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Mt Sterling Police Tase 9 yr old


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i dont see the problem with tazing him. the kid has plenty of chances to cooperate, and the mother appeared to be ok with it as well......maybe now the kid will learn his lesson about resisting arrest....better than learning this lesson later in life when hes old enough for a back alley police style beat down

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Resisting arrest? He's 9 years old. He is not at fault' date=' at all. His mother should have been punched in her uterus and then the officer should have left.

Just because the parent is too lazy to discipline their child, doesn't make it cool for the police to be called in to zap him with electricity.

Has the entire world gone bat-shit insane? :dunno:[/quote']

i dont believe the police should have been called at all...they should have told the mom to fuck off on the phone....however, at what age does a kid have to start listening to authority in your mind? 9 year olds are allowed to disregard everything a police officer says? what about 10? 12? 14? when is a kid "responsible" for listening to orders given by a police officer?

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Whenever it happens to be the police officers business. I'd like to think Isaac would have told the cop to kindly get fucked. I raised him better than to listen to arbitrary authority' date=' like that of a police officer.

If the kid can't vote... he shouldn't have to listen to any public servant's bullshit. Not his fault, or his problem.[/quote']

the kid had a warrant for something, therefore it was the officers business.

also, if they cant vote they can tell the police to fuck off? you do realize that includes 16, and 17 year olds, right? they are driving age.....so what, drinking and driving, drugs, fighting, robbing, etc....no big deal since they cant vote?

sure those are all extremes, but so is "if the kid cant vote he shouldnt have to follow the laws"

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What's the warrant for? Skipping school? If so' date=' how is that the kid's fault?

I get your point about my voting example. I should have chosen my words more carefully. Regardless, any 9 year old that tells a cop to fuck off is cool in my book.

I think society's lust-fest with following authority is disgusting. We're far too dependent on the system. This is a glowing example of such reprehensible behavior.[/quote']

do i think the cop needed to taze the kid? especially over some bullshit curfew warrant? absolutely not.

however, i firmly believe in obeying the police if the request is reasonable. any problems that occur, can be fought out in court....resisting arrest and telling the police to fuck off, IMO, is not the right way to handle the situation. officer gave the kid an order, the kid refused several times, the officer followed through and did what he said he would do. i see no issues with that. the tazer left no marks, no damage, and the kid was absolutely fine immediately afterwards, he didnt even get shot with the tazer so there was no barbs to be pulled out or anything. same as the kid getting spanked in my book. (except if the officer spanked the kid, he would get fired)

i think putting out a warranty on a 9 year old for curfew is ridiculous, but i cant fault the officer for it since he is just enforcing the law, not creating them

and yes i do blame the parents for the situation happening, raising the kid poorly, etc....doesnt neglect my feelings about how the kid should have followed orders

its not like he shot the kid

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the kids parents seem absolutely shitty....perhaps this will be a reality check for the kid....may even do him some good in the long run, to finally realize that discipline does exist and he needs to shape up....i guess we differ in that i dont see a tazer as being excessive force, especially when used as a stun gun without shooting the barbs into the kid.

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i dont believe the police should have been called at all...they should have told the mom to fuck off on the phone....however, at what age does a kid have to start listening to authority in your mind? 9 year olds are allowed to disregard everything a police officer says? what about 10? 12? 14? when is a kid "responsible" for listening to orders given by a police officer?

If an officer is requested, dispatch will (should) send one. They can't make the choice if one is needed or not.

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What's the warrant for? Skipping school? If so' date=' how is that the kid's fault?

I get your point about my voting example. I should have chosen my words more carefully. Regardless, any 9 year old that tells a cop to fuck off is cool in my book.

I think society's lust-fest with following authority is disgusting. We're far too dependent on the system. This is a glowing example of such reprehensible behavior.[/quote']

If the cop was giving legal lawful orders, all you'd be doing is continue the dipshittery for when the kid is an adult and doesn't give a damn about authority.

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I'm not putting any blame on the officer. I wholly' date=' 100% blame the parent. The officer is just the unfortunate soul that was put in a bullshit situation. If he tells the mom to handle her business, then he gets chewed for a complaint being filed. If he man-handles the kid, he gets pinned as being an authority abuser. He did exactly what he was trained/instructed to do.

That's the problem. His job isn't to use intelligence and proper judgment. His job is to enforce laws. His job is to taze children that don't comply with his commands. He's not a very good parent, because he isn't the parent. That's not his job.. and that's why it should be none of his (read: the state's) business. His job isn't to "discipline" a child that doesn't belong to him.

If nobody else sees this as an issue, then I'll go back to my fucked up world views and keep to myself.[/quote']

i agree with you. i was just replying to your initial response to me saying i dont believe the officer did anything wrong, and that i believe the kid had it coming for refusing to follow the orders of the police.

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Actually, this isn't all that surprising to me. Lol

this happens because parents dont spank their kids anymore.

if i refused to go to school, my mom woulda back handed the shit out of me and made me go. the next day, i wouldnt dare tell her no again.

sure i got into my fair share of trouble, but i think i turned out alright. i am a firm believer in people spanking their kids (there is a difference between spanking and abusing though....but thats for another thread)

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this happens because parents dont spank their kids anymore.

if i refused to go to school, my mom woulda back handed the shit out of me and made me go. the next day, i wouldnt dare tell her no again.

sure i got into my fair share of trouble, but i think i turned out alright. i am a firm believer in people spanking their kids (there is a difference between spanking and abusing though....but thats for another thread)


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i know that. i was just saying i cant believe the mom had to call the police to control her 9 year old kid for her, its outrageous

I've responded to an "out of control kindergartener". I didn't tase him though. Instead, I chose to punch the little fuck in the mouth. Then I turned to mom and said you won't be needing us anymore! (Maybe that is how it went in my mind...it's a little fuzzy). However, I did arrest a 10 year old on Saturday night after he tried to stab his cousin for breaking his X-Box controller.

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I agree that this is super shitty parenting, but officers can radio for backup. Parents can't.

There was no need to taser this kid. He's not a danger to anyone laying on the floor refusing to be cuffed. This acceptance that police should be allowed to taser anyone who doesn't comply is bullshit.

Can the mother taser the little shit if he does t listen to her? Can the sergeant taser the patrolmen if they're disobeying orders? It's just shitty policy to allow this sort of garbage.

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Don't break someone's shit and your bitch-ass won't get shanked. Not hard to comprehend. :dunno:

Turnabout was fair play, the 10 year old intentionally tried to knock the cousin's flat screen off the dresser to break it.

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Don't break someone's shit and your bitch-ass won't get shanked. Not hard to comprehend. :dunno:

So why even have trials for criminals caught in the act? Just have the cops carry out the appropriate sentence during pursuit or at the scene. <eye roll>

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