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ganglion cyst..... to pop, or not?

kawi kid

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You do not pop or drain those, you do as CRB said. You smack it with a hard cover book. That breaks it up and it goes away on its own.

This. Ganglion cysts you don't want to drain. I have seen a large dictionary being used to do it before and it worked like a charm

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Yup... I've done it myself on my wrist. Don't wuss out, you have to hit it square and kind of hard with a heavy book... My doctor said that sometimes when you hit them, they wont drain right away. They will get soft and gel like after you "break" them. If it's not hard to the touch after you hit it once then you probably broke it and your body will absorb the fluid.

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I had one on my wrist a few years back. After a bunch of googling (where the medical sites specifically advise against hitting it with a book) I went to a surgeon. The surgeon also advised against hitting it with anything and scheduled me for surgery to remove it.

About a week before the op itself I was moving a top-loading washing machine and was holding the edge of the opening at the top (door propped open)... When I tilted the machine towards myself the door fell closed - right onto my "wristbump". It was clear immediately that the cyst was split open. No pain. The squishy lump disappeared slowly over a few days.

Called the surgeon back and got the nurse who told me I still needed the surgery to remove the rest of the cyst material. I argued the surgeon would not want to open up my wrist and go digging around to try and find a cyst that wasn't there any more because the risks involved in are too great. Nurse disagreed and told me to come in still or else it would fill up again within a couple of weeks.

When I went for the "surgery" the surgeon said; "Where is it?" When I told him it what happened he said; "Why are you here then"? I explained the nurse told me the surgery would still go ahead. He said; "No, I'm not going to go digging around in there for a cyst that isn't there any more - too risky."

But, the f*cker still charged me a $120 "doctor visit" for the surgery that didn't go ahead, even though he said the nurse should have told me to cancel the appointment and acknowledging the nurse talked me out of cancelling based upon bad information. Told my insurance company what happened so they refused to pay it. The surgeon tried to bill me directly and I explained why I wasn't paying. The bill collectors he sent after me were told to F*CK OFF. They finally did. That was 12 years ago.

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I had one on my wrist a few years back. After a bunch of googling (where the medical sites specifically advise against hitting it with a book) I went to a surgeon. The surgeon also advised against hitting it with anything and scheduled me for surgery to remove it.

About a week before the op itself I was moving a top-loading washing machine and was holding the edge of the opening at the top (door propped open)... When I tilted the machine towards myself the door fell closed - right onto my "wristbump". It was clear immediately that the cyst was split open. No pain. The squishy lump disappeared slowly over a few days.

Called the surgeon back and got the nurse who told me I still needed the surgery to remove the rest of the cyst material. I argued the surgeon would not want to open up my wrist and go digging around to try and find a cyst that wasn't there any more because the risks involved in are too great. Nurse disagreed and told me to come in still or else it would fill up again within a couple of weeks.

When I went for the "surgery" the surgeon said; "Where is it?" When I told him it what happened he said; "Why are you here then"? I explained the nurse told me the surgery would still go ahead. He said; "No, I'm not going to go digging around in there for a cyst that isn't there any more - too risky."

But, the f*cker still charged me a $120 "doctor visit" for the surgery that didn't go ahead, even though he said the nurse should have told me to cancel the appointment and acknowledging the nurse talked me out of cancelling based upon bad information. Told my insurance company what happened so they refused to pay it. The surgeon tried to bill me directly and I explained why I wasn't paying. The bill collectors he sent after me were told to F*CK OFF. They finally did. That was 12 years ago.

Video or it never happened.

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I had one due to an injury. Mine went away after a couple of months on its own. My brother also had one and smashed it, a few years later he had on in his sack that had to be removed.

Didn't want to smack his sack with a meat hammer?

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Let me pistol wip the cyst

man!!! i should have looked here one last time before i had my girlfriend hit mine. I have had one on each wrist for months now and we hit them tonight. Thanks for posting this cuz i never would have know what it was, i was certain it was a bone spur or something from riding and my job. No video but if they come back the pistol whip will be the way for sure. We used an iPad.

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man!!! i should have looked here one last time before i had my girlfriend hit mine. I have had one on each wrist for months now and we hit them tonight. Thanks for posting this cuz i never would have know what it was, i was certain it was a bone spur or something from riding and my job. No video but if they come back the pistol whip will be the way for sure. We used an iPad.

At least there's a good use for a Apple product

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man!!! i should have looked here one last time before i had my girlfriend hit mine. I have had one on each wrist for months now and we hit them tonight. Thanks for posting this cuz i never would have know what it was, i was certain it was a bone spur or something from riding and my job. No video but if they come back the pistol whip will be the way for sure. We used an iPad.

There's an app for that...

Don't give Apple any ideas. The new iCyst will be in stores in time for Christmas, only $999.

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So you hit it with an iPad and it went away? That couldn't have been a very hard hit right?

Im all about hitting it with the glock mainy because I think that's the way team Tupperware should handle this! But... Where its at I'm afraid of breaking my wrist if it hit it to hard!

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I thought it looked like a subdermal spider nest. Cut it open and see if thousands of little baby spiders run out. That would be a sweet Halloween trick!

Srsly, one of my buds in the Marines had one and we smacked it with a rubber mallet. From then forward I consider myself a quasi-professional physician. Good luck mang!

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I mean the brother smacking his own sack, not snot doing it.

I'm slightly wierded out by how quickly your brain went THERE. :wtf:


Bet his wife would of if he had offered:D

Would of saved him some money later on the vasectomy

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Bet his wife would of if he had offered:D

Would of saved him some money later on the vasectomy

Gives a whole new meaning to "Meat Hammer".

"Ok honey, this is for the cyst..." BANG

"And this one is for staring at that starbuck's barista's butt the other day..." BANG

"And for saying these pants make my butt look big...." BANG BANG

"And for leaving the toilet seat up..." BANG BANG BANG

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