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Guest MotoGP Tix

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Guest MotoGP Tix

Long story short , One of my SUZUKI's broke down well under warrantee.. And SUZUKI, wouldnt fix it..

It took 2 long years of trying but I never gave up..

Today is the day I cashed my little check, and Im sure the lawyers did to.

I traded the POS on another bike, and have bought my last suzuki ever..


I have typed or told this story a million times and am running out of energy so I hope to type it all out and find help.

My name is Sonny Im 39 years old and currently own 6 motorcycles and 2 scooters , 1 of them being my wonderful but flawed Burgman 650.

Buying it in late summer 03 it came from the factory without the Axel attch, it was just sitting there and could have came off at any moment, I never noticed anything other than when I backed up it seamed funny , but I just attributed it to perhaps the nature of the tranny. When I did notice the dealer made it right and certainly was very apologetic. 2800 miles later ( and serviced already by dealer ) the tranny started acting up, I was in a hilly area and the tranny would just slip as I would go up a hill, luckily I was with a large group and we were able to push it.. Limping home indeed.... Well we figured that is was perhaps low on oil acting the way an auto car would behave if low on tranny fluid... So as we all know there is no dipstick and no site level... So the decision was made to call , and go to a local dealer, well the vehicle being so new they suggested just changing the oil, leaving a paper trail about all this thats what we decided to do... We carefully measured the exact amount out and changed it ( one of us is a certified mechanic ) .. Took the scoots for a short spin with a chase vehicle just in case... for a short while it seemed better but quickly started slipping again.. I stopped the vehicle checking for leaks, or smoke... none was found so we tried it one last time, carefully taking it up to 40 without any slippage... next lil upgrade it really started slipping as I rolled off BAM tranny locks up and I was able to still control her..

Now this is where it gets horrible, Since I was on vacation I dropped it at a dealer, with just a brief description, of what had happened... 3 weeks later come pick up yer scooter we cant fix it.. 64 dollars also was charged i didnt think this was fair but such is life )... take it to my local dealer, 3 days later I get a call from them saying they wont be helping me either, that the SUZUKi warranty people say that when originally looked at the drained only 3 ounces of oil out of tranny ( should have been like 12.7 or so I dont recall the number now but rest assured at the time we added the proper Ml's ) I of course call the warranty line and they say " all decisions are final and I wouldnt be allowed to talk to the person who made the decision " Even though I was WELL under the warranty period, I was out of luck, no matter how many witnesses we had, no matter the paper trail and proof we asked for advice, and bought the proper oil. My local dealer at there expense tried to fix the scooter, when I got it back I rejected the " fix " it wasnt even close to the same scooter, it did indeed move, and stop . The Tranny whines so loud, that you can hear it from a running truck with a diesel engine with its windows rolled up ( Explained as normal by warranty line without of course even hearing it ) the tranny also grinds and I fear a lock up at any moment. the compression braking is way of and hurky jerky. It is also my belief that it is running hot 3 bars now inster of 2 ( what does your run )... Anyways all all along SUZUKi has said to bad , going as far as suggesting I throw it in a landfill and just cut my losses. The arrogance displayed by SUZUKI in this case has just been amazing to me.. Flat out not caring about all of our witnesses or any regard for any of the story or facts.. ALL they care about is 3 ounces of oil... Which I believe the first dealer said to get out of fixing it, they knew it would get the scoots out of there shop..

I am about to go thru legal avenues, and am totally disgusted as a consumer, and current owner of 2 SUZUKI's 2000 TL , 2003 Burgman , as well as many other bikes I buy a bike normally every other year or third year, and unless something changes very soon..Id have to say my suzuki buying days are over... PS I have fully custom MP3, sound system with trunk mounted amp , speakers etc.. It is GREAT, and before all this I loved and cared for my Scoots very much..


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