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School shooting


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Mine weren't to bad. Of course I don't feel teachers should have to arm themselves nor do I feel kids should feel unsafe in school.

I dont want teachers to be required to arm themselves, I'd just like to see the signs taken down so that any teachers who chose to get their CCW and arm themselves could do it. Just that fact that these signs are there, tells these kids that nobody is going to shoot back at them...... they can shoot till they're happy and not have to worry about a thing.

Signs create a "Criminal protection zone"

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I dont want teachers to be required to arm themselves, I'd just like to see the signs taken down so that any teachers who chose to get their CCW and arm themselves could do it. Just that fact that these signs are there, tells these kids that nobody is going to shoot back at them...... they can shoot till they're happy and not have to worry about a thing.

Signs create a "Criminal protection zone"

I think your right on taking down the signs. I don't think teachers should have to CCW. Not all teachers should carry a gun but I think a couple of qualified teachers carring a sidearm on their hip might make the kids think twice.

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I think your right on taking down the signs. I don't think teachers should have to CCW. Not all teachers should carry a gun but I think a couple of qualified teachers carring a sidearm on their hip might make the kids think twice.

I don't think so... Most of these actions (in the past) have been murder/suicides... they killed the few people they wanted to, and then went themselves...

I think at this point they don't care too much what happens to them...

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I don't think so... Most of these actions (in the past) have been murder/suicides... they killed the few people they wanted to, and then went themselves...

I think at this point they don't care too much what happens to them...

You don't think an armed teacher could minimize te collateral damage? I very much do. And I also think the teachers should have the option to carry if they want. In a situation like this the teachers and staff are the fisrt line of defense for those students, not the police

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You don't think an armed teacher could minimize te collateral damage? I very much do. And I also think the teachers should have the option to carry if they want. In a situation like this the teachers and staff are the fisrt line of defense for those students, not the police

I think an armed guard would be FAR, FAR more likely than any school ever authorizing a teacher to carry a gun.

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It kills me to listen on the radio and elsewhere people blaming teachers. The blame lies first and foremost with parenting and secondly in the way society has become. Both my best friend and my girlfriend are teachers and the stories I hear about some of these kids is appalling and there isnt a damn thing the teachers can do to discipline them without fearing losing their jobs or being sued. I could never be a teacher because the way I was raised, a good slap upside the back of the head is what I'd want to do and they need

Not to mention this damn culture of wanting to place the blame on every one other than the person actually responsible for committing the act of violence. There is zero personal accountability anymore and its the most ridiculous freaking thing imaginable. It always has to be the fault of someone or something else.

I was picked on all the time as a kid as I was a quiet easy target. But guess what, I ignored it and everyone found no fun in it and moved on with the quickness. I'm also way better than most people of my generation and younger so I guess I'm not shocked

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Don't get me wrong.I'm on no way blaming theteachers.

no worries...it was more of a rant than a response to anything anyone has said

I'm all for teachers carrying but realistically I know it will never happen. Are armed guards a solution to teachers not being able to carry, personally I don't think so. Once again to me it comes down to the accountability of parents and an extreme need for society to change back to some of the old styles of discipline. Its clear that todays measures don't work in my eyes and situations like this just prove it to me more.

The broken home argument only goes so far on me since my parents divorced when I was 8 and their marriage wasnt the best to begin with the and the divorce was a 6 year battle of nasty and I seemed to turn out just fine

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You don't think an armed teacher could minimize te collateral damage? I very much do.

nope, in this case little TJ walked right up to the group of students he wanted to kill, popped them off in quick succession, the best a teacher could have done is shot back at him (endangering more students in the crossfire) after he had already drawn and fired those deadly rounds... it would have changed nothing, except there would possibly be 4 dead students instead of 3...

he didn't have a large magazine, he wasn't spraying kids at random, this was a direct and by all accounts pre-meditated attack on those individuals who were shot, and nobody else.

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It kills me to listen on the radio and elsewhere people blaming teachers. The blame lies first and foremost with parenting and secondly in the way society has become. Both my best friend and my girlfriend are teachers and the stories I hear about some of these kids is appalling and there isnt a damn thing the teachers can do to discipline them without fearing losing their jobs or being sued. I could never be a teacher because the way I was raised, a good slap upside the back of the head is what I'd want to do and they need

Not to mention this damn culture of wanting to place the blame on every one other than the person actually responsible for committing the act of violence. There is zero personal accountability anymore and its the most ridiculous freaking thing imaginable. It always has to be the fault of someone or something else.

I was picked on all the time as a kid as I was a quiet easy target. But guess what, I ignored it and everyone found no fun in it and moved on with the quickness. I'm also way better than most people of my generation and younger so I guess I'm not shocked


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nope, in this case little TJ walked right up to the group of students he wanted to kill, popped them off in quick succession, the best a teacher could have done is shot back at him (endangering more students in the crossfire) after he had already drawn and fired those deadly rounds... it would have changed nothing, except there would possibly be 4 dead students instead of 3...

he didn't have a large magazine, he wasn't spraying kids at random, this was a direct and by all accounts pre-meditated attack on those individuals who were shot, and nobody else.

I'm talking about cases like columbine or Virginia tech. This situation is the hardest to handle after the bullets fly. Action needs to happen beforehand at the slightest sign of intent.... like an internet picture.

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This is a rare, terrible occurrence. I don't think that arming teachers is an anyway a good idea. A nervous teacher aiming at a target within a group of kids is going to end badly.

An armed gaurd or LTL measures are far more likely, even though still not a great idea.

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Action needs to happen beforehand at the slightest sign of intent.... like an internet picture.

Just because there was an internet picture this time doesn't mean there will be one next time...

Training. Its simple. If a teacher wants to carry a fire arm they just take x amount of training a year.

IMAGINE the law suits... Teachers are going to opt out every time, even if they have the training. "you shot my kid" = Multi million dollar law suits.

Edited by magley64
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This is a rare, terrible occurrence. I don't think that arming teachers is an anyway a good idea. A nervous teacher aiming at a target within a group of kids is going to end badly.

while I agree with this if you combine it with proper training I think it would be ok. I don't think anyone is gonna advocate just giving guns to a teacher that doesn't know what they are doing. In the instance of my friend, I'd trust him carrying a gun in a heartbeat because he has been shooting as long as I have and shoots far more often than I. Now my girlfriend on the other hand would be a big ass no because she has zero experience. That is about to change however

The other side of this that if kids know the teachers are there and can be a "first line of defense" then I think it could possibly deter these kind of acts. On the other hand, kids like the columbine ones that are gonna kill themselves anyway it clearly wouldn't matter one way or the other as a deterrent factor

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IMAGINE the law suits... Teachers are going to opt out every time, even if they have the training. "you shot my kid" = Multi million dollar law suits.

and thats the problem with this fucking society and why guns will never be in teachers hands

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IMAGINE the law suits... Teachers are going to opt out every time, even if they have the training. "you shot my kid" = Multi million dollar law suits.

I was being snide before. My ex-wife is a teacher. Between her and all of friends I don't know that there is one of them I want to carry a gun. It would be like Barney Fife carring a gun. There should be a deterent of some kind. Random police visits. Metal detector days. Something that might give these psycos pause the day that they snap.

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Teachers with guns is a terrible idea. Even if you sprinkle in some training.

I guess I just don't understand your reasoning. I don't see why just because their profession is teacher they can't be proficient at handling a firearm

In the end its probably a moot point as like I said before, I really don't see there ever being a day where schools will allow to teachers to carry

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love, not guns, guys.

instead of an armed security detail (What is this? Iran?), they should have a hug detail. Teams of idyllic mother and father figures, armed only with fully automatic puppies and kittens, giving out head tussles, "atta-boy!"s and good old fashioned, warm sincere hugs.

Under their oh-so-soft cashmere sweater vests, they would have a couple of these, ready to jam into the temple of those who dare angst against the machine:


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Arming teachers would be a disaster....

1. How many times have we heard that teachers are afraid of their kids so give them a gun so next time Billy says boo he gets shot.

2. If a kid is going to shoot up the school and he knows the teachers are armed do you not think the teachers would be his first target?

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This isn't a school problem, or a teacher problem. This was a premeditated shooting by a kid with a screw loose. You could post SWAT teams in every classroom and it wouldn't make any difference. If this kid wanted to shoot those spcific victims badly enough he could have done it in the parking lot before school, or any number of places.

Suggesting weapons training for teachers is missing the point. If you want teachers to take training how about recognizing and dealing with troubled kids.

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