend hours in line at the grocery reading the tabloids? You do realize that every story you post is equivalent to the batboy story in the tabloids as your links never include any substantiation of the claim, just a thin veneer of bullshit. Why do all of your links not pass the smell/idiot test? That means that the story smells so bad that even an idiot knows not to latch onto it.

What a compelling and well thought out argument... :rolleyes:

If you think it is bs, tell us why. You talk about substantiating claims... Yet you dont back up your claim at all... Whats up with that?

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Here's the real reason, some gamer got butt hurt after Kim Dotcom abused him in a friend MW3 game. :)


also false

I'm the reason megaupload got shut down. I waved my magical sombrero and yelled hasta la vista baby!

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Mattm is like nectar from the winter gods, to begin a holy war on online information terrorists, like casper.

...also mostly to bring on the mad giggles to keep us occupied.

Wrong jbot, but at least you are entertaining and quite an obvious douchebag.

Casper posts a link to some bullshit story and then says "If this is true, wow..." and within minutes the entire story is debunked. Even jbot must see how stupid that is. Casper believes this crap and actively engages in pushing what is tantamount to a disinformation campaign on the users of this site. I find that unfortunate and I also am unwilling to accept that bullshit just because it came from Casper himself.

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Wow. Tell me how you really feel. You must have missed that part where I said something to the effect of, "if this has any merit". Never said anything about believing it was the reason Megaupload was taken offline. Simply putting it out there for discussion. :nono:

It's at the least a hell of a coincidence.

Edit: Sorry, I said, "if this is true, wow".

"If this is true, wow."

"a hell of a coincidence"

Pull off the tinfoil hat and stop worrying about the black helicopters. I know this doesn't match the narrative you actively try to promote on this site but the ideas your are trying to espouse are completely wrong. Everytime you post crap like this you are proven wrong yet you still do it because nobody asks that you go back and retract your bullshit statements.

Some of us will not accept that. Some of us will reveal your sensationalism and will require that you support your arguments with facts not innuendo. This is not the 3rd grade Casper. You do have to show your work and not just copy the work of others as you consistently do on this site.

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Wrong jbot, but at least you are entertaining and quite an obvious douchebag.

Casper posts a link to some bullshit story and then says "If this is true, wow..." and within minutes the entire story is debunked. Even jbot must see how stupid that is. Casper believes this crap and actively engages in pushing what is tantamount to a disinformation campaign on the users of this site. I find that unfortunate and I also am unwilling to accept that bullshit just because it came from Casper himself.

you must be a very enjoyable individual. 99% of anything I've ever seen posted or said in person from Jbot is for entertainment and comedy purposes. Lighten up man :rolleyes:

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