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Kids and braces......


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Anyone have knowledge of kids and teeth braces. I understand there are new kinds/ methods, recommended ages. Et cetera. All I know is vs. old school braces there are new techniques and some docs say wait till the child is older like 18.

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Funny Im going through this with myself right now actually. I got braces at like 13-15 but my teeth were never that bad. Then at 17ish I had my wisdom teeth pulled, and stopped wearing my retainers.

Fast forward to 28yrs old, I feel I need them again on my lower teeth. The fronts shifted and now I don't think I got my parents monies worth.

I will be waiting on my kids if they need them until they are older than I was for sure. My fiance had hers later like mid to upper teens and her teeth are perfect, shes never once worn a retainer either....

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I had them for three years through my junior high era. I had the deluxe kit headgear, rubber bands, retainers. It worked great for me until a snowboarding accident a little over a year ago. Now my bottom front teeth are a little off... ooops.

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I have an 11 year old that is in year one of his two year plan and an 8 year old that we are being told will need the same thing. Neither my wife or I wore braces as kids but both of our kids teeth are pretty messed up. We were told the same thing as others have mentioned, earlier is better, its easier to guide the new teeth in now than move them later.

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See I was told by another doc about a year ago they are figuring out it's better to wait till they're 18-23 and it's a shorter term because yes the teeth are easier to move at a younger age but they don't stop moving for a long long time so years of wearing them at a younger age is really pointless. The permanent retainer just seems like a bad idea. My friend has that. Very odd wire in your mouth for life doesn't sound good. I'm thinking some of the doctors advice is based on how long they can tie you into a braces plan and the money they make off you. I'm going to have to research this. Invisible ones are the thing I guess and rubber bands are ice age i'm told.

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See I was told by another doc about a year ago they are figuring out it's better to wait till they're 18-23 and it's a shorter term because yes the teeth are easier to move at a younger age but they don't stop moving for a long long time so years of wearing them at a younger age is really pointless. The permanent retainer just seems like a bad idea. My friend has that. Very odd wire in your mouth for life doesn't sound good. I'm thinking some of the doctors advice is based on how long they can tie you into a braces plan and the money they make off you. I'm going to have to research this. Invisible ones are the thing I guess and rubber bands are ice age i'm told.

Crossed my mind, but we pay one time and all subsequent visits and treatments are included.

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Had braces from 6th to 8th grade, wore a retainer for a year or so after, haven't had a retainer for 6 or so years and mine are still like the day the braces came off. My teeth were pretty bad too. Only had the top braces because my dentist said the bottoms were not bad and would grow together, 9 years later I regret not having them.

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  • 7 months later...

Grave digging here...

I just started invisalign a little over 2 weeks ago. For the most part, my teeth/smile is pretty straight, but my bite is a little off and it hurts my jaw. I have one molar that is really just not straight and a lot of my bottom teeth aren't lined up as well as I'd like. I was pretty surprised to find out that I'll have my 'perfect' smile in just 10 trays (2 weeks each)....

On the other hand, I consulted with a dentist a few years ago that said I should get braces and estimated that it would take roughly a year and a half. I was thinking about it, and dentists who suggest braces can string you along for as long as they want...

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Right! Its just more and more money, why take them out of the braces??

I think I made the right decision with the invisalign, bc I know in 20 weeks what my teeth will look like, then there will be a 2nd phase with minor adjustments if necessary, but that will definitely not end up being a year and a half.

Plus, they are really discrete and nobody has called me brace face yet. :D

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I think some of my friends got conned, they said that they had to pay for more visits when they had to stay in them for longer.

I do see one disadvantage to these things though, I have to brush my teeth and the aligners like 3 times a day or I feel like they are gross. idk what the procedure for braces are... probably as needed when you get food stuck?

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3xs a day floss 2xs. Honestly when i had them i was brushing at least that and using mouth was 2xs a day...it sucked. My exs kid didnt take care of them and had them over 2 yrs then had to have 4 root canals when they came off.

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