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SHTF/Bug Out Rant. Sort of.


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It's finally happened, I've seen one to many Mad MAx inspired bug out threads full of crazy vehicles and weapons and all sorts of stuff that will run out of gas and ammo and leave your a** stranded in the middle of mutated cannibal hell.

Here's my bug out vehicle:


And maybe this:


I'd have a horse too, but I'm deathly allergic to them, so that's out.

Here are my crazy bug out weapons:

These x2:


And this


And this


I might forgo the bow & arrow and stick with the hatchet and knives combo

And here's what I bring with me when I first leave the city:


It will be full of first aid supplies, a water filtration device, and all the survival articles I can print and laminate. Like how to build a sand filter for water, how to tan leather, maybe how to make solar panels or dirt batteries, etc etc etc. A few blueprints for boats and more bows and arrows, lighters and extra fuel, and then all the MREs and similar foods I can fit in.

I also bring my friends and family with me. The end of civilization is no reason to abandon humanity and basic decency. Working as a group aided us for thousands of years.

And this guy:


He's been with me for years, knows when to be quiet and when to bark.

Here's my rationale:

Gasoline and ammo will run out pretty quickly. Eventually everyone will be walking, might as well be resigned to that fact early. A bicycle though, will allow me to move more gear, more quickly, and most importantly, quieter than all you knuckle heads on dirtbikes. It's also incredibly easy to work on and maintain.

The knives, hatchet and bow follow the same thought process. If I don't have a gun, I'm not all Johnny Big Balls rush into danger. I'll stay hidden, stay quiet, and avoid trouble until I have the upper hand.

The group mentality is simple survival. Five people can accomplish more than one. 2 can hunt, 1 can guard, 2 can do site work (gathering food, wood, tanning hides, making clothes, purifying water, cooking).

10 to 15 would be great. Then we could have specialized job assignments, rotating watches, and yet still be able to move fast and light.

If I had a group of 10 or 15, then I'd consider guns. A few larger guns for threat displays and repeating .22s for defense. Lots of ammo, and a well aimed round is a well aimed round. Period. And if I can place 30 rounds near you, and I can carry a few thousand rounds, the odds are in my favor.

I'd also have a topo map, and we'd look for a place with water, and a fairly defensible position. If everyone is headed south, I'd head north. And vice versa. Large crowds are targets, and with civilization collapsing, large crowds breed violence (Superdome in Katrina). I'd avoid them.

You can have your mad max V-8 interceptor, and when I find it's burned out hulk on the road. I'll let you ride bitch on my huffy. If you're still alive, and you don't mind handling a .22.

Edited by dorifto240
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Make your own solar panels? :lol:

I see this is following the pattern for all the other daily ZOMGBUGOUTSHTFWTFBBQ!!!! threads. Start off innocently enough talking about survival techniques, and end with a dick waving discussion about the type of gun to bring or how you can pick off a mosquito in Louisiana from the top of the Empire State Building with your AR15 with 2000 pounds of tactical gear bolted on it, and since it works in video games how you'd carry 5000 rounds of ammo, a chainsaw, rocket launcher with 100 rockets, shotgun with 300 rounds, medkit, berserker kit, and quad damage while traveling with the greatest of ease.

Can we have a SHTF subforum already so this shit stays off the front page?

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Cheech isn't prepared...

Because it's a non-event. You're hypothesizing about a complete and utter breakdown of society and social order. I can point to a MOUNTAIN of past events that points to one conclusion: If there's a event that's so catastrophic that normal people are left to survive for themselves without the creature comforts, society tends to adapt, coalesce, and overcome. I'm not naive to think that the security that guns provide isn't necessary, but there's a point of diminishing returns that passed some of you guys a LOOONG time ago.

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Make your own solar panels? :lol:

I see this is following the pattern for all the other daily ZOMGBUGOUTSHTFWTFBBQ!!!! threads. Start off innocently enough talking about survival techniques, and end with a dick waving discussion about the type of gun to bring or how you can pick off a mosquito in Louisiana from the top of the Empire State Building with your AR15 with 2000 pounds of tactical gear bolted on it, and since it works in video games how you'd carry 5000 rounds of ammo, a chainsaw, rocket launcher with 100 rockets, shotgun with 300 rounds, medkit, berserker kit, and quad damage while traveling with the greatest of ease.

Can we have a SHTF subforum already so this shit stays off the front page?

Can you stop being a dick already? IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ SHTF THREADS DINT FUCKING READ THEM!!! You made a choice to read this, now go cry to your librard friends how those meanies on the motorcycle forum are talking about guns again!

Back on topic:

bicycle would be an excellent option for transportation.

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O really? Heading down the condescending road again? Who says I'm preparing for a catastrophic breakdown? Maybe I'm just setting up for a hard snow? Your grandparents stored food why is weird I do?why is it odd I buy my ammo in bulk and keep a few thousand rounds around? Cuz uoi don't agree with it we are all crazy ok got it.

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O really? Heading down the condescending road again? Who says I'm preparing for a catastrophic breakdown? Maybe I'm just setting up for a hard snow? Your grandparents stored food why is weird I do?why is it odd I buy my ammo in bulk and keep a few thousand rounds around? Cuz uoi don't agree with it we are all crazy ok got it.

We all store food, I bet I could get a few days out of what's in my pantry alone. I never said it was weird, I'm making an observation that this discussion is already starting to turn where every other one has on here, to yet another discussion about guns. You know I loves me some guns, but how many times can this be beat to death?

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Can you stop being a dick already? IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ SHTF THREADS DINT FUCKING READ THEM!!! You made a choice to read this, now go cry to your librard friends how those meanies on the motorcycle forum are talking about guns again!

Back on topic:

bicycle would be an excellent option for transportation.

Ah yes, the "libtard" approach. I make a effort not to read them, but in the absence of a group that takes them off the main page (like Politics), there reached a point after seeing them day after day that I feel the need to chime in. You know, free speech and all that.

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Ah yes, the "libtard" approach. I make a effort not to read them, but in the absence of a group that takes them off the main page (like Politics), there reached a point after seeing them day after day that I feel the need to chime in. You know, free speech and all that.

Free speech has not been incorporated to ORDN! You may need you get the supreme court on the line! And yes I went the libtard route, I like to troll, :stirpot:, and say :bigfinger: just as much if not more than the rest.

Just as long as you don't come and try taking my shit if you are wrong I could care less that you think we are crazy by preparring a little just in case.

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Just as long as you don't come and try taking my shit if you are wrong I could care less that you think we are crazy by preparring a little just in case.

This pretty much outlines my survival plan. Reading about who has the most stuff stockpiled makes it easier to figure out who I'm going to pick from first.

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We all store food, I bet I could get a few days out of what's in my pantry alone. I never said it was weird, I'm making an observation that this discussion is already starting to turn where every other one has on here, to yet another discussion about guns. You know I loves me some guns, but how many times can this be beat to death?

Most every thread I'm in talks strategies and plans and random humor. Just like every other thread on the forum leads to.

the CDC and fema both said the average household could survive 3 days on rhr good in their home. You seem to be a bit average. When people get hungry they get crazy and that is where the guns come in.

If you want to talk real likely we are fucked scenarios then we should discuss a pandemic. Mandatory quarantine for x amount of days. You are a smart guy and can look back and see how many times humans have been hit. Black plague, Spanish flu, and others like them have rocked man kind at a pretty steady timeframe throughout history. Scary part is we are due. Swine flu and bird flu weren't really what the media made it out to be and that has made people complacent thinking modern medicine can handle anything thrown at them. Well that's true in a sense but medicine is always playing catch up. Who knows what way a virus might change ans adapt next? It could be a complete curve ball to all the technology we have.

There is my real catastrophe scenario..... But its lame to just talk about some invisible enemy so I would rather talk about zombies, and use the word zombieas a metaphor for anything out there that is to boring or heavy to actually bring up in a conversation.

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This pretty much outlines my survival plan. Reading about who has the most stuff stockpiled makes it easier to figure out who I'm going to pick from first.

Bad idea. If someone has gone thru enough trouble to prep like they talk then they obviously have thought enough ahead on how to defend it lol

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Most every thread I'm in talks strategies and plans and random humor. Just like every other thread on the forum leads to.

the CDC and fema both said the average household could survive 3 days on rhr good in their home. You seem to be a bit average. When people get hungry they get crazy and that is where the guns come in.

If you want to talk real likely we are fucked scenarios then we should discuss a pandemic. Mandatory quarantine for x amount of days. You are a smart guy and can look back and see how many times humans have been hit. Black plague, Spanish flu, and others like them have rocked man kind at a pretty steady timeframe throughout history. Scary part is we are due. Swine flu and bird flu weren't really what the media made it out to be and that has made people complacent thinking modern medicine can handle anything thrown at them. Well that's true in a sense but medicine is always playing catch up. Who knows what way a virus might change ans adapt next? It could be a complete curve ball to all the technology we have.

There is my real catastrophe scenario..... But its lame to just talk about some invisible enemy so I would rather talk about zombies, and use the word zombieas a metaphor for anything out there that is to boring or heavy to actually bring up in a conversation.


the only other scenario that concerns me is a solar flare large enough to knock out the power grid. How about a blizzard? I live in the country my house wont be the first to be unburied. 30 days worth of food seems logical. I'm not some crazy person that has 50k lbs of food.

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Bad idea. If someone has gone thru enough trouble to prep like they talk then they obviously have thought enough ahead on how to defend it lol

I've got more than 2000 hours logged on Civilization V, and watched every show regarding WWII on the History Channel at least 10 times. There isn't an tactical situation that I haven't come across and whipped it's ass into a Military Victory. This will prove no challenge to me.

Besides, I have all these resources in Columbus to exhaust before I start branching out on my Eastern Offensive. I'll call it "libkrieg".

/edit: It just occurred to me that I'm a little short on weapons to start. Looks like I'll have to buy some more pistols after all. Which is the best caliber to stop man-flesh? ;)

Edited by Cheech
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Because it's a non-event. You're hypothesizing about a complete and utter breakdown of society and social order. I can point to a MOUNTAIN of past events that points to one conclusion: If there's a event that's so catastrophic that normal people are left to survive for themselves without the creature comforts, society tends to adapt, coalesce, and overcome. I'm not naive to think that the security that guns provide isn't necessary, but there's a point of diminishing returns that passed some of you guys a LOOONG time ago.

Thinking like that doomed the dinosaurs. At least the ancestors of the birds, crocodiles, Coelacanth and Loch Ness Monster had the forethought to prep. :cool:

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For being upset about these threads degrading into "dick waving" contests; you did a pretty good job of making it happen! Where's the sarcastic thumbs up emoticon.

You are right though, society coalesces and then overcomes, but there are large holes where no law exists for a time. Look at when the Mongols swept through Europe, or the plague, or the fall of the Roman Empire. Whole swaths of Europe had no authority over them.

Whatcha gonna do when someone runs you over on your bicycle and takes your backpack?

That's exactly why I'd be on a bicycle. If I'm relatively exposed and unprotected, I'm going to think twice about where I'm walking. Because it would be relatively easy for me to get run over and have my gear stolen, I'll be working extra hard to make sure it doesn't happen.

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I'm taking my vstrom and some spare gas. I'm not planning for the mad max scenario - I'm thinking Katrina or LA riots. Throw some knobby tires on the strom and I can go cross country or in/around/between the gridlocked cars. If I can't find regular civilization within 1000 miles (the range I could carry gas cans for) then the strom becomes a source of parts for things like a generator/wind turbine/ electrical power to start fires etc.

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