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Chicken Pox as an adult?


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It looks like my wife has taken on a case of the chicken pox at 32 years old. Her symptoms seem to be pretty severe with the chicken pox rash extending all over her torso, arms, legs, and even into her mouth and throat. She's absolutely miserable right now, says even the lightest touch on her skin hurts, so I'm struggling with being unable to offer any comfort at all. Fortunately, our kids are old enough to be mostly self sufficient so she can stay pretty much quarantined to our room.

I've been doing some reading online and unfortunately, her symptoms seem to be leaning to the more severe end of the spectrum for adults. We have an appointment to see the doc this afternoon.

Has anyone here dealt with Chicken Pox as an adult? How awful was it? How long before you were back to normal?

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I had chickenpox twice, once my senior year of high school (16 or 17) and again when I was in my early 20s. The first time was very mild, and the doctor warned me I'd probably get it again. Sure enough, one day I went into work not feeling very well. My boss looked at me, and asked what the hell was all over me. I had no idea what he was talking about. Look down, and I had red bumps all over my arms. They weren't there when I left for work. I was off work for a week or so. Oatmeal baths were my best friend (that and lots of alcohol). It sucked, but I wouldn't say it was anything terrible. More of an annoying inconvenience than anything else. I've been told I was pretty lucky though and that it could've been much worse.

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ANTIVIRAL MEDS HAVE TO BE STARTED WITHIN 24 hours of rash onset to have any proven benefit.

Will update some more info when I get a break time

She's got an appointment to see the doc in a couple of hours... I guess I didn't realize the full gravity of the situation. The rash didn't show up until yesterday morning around 10 or so. We tried to get in to the local Urgent Care, but despite their posted hours on the website, voice mail, and DOOR saying they were open on Sunday 9-2, they were closed. She didn't think it was bad enough to go to the ER, so we went home, and she went back to bed. She woke up this morning complaining about hurting all over, and cringed every time I touched her, even on the top of her head.


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Oh yeah, I called to confirm with my mom that I've had CP once already, but she informed me that when I had them, it was VERY minor on my chest and torso only when I was 5 or 6 years old. So I've been operating on the assumption that I'm immune already, but I'm finding that may not be the case... I hope it is, I'm a MUCH bigger baby when I'm sick than my wife is. If I come down with this, she may just plug me in the head and put me out of my misery!

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The meds can be started even after the 24 hr Period, but studies showed benefit only when started very early.

If a person is very healthy they can fight off the infection, things like smoking habit etc increases chance for getting pneumonia

Food, hydration and lotta rest, it's gonna be alright, just be careful

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Chicken pox are no joke. I had them as a kid, and shingles a couple years back. Shingles was one of the worst physical experiences of my life. Wishing the best for your Mrs. And kudos to NinjaDoc for the prompt and wise attention!

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The meds can be started even after the 24 hr Period, but studies showed benefit only when started very early.

If a person is very healthy they can fight off the infection, things like smoking habit etc increases chance for getting pneumonia

Food, hydration and lotta rest, it's gonna be alright, just be careful

Thanks for checking back... Food is kind of a problem for her right now. She's got the spots in her mouth and said she feels like she's got them in her throat too. She's drinking water, and been eating some applesauce and chicken soup, but not much more. I guess I'll pickup some breakfast type shakes? She hasn't smoked for years, but she was sick with what we assumed was the flu for 4 or 5 days prior to the rash breaking out. She'd been experiencing some dizziness and fever, and when she checked her BP it was like 96/67. Is the fever and such likely related to her body fighting off CP?

Not looking for a diagnosis, just trying fit the pieces together. I hate it when she's sick. Especially when there isn't anything I can do.

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yep CP is viral in origin and like all viral fevers notorious for prodrome features, fever, chills , weakness all these are expected, but cannot predict the severity. Severity depends on the person current state of health. If he/she has good immunity before the attack they do good. People who are on immunosuppressive drugs or sickness have it the worst.

Long back before vaccines, we used unofficially advice children to get exposed to family/friends with chicken pox to get immunized while young itself, coz its bad if you get as an adult

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Long back before vaccines, we used unofficially advice children to get exposed to family/friends with chicken pox to get immunized while young itself, coz its bad if you get as an adult

My parents tried this for me when I was younger several times but I never got them.

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Doc confirmed CP, said this is the first case he's seen in a number of years. Prescribed Acyclovir and a "magic mouthwash" concoction to numb the inside of her mouth and provide some relief for her tongue and mouth. Contagious for 7-10 days, or there about. Doc listened to her lungs and said there didn't seem to be any sign of pneumonia at all, so nothing really to worry about too much for now. It's just gonna suck for a while.

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Doc confirmed CP, said this is the first case he's seen in a number of years. Prescribed Acyclovir and a "magic mouthwash" concoction to numb the inside of her mouth and provide some relief for her tongue and mouth. Contagious for 7-10 days, or there about. Doc listened to her lungs and said there didn't seem to be any sign of pneumonia at all, so nothing really to worry about too much for now. It's just gonna suck for a while.

Nice, dont forget to drink plenty of water when on acyclovir therapy.

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Good luck Ziggy. I have heard, like others, how bad it can be as an adult. Thankfully I had CP as a kid.

I had it as a kid too, but you can get it again as an adult/shingles.

Melissa (my wife) had CP as a kid and just went thru a bout of shingles

a few months ago. It wasn't pretty :(, very painful.

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