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Thoughts and prayers needed niece had emergency brain suegery


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Thoughts and prayers needed: My 2 year old neice Madison was in her incompetent fathers care and fell out of a shopping cart last night. Luckily he took her to the hospital they did a CT scan and found a blood clot in her brain. She had brain surgery early this morning and is recovering. She is a strong little girl.


I understand some are not religious, but please keep this little girl in your thoughts.

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She ate on her own today, and walked a little. I guess she just keeps saying she's done now. She is ready to go home. Mom says the hardest part is going to be when she foes hone, because she loves the park but wont be able to go for like a month.

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I'd hate to see the bill her father's going to get for floor repair. We have hard heads. :) I'm just glad in one way that I live 6 hours from them.

I was holding up well until I called the gift shop to order a Teddy bear and balloon. I just about lost it then and I don't know why, but I starred tearing up when I called.

Sis says they may release her tomorrow, which seems fast.

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Thanks everyone. Madison is back to her normal self today and was going to be released, butvl while my sister was packing her up a nurse saw Madison standing on a chair. Now the hospital is suggesting Foster care. The babies father and paternal grandmother were supposedly watching her while sis packed Madison's things. Since all three were in the room hospital called CPS and is recommended Foster care. You wanna get sick to your stomach and dislike the government more I will be happy to sit down and tell too the story. Lets just say a basket of clean clothes on the washer makes a house cluttered and unfit for a child. Much longer story obviously.

Good news is doctors say they expect no issues and expect a full recovery. Apparently they had to put a plate in as part of her skull was damaged badly.

I'm just happy she pulled through. Kids are much more resilient than I give them credit for.

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It sounds like she needs foster care...as she's obviously not receiving the type of supervision she should have.

I agree she isn't receiving the supervision she should. I'm not sure if this chair incident should count against my sister as she was packing Madison's stuff. Madison's father and paternal grandmother were watching her, but my sister was in the room. Babies father has temporary custody because my sister said something stupid a year ago. This isn't the first fall in the fathers care. Last fall she had bruises all over from falling out of a high chair. My sister had only had supervised visitation for the last year. The court hasn't awarded permanent custody because they want the parents to work it out. The judge was also afraid to give custody back to my sister last court date because the judge feared the father may harm my sister or baby. The whole mess is crazy. Sis asked if we would take Madison if she has to go into Foster care. We are waiting for CPS to show up to the hospital.

I don't believe the father wants custody, his mother whom he lives with does. His mom is not allowed to see her other grandkids. I believe one of the mothers of her other grandkids even has a restraining order against her. She is crazy and started the same stuff with her other grandkids:s mother's.

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Court assigned guardian wants her in Foster. CPS is leaving her in her father's car. Susters lawyer has filed for an emergency injunction, but that hearing wont be until Tuesday. Niece will probably be released tonight from the hospital into her fathers care. I've decided CPS doesn't give a damn about what's best for the child.

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