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Prayers Needed


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Joe, I can certainly sympathize with you my friend. My father-in-law went through a fairly short bout with cancer. Once things got bad enough to force us to put him in hospice care it unfortunately it did not take very long before he passed.

But rest assured, the people at the hospice center should be very attentive to the entire families needs and should be able to keep him comfortable as best as humanly possible.

My prayers are with you and yours my friend.

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Sorry to hear about the bad news. I lost my mother to cancer some years ago. If he is alert spend the time with him if you can, I did this with my mother when she only had days left. I can only say the last moments count the most and they will help with the loss. Prayers sent your way in this time of need.

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Hey all,

I just saw on FB that Joe's step father passed away last night/today. Thought maybe adding some prayers for the family and friends would be good Karma for us all.

Joe, already texted ya bro, but you're all in our prayers. If you need anything let me know. Hopefully we'll still be able to have some spoon time at Nelson or Beaver, I'll let you be big spoon again.

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Wow, shitty day for OR family. Not to take away from this thread Joe, but I just got a call my cousin was found dead last night in her car in CO around midnight GMT. No details yet due to the time difference and I think her parents caught a flight out to CO to see what is going on and aren't in contact with my parents yet. She was one of 3 in that family and the other 2 are total screw ups, actually losers that we have no contact with for various reasons.

I pray that both of our family members were able to go without suffering and are able to enjoy their lives after earth. Maybe they're already at the bar together? I like to think so.

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So sorry to hear, Joe. I pray that he was comfortable and in good company during his remaining time here.

Prayers to you my friend.

Thanks and yes, every min I had available I spent bedside with him up until 1130 last night, and he passed at 230am. Hospice was able to make him very comfortable during his brief visit there.

Wow, shitty day for OR family. Not to take away from this thread Joe, but I just got a call my cousin was found dead last night in her car in CO around midnight GMT. No details yet due to the time difference and I think her parents caught a flight out to CO to see what is going on and aren't in contact with my parents yet. She was one of 3 in that family and the other 2 are total screw ups, actually losers that we have no contact with for various reasons.

I pray that both of our family members were able to go without suffering and are able to enjoy their lives after earth. Maybe they're already at the bar together? I like to think so.

Bro I'm so sorry to hear this :'( from my family to yours you have our condolences!!

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Thanks and yes, every min I had available I spent bedside with him up until 1130 last night, and he passed at 230am. Hospice was able to make him very comfortable during his brief visit there.

Bro I'm so sorry to hear this :'( from my family to yours you have our condolences!!

Ya dude, we don't know what is going on because no one can get an update. This leading me to think she was murdered or something totally crazy. I am praying that wasn;t the case and she didnt suffer.

Either way bro, I am glad to hear Hospice was able to make him comfortable in his passing. They did wonders for my grandpa and I appreciate their work everyday I think about him.

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Sorry to hear for both of you. Sometimes you might think it will be easier if you know its coming but it is still just as hard when it happens. Just went through it with my grandpa in November. RIP to both

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