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Notary/Title question..


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I'm selling my scooter to someone in Ohio, and I have an Ohio Title for it. Problem is I moved to Indiana a few months ago..

Do i need to get an Indiana title for it, and then sign it over?

Can I have a notary in Indiana notorize it, and then just sell it like normal even though my address on my license doesn't match the title?

Can i take it to an Ohio Notary and have them do it since its an Ohio Title, even though my new address is Indiana?

Indiana doesn't make you notarize crap to sell, so not sure if they know how to handle it.

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You don't need to get a new Title just because you moved. If its a normal ohio title, there is a place on the back where you have to write down the Mileage and your info. This is where you place your current Name/Address and Signature along with the buyers. (Would be no different if you still lived in Ohio, but moved to another place)

Technically, speaking...(I was a notary also) both the seller and buyer should be in front of the notary when signing the title to assure that all information is correct to the best of your knowledge. Ohio requires the notary for a title change at the DMV. I would also write up a bill of sale and have all the major information on it. (I did this when I just sold my 1000RR last week)

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To make sure, I would call an Ohio title office (Maybe Eaton, OH as they are close to the border).

I'm thinking that you can just sign it in front of ANY notary. Take the title into a bank, fill out your info and sign it in front of the Notary, then give it to the buyer with a bill of sale (" I sold scooter VIN#....... to John Doe on 2/8/12 for $100"). He'll fill out his own info on the OH title before he takes it in for the xfer. Make sure you both agree on the selling price stated on the title and bill of sale. I've had the DMV call me (and the buyer) years later to verify the selling price.

I wouldn't worry about the Indiana piece of the puzzle. Its titled in OH, and he's keeping it in OH. If you give him an Indiana title, he'll have to take it for an out-of-state inspection ($$$ and hassle), etc.

Ohio thinks its still in Ohio, and it'll be kept in OH. No reason to involve Indiana.

Has your driving deteriorated yet? I HATE getting behind Indiana-plated cars.

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i was always told to put the sellers name and address on the back the exact same way it is on the front...thats what ive always done with no problems, but im no expert

That's what I would do too, just to keep it simple.

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