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Officer tases handcuffed woman - now brain dead.


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shouldnt he have used those zip cuff then?

We don't cary those on the street. We only use them for tactical situations like riots or situations where there will be mass arrests.

A taser should never be used to subdue a suspect or achieve compliance with an order. Tasers are supposed to be a less lethal means of defending an officer from a potentially threatening situation, like a person running toward them wielding a knife, or a 300 lbs suspect charging a 130 lbs officer.

This lady had been cuffed, and presumably patted down for weapons she was running away, and as far as I can tell, not putting anyone in danger. They should have chased her instead of being lazy and using the taser.

You would NEVER use a taser when you have a person running toward you wielding a knife! The only time might be if you would have good cover and another officer with deadly force back up. Because the chance of hitting a moving target (especially one running at you) with a taser is slim to none. The margin of error is so great that if/when the taser fails, the officer is DEAD.

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So you're not saying she shouldn't been stopped, just that you the taser is the wrong tool? A valid opinion. Much more so than those who think it was excessive ONLY because it ended badly.

I personally extend the police much more leeway in keeping themselves safe in situations where the tasee acted in a manner that requires the officer to go hands-on so i'm of the opinion that the taser is better than a fistfight.

exactly what i was trying to convey. but, it didnt seem obvious to me that she really posed much of a threat to him with regard to his safety; nor would he had to pancake tackle her. i will concede that seeing the videos of cops after a chase or during a stressful situation, letting their emotions get the best of them and beating the shit out of someone who is trying to comply has gotten a little old. clearly not the case here, but she shouldnt have been too much trouble for him. besides, and i didnt really want to go this way, it has always been my un-researched understanding that most PD's require some sort of physical condition upkeep and this crack whore shouldnt have even taken him 10 steps to catch.

anyway, not to take away from what LEO's do for us, i realize it can be a tough job. its easy to watch a video and critique.

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I agree with the brain dead(already) bitch got what was coming to her comment.

Furthermore, I find this(and similar) video both funny and educational at the same time.

If shit like this was shown in school, I bet it would have a positive effect on our youth.

That, and public hanging.

I'm all for bring back public hanging.

Charge a few dollars, do it at Nationwide, use the money for our schools and roads.

THAT is a good idea!!

Couldn't agree more my brotha, and I bet that Budweiser and Harley Davidson would sponsor it!

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A taser should never be used to subdue a suspect or achieve compliance with an order. Tasers are supposed to be a less lethal means of defending an officer from a potentially threatening situation, like a person running toward them wielding a knife, or a 300 lbs suspect charging a 130 lbs officer.

This lady had been cuffed, and presumably patted down for weapons she was running away, and as far as I can tell, not putting anyone in danger. They should have chased her instead of being lazy and using the taser.

She was putting herself in danger, and other people - The report states that she was high on drugs and running towards a busy road. If he did not stop her and she ran into traffic then he'd be in trouble.

The taser allow an officer to effect an arrest when the only other option is goign hands-on and risking injury to the officer.

It should be accepted that this officer has no correct options open to him. It's the "Old Man, his Son and the Donkey" Aesop's fable in real life. No matter what he did there will always be someone who says he did it wrong.

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Personally I think it was a lazy move to taze her' date=' she wasn't that far ahead

of him, he could have caught her.[/quote']

I'm not trying to argue, but it is very easy to make a statement like this when your are "Arm chair Quarterbacking". Video give you an idea of what is taking place, but it never tells the story. Is the officer injured? Does he have an injury that could be made worse by tackling or struggling with her? Drugs can make people incredibly strong and able to disregard pain to the point that it would take a true "beat down" to subdue her. Then, if she dies from a pre-existing medical condition, and the "beating" is on video, everyone would be crying "Police Brutality". Sometimes people die, and it is unfortunate. However, if you don't want to run that risk, don't commit the crime!

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So you're in favor of something resembling Sharia Law?

For sexual predators, yes. The risk of recidivism is too high and the impact of the crime is too high. They should be rendered permanently incapable of further crime. Either life in jail, castration/amputation or death. Give them the choice.

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I think we are all missing a very important detail in this thread....... Did parks get tazed then shit his pants !?!?!?!?

No I did not haha.

I do think they were plotting against me tho. I didnt figure they would do it till the end of class. so I drank a soda figuring I would just piss it out at lunch. Nope soon as I finished my drink they asked for volunteer's. All I could think about was dont piss yourself, dont piss yourself haha. First attempt the leads were junk but we didnt know it so the instructor starts counting down. I stop him and tell him to just hit me with the thing I dont want to know when its coming. Few seconds later crracccccck the tazer goes off i get nothing. Reposition the leads... Craccckkkk goes the tazer I get nothing. Third time new leads and...http://s157.photobucket.com/albums/t47/adam_parks/?action=view&current=100_0014.mp4

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No I did not haha.

I do think they were plotting against me tho. I didnt figure they would do it till the end of class. so I drank a soda figuring I would just piss it out at lunch. Nope soon as I finished my drink they asked for volunteer's. All I could think about was dont piss yourself, dont piss yourself haha. First attempt the leads were junk but we didnt know it so the instructor starts counting down. I stop him and tell him to just hit me with the thing I dont want to know when its coming. Few seconds later crracccccck the tazer goes off i get nothing. Reposition the leads... Craccckkkk goes the tazer I get nothing. Third time new leads and...100_0014.mp4 video by adam_parks - Photobucket

Well done staying vertical. Should have said; "That all you got?"

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Well done staying vertical. Should have said; "That all you got?"

That shit hurt, I couldnt move I tried for the first few seconds to move my hand, it just wouldnt respond. Once I stop concentrating on trying to move, the pain set in. It seemed like it was 30 secs not 5.

Most of the people only take a quick burst, I told them they were pussies and to give me the full ride. Dumb really really dumb on my part haha. Some of the noises people make are hysterical.

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Tasers are a compliance tool. Ever try to get some ones arms out from under them to cuff them?

If the suspect is putting officers or the public in danger by having his or her arm under them, then tase away. If not, using a taser is just a lack of patience or skill.

The notion that the police should be tasing people just because they aren't complying in a non-threatening situation is absurd.

It would open the door to rampant police misconduct and over-use of Tasers. Ever been told to "move along" when police are breaking up a fight? Should they be allowed to tase you if you stick around a little too long? What about if you talk back? Or how about if you say "fuck off pig?"

How about if you're tagged for speeding, pull over, and bolt? The police should only be using Tasers when they're absolutely necessary. It's for their own good (fewer incidents like this) and ours.

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If the suspect is putting officers or the public in danger by having his or her arm under them, then tase away. If not, using a taser is just a lack of patience or skill.

The notion that the police should be tasing people just because they aren't complying in a non-threatening situation is absurd.

It would open the door to rampant police misconduct and over-use of Tasers. Ever been told to "move along" when police are breaking up a fight? Should they be allowed to tase you if you stick around a little too long? What about if you talk back? Or how about if you say "fuck off pig?"

How about if you're tagged for speeding, pull over, and bolt? The police should only be using Tasers when they're absolutely necessary. It's for their own good (fewer incidents like this) and ours.

Tasers are an alternative to baton, OC, tackling, striking or otherwise going hands-on with prejudice. If the situation doesn't call for any of those, then it doesn't call for a taser.

That chick? She needed to be tackled, therefore tasing was appropriate as an alternative to it.

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If the suspect is putting officers or the public in danger by having his or her arm under them, then tase away. If not, using a taser is just a lack of patience or skill.

The notion that the police should be tasing people just because they aren't complying in a non-threatening situation is absurd.

It would open the door to rampant police misconduct and over-use of Tasers. Ever been told to "move along" when police are breaking up a fight? Should they be allowed to tase you if you stick around a little too long? What about if you talk back? Or how about if you say "fuck off pig?"

How about if you're tagged for speeding, pull over, and bolt? The police should only be using Tasers when they're absolutely necessary. It's for their own good (fewer incidents like this) and ours.

Tasers are an alternative to baton, OC, tackling, striking or otherwise going hands-on with prejudice. If the situation doesn't call for any of those, then it doesn't call for a taser.

That chick? She needed to be tackled, therefore tasing was appropriate as an alternative to it.


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I flatly disagree that the police are allowed to "beat" or taser a person into submission when they're not posing a threat of harm to anyone but themselves.

Furthermore, I would contend that a taser poses a relatively high risk of heart issues that traditional "tackling" or baton striking would not. While I would not deem a baton strike necessary to catch and tackle a fleeing suspect, i think it's infinitely less likely that a person would die from a single baton blow to the knee than a single taser pulse to their central body mass.

If the suspect is a physical threat to the officer, or any bystanders, all bets are off, but in a situation where someone is just running away, the cops should not be allowed to use a weapon just for the sake of being lazy and not pursuing them on foot.

While I'm not surprised the members of this site have taken the attitude that this woman "got what she deserved when she broke the law," I am a bit surprised that you're all so willing to blindly trust police to make such weighty judgment calls with impunity.

isn't that just another form of expanding government power?

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this girl DIED because officer tubby didn't feel like chasing her.

Yes, she had broken the law, but until she's convicted, she has all the same rights as you and I. Perhaps she would have been convicted, and perhaps she would have been acquitted, but whatever her crime, I doubt the punishment would have been as harsh as the result here.

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If the suspect is a physical threat to the officer, or any bystanders, all bets are off

She was running towards a busy road, high on drugs and desperate to escape. If she made it into the road she would likely cause a crash.

All bets off now?

It's not a game. The officer is under no obligation to give her a sporting chance. She was under arrest and ran away, faster than the officer. He stopped her using a level of force that would have been a non-event except for the freak accident.

EDIT: If they could invent a painless taser then that would be much better.

Edited by Scruit
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I flatly disagree that the police are allowed to "beat" or taser a person into submission when they're not posing a threat of harm to anyone but themselves.

Furthermore, I would contend that a taser poses a relatively high risk of heart issues that traditional "tackling" or baton striking would not. While I would not deem a baton strike necessary to catch and tackle a fleeing suspect, i think it's infinitely less likely that a person would die from a single baton blow to the knee than a single taser pulse to their central body mass.

If the suspect is a physical threat to the officer, or any bystanders, all bets are off, but in a situation where someone is just running away, the cops should not be allowed to use a weapon just for the sake of being lazy and not pursuing them on foot.

While I'm not surprised the members of this site have taken the attitude that this woman "got what she deserved when she broke the law," I am a bit surprised that you're all so willing to blindly trust police to make such weighty judgment calls with impunity.

isn't that just another form of expanding government power?

You and I will get together...you with a tazer, and me with a police baton.

You tazer me first, and after I recover (just a few minutes), I'll hit you in the knee with the baton.

I'll bring you a beer in the hospital while they're rebuilding your knee and we'll discuss how each option worked.


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You and I will get together...you with a tazer, and me with a police baton.

You tazer me first, and after I recover (just a few minutes), I'll hit you in the knee with the baton.

I'll bring you a beer in the hospital while they're rebuilding your knee and we'll discuss how each option worked.



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