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Prayers Needed


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As some of you know already my family is going through a very tough time right now. My step father (who has been that for 15 years) is very ill. He's been through 2 surgeries in the past week to help him through. Unfortunately we got a phone call from the doctors this evening that we need to come to the hospital tomorrow to possibly say our final goodbyes, as they have exhausted all medical means and he keeps getting worse, so they are going to start disconnecting the machines and let nature take its natural course. I'm really struggling with this right now and apologize for being a Debbie downer but I look at all of you as a second family. Thank you in advance.

Ps he is a former 2wheeler himself. Was put out of commission many years ago by some lady not paying attention and pulling out into him putting him in a body cast for 2 years.

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My step-father and father both died from cancer. I think I was more upset when my step-father died' date=' honestly. I loved my dad, but Bill was a very special person to me. He didn't have to be anything to me, and he chose to be one of my best friends. He was part of my family for more than 15 years. He died at age 48. I miss him very much.

I can't say or do anything that can help you or your step-father. I can only offer what I know to be true and useful...

Acknowledge your grief, accept your grief and then let go of your grief. That last part is definitely the hard part and it's certainly on its own time schedule.

My thoughts are with you and your family.[/quote']

These word are very true, he has been my "step-dad" for 15 year that's half my life. He he a best friend to me and someone that would do anything for anyone, and I'm not just saying it because of whats happening. Thank all you guys so much.

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Sorry to hear it joe... i can say i kow how you feel all to well, my step dad(raised me from again 7-8 till his death) died 4 years ago from cancer but was very agressive we lost him in 6 months.

no words can express or console as well as you would want or we could hope..

just know that we are there for you. and use as you may

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Very sad to hear. Man we think we're having a bad week then hear about someone else's plight being far worse and it makes you realize........

Prayers for you and your family. And don't hold it in, everyone needs to let go at times. God Bless you and yours.....

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Well guys all I can say is the power of prayer is unbelievable, after the call we got last night today was looking to be a grim day, until we got a call around 11ish this morning saying he is awake and responsive BP looked good finally and some of the bleeding internally has slowed down. Please keep him in your prayers as he is still fighting, but as of now he's is still with us!

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