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Mt Sterling Police Tase 9 yr old


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I agree that this is super shitty parenting, but officers can radio for backup. Parents can't.

There was no need to taser this kid. He's not a danger to anyone laying on the floor refusing to be cuffed. This acceptance that police should be allowed to taser anyone who doesn't comply is bullshit.

Can the mother taser the little shit if he does t listen to her? Can the sergeant taser the patrolmen if they're disobeying orders? It's just shitty policy to allow this sort of garbage.

its a taser, not a 9mm

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I don't give a damn about authority. If the law is something that makes sense to me' date=' I'll abide by it. If not, Johnny Law can suck it. Authority? LoL... please.[/quote']



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So why even have trials for criminals caught in the act? Just have the cops carry out the appropriate sentence during pursuit or at the scene. <eye roll>



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So you're cool with being tased by any "authority figure" if you choose not to comply, just because it's non-lethal force? Come on...

if i choose not to comply and i get tazed, i probably deserved it....better than getting my ass stomped by 4 officers or cracked with night sticks until my bones are broken

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I read that' date=' too. I hate society and everyone in it. Speaking of... did you know the average I.Q. in America is ~98?

SRSLY? Ninety-fucking-eight? :facepalm:[/quote']


you....are aware that the average is set to be 100, right? :confused:

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I just don't think the cops should be using physical force to gain compliance in any situation where the suspect isn't putting others at risk of harm.

Making the leap from arresting to punishing should be left to the courts, and only after a conviction.

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I just don't think the cops should be using physical force to gain compliance in any situation where the suspect isn't putting others at risk of harm.

Making the leap from arresting to punishing should be left to the courts, and only after a conviction.

ok so....suspect lays down with his hands tucked under his stomach and refuses to be arrested

the cops cant use physical force to gain compliance

leave the guy alone and arrest some other time when he feels like going to jail? :wtf:

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There is a difference between pulling a suspects arms out to cuff him (relatively painless. Not a punishment) and using a taser on them, which inflicts quite a bit of pain (punishment before any due process).

I am not anti-law enforcement, I just don't think they should be resorting to inflicting pain on suspects without exhausting their alternatives. The police have a hard job, and I sympathIze with their plight, but that is the job. It requires patience and a cool head. I would not be a good LEO. I know this, and avoided that profession. Their job is to remove their emotions from the equation and take the suspect into custody with the least danger and damage possible, to themselves, the public AND the suspect.

Using a taser on the suspect may indeed be necessary at times, but not as often as it appears police are using it. A taser isn't a short-cut to eliminate hard work. Police exhisted without Tasers for hundreds of years. I don't believe they're suddenly more efficient now that they carry them.

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There is a difference between pulling a suspects arms out to cuff him (relatively painless. Not a punishment) and using a taser on them, which inflicts quite a bit of pain (punishment before any due process).

I am not anti-law enforcement, I just don't think they should be resorting to inflicting pain on suspects without exhausting their alternatives. The police have a hard job, and I sympathIze with their plight, but that is the job. It requires patience and a cool head. I would not be a good LEO. I know this, and avoided that profession. Their job is to remove their emotions from the equation and take the suspect into custody with the least danger and damage possible, to themselves, the public AND the suspect.

Using a taser on the suspect may indeed be necessary at times, but not as often as it appears police are using it. A taser isn't a short-cut to eliminate hard work. Police exhisted without Tasers for hundreds of years. I don't believe they're suddenly more efficient now that they carry them.

no point to keep going on this subject with you....this is the second thread we have....clearly we just have to agree to disagree because we see it completely differently. there are no lasting affects from a taser, hell i have seen people shock themselves for fun just to see what its like, prank others with one, etc..i dont see it as being excessive. i see it as the perfect tool for compliance. instead of officers having to wrestle and fight with suspects, they can just zap them once or twice until they decide to comply. i see no harm in that, not one bit. police existed before a lot of technology, now that they have it, it is exactly a reason to bypass the "hard work"...tasing leaves no more lasting damage than wrestling with someone to try and free up their hands. thats my view, it is apparently opposite of yours, but you wont be able to change it. so, truce i suppose :)

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For those with kids, is physical force your first means of gaining compliance, or your last?

I trust my parents a hell of a lot more than the police, and yet it seems like many of you are claiming you trust the police to strike first rather than exhausting other options. It all sounds good in theory when it's not you the cops are after, but it might be some day. Not everyone the police encounter, interrogate, or arrest is guilty. How many here have been arrested and still think the cops should be looser with the taser (or fists, night sticks, batons, pepper spray, etc.?

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For those with kids, is physical force your first means of gaining compliance, or your last?

I trust my parents a hell of a lot more than the police, and yet it seems like many of you are claiming you trust the police to strike first rather than exhausting other options. It all sounds good in theory when it's not you the cops are after, but it might be some day. Not everyone the police encounter, interrogate, or arrest is guilty. How many here have been arrested and still think the cops should be looser with the taser (or fists, night sticks, batons, pepper spray, etc.?

Didn't the article say he told the kid to comply then told him multiple times he'd use the tazer? It wasn't his first resort.

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Let's just get it out in the open. Clearly' date=' the officer is not smart enough to out-wit a nine year old child. He had no other choice than to use electricity to compel the youngster to do his bidding.[/quote']

I didn't say that. Redkow asked if your first resort is to use physical force? It wasn't the officer's per the article so what's the point to asking that? I never said tazing the kid was a good or bad decision.

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ok so....suspect lays down with his hands tucked under his stomach and refuses to be arrested

the cops cant use physical force to gain compliance

leave the guy alone and arrest some other time when he feels like going to jail? :wtf:

Dude, you need some perspective. You obviously don't have kids, cause if you did you'd be singing a different tune. First off, cops show up to serve a warrant for truancy. Did you hear that? Truancy, for skipping school. He's a 9 yr old kid with worthless parent(s) that don't make him go to school. Why was a warrant for the kid created in the first place?

Resisting arrest??? He's a 9 yr old kid!!! Does even know what arrest mean? Does he know what's going to happen to him if he goes with the cop? The kid is probably scared to death and his mom is telling him tough crap. Were you ever 9? You'd do the same thing.

If a parent tases their own kid its called abuse. If a cop came in my house and tased my kid for any reason short of chewing someone's heart of their chest that cop is going to be taking me to jail for assaulting an officer.

Anyway, you're opinion is in the minority. The mayor of Mt Sterling and the city council have all but fired the chief of police and disbanded the police dept.

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I didn't say that. Redkow asked if your first resort is to use physical force? It wasn't the officer's per the article so what's the point to asking that? I never said tazing the kid was a good or bad decision.

Then I'll say it.

Tasing a 9 yr old was a bad decision from an idiot cop.

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