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Disabled toilet stalls...


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Do you treat them like disable parking spaces - ie reserved exclusively for disabled folks?

Or do you see them as regular stalls that just happen to have extra features for disabled folks?

Edited by Scruit
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Do you treat them like disable parking spaces - ie reserved exclusively for disable folks?

Or do you see them as regular stalls that just happen to have extra features for disabled folks?

I consider them upgrade luxury stalls. :lol:

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I like being able to conduct my business without my foot being 12" from some other guy's foot.

Yeah, it's like exit row seating as far as I'm concerned. If you're gonna be there anyway might was well get the extra legroom.

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I'm a pilot, and spend a lot of time in airports, so I can't avoid public heads. But, I do prefer the handicap-accessible ones! Lots of room to keep an eye on my train of luggage I'm rolling everywhere I go.

As a side-note, I have NEVER punched a grumpy in an airplane lavatory. Fuck that shit . . .

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public bathrooms are the worst. I avoid them at all costs if I have to deuce

Some folks are like that. I always get weirded out by "toilet ghosts"... The door opens, but you don' hear anyone come in. You exit your stall a couple minutes later and the batroom is empty.

Toilet Ghosts are usually explained away as a Touch-and-Go. (Flying term meaning to touch your wheels to the runway but then fly away again) Nervous poopers will open the bathroom door but if they see any other occupied stall then they immediately turn around an leave. This avoids a Silent Feet Stalemate.

Silent Feet is when someone in the stall hold the belief that nobody who hears you poop can ever know who you are, on pain of death. So they will wait in the stall until everyone else has left, waiting as long as it takes. When two sets of silent feet try to wait each other out you get a silent feet stalemate.

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Silent Feet is when someone in the stall hold the belief that nobody who hears you poop can ever know who you are, on pain of death. So they will wait in the stall until everyone else has left, waiting as long as it takes. When two sets of silent feet try to wait each other out you get a silent feet stalemate.


I know a cat that holds his feet up while he's on the toilet in public restrooms because he's afraid that when he exits, somebody might recognize his shoes and know that it was him.

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Silent Feet is when someone in the stall hold the belief that nobody who hears you poop can ever know who you are, on pain of death. So they will wait in the stall until everyone else has left, waiting as long as it takes. When two sets of silent feet try to wait each other out you get a silent feet stalemate.

I end up in a silent feet stalemate at least a couple times a week because everyone likes to take long paid poops at work while playing on their phone. I probably rack up 3+ hours a week of paid poop time.

And I also opt for the upgraded luxury stall. They usually have higher toilets which I like and are also sometimes more oval than round which give me more room so I dont have to play the "keep your dick from touching the toilet bowl" game and I can focus on my words with friends or ORDN(I am on the toilet as I type this) lmao.

Edited by JStump
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By far the best thread in months;

Those stalls are definitely the upgrade. At work, there is only one other stall and its not even 3 feet wide. I like to have air circulating around me when I'm doing work, and with these tiny stalls, I cant. I usually walk around until I find one not being used and get er done.

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yea thats the feeling I had when I refused to shit in a Skyline bathroom. I was literally sweating as we got stuck on the highway in fucking Bengals traffic. One of the worst feelings of my life!

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This is my brother. He would sooner shit his pants than use a bathroom in public. Has almost gotten fired from work a few times because he had to take a shit BEFORE he went to work and has came home "sick" a few times because he needed to shit.

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I'll hold a shit till I get to work just so I can take the browns to the superbowl on the clock. That being said I avoid all other public toilets if possible. I have bowel issues so this becomes a problem. on a long ride I try to stop at metro parks to make a mud baby, they are always clean, well stocked and have sanitizer.

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I'm a fan of the handrails for leverage/traction for those fiber-deficient moments.

Damnit you took what I was gonna say. I totally agree with you handrails are needed for that power squeeze. Then the feeling of your gonna pass out afterwards.

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Lol, great thread! I avoid doing business in public unless I have to. I've gotten better but back in school I would hold it till I was sick. If I do use a public facility I will use the handicap stall. I prefer the roominess and am very Claustrophobic.

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This reminds me of a bad experience i had in a chinese resturant.

Back when i was a tree timmer i was working intown in Dayton. When your intown and you have to go to the bathroom most people will climb into the back of the chip truck, put up a road sign to block the view and do their business. I was willing to take a piss back there but not a deuce. So anyway i was overwelmed with the urge to take a crap. I'm talking turtle head peakin, sweating and hot flash type emergency. I hop in the truck and try to find the nearest resturant. I find some chinese food place and run in just to find the mensroom is occupied. I try to wait it out but say fuckit and dash into the womens (hoping nobody saw me). As im in there destroying this bathroom i hear someone tug on the door so i pinch it off so they dont hear me. I give it a second then get back to work. After im done handling my business i wash up and try to sneak back out of the womens restroom. When i open the door i see that there is a line 3 deep waiting on me. I know damn well they heard me. I kinda just looked down and walked out back to the truck in shame.

Here is another interesting tale of my public restroom expeirences. This one took place in Aberdeen Oh. The one gas station they have there had a bathroom with 2 toilets but no divider between them. Also no lock on the door. So i walk in having to take a deuce and get hit with a descision. Do i make a go for it and hope nobody comes in or hold it till i get across to Maysville Ky. You guessed it i went for it. I try my best to make quick work of it. But wouldnt you know just before im done someone comes right in. You would think that they would turn around and wait but OH HELL NO! They plop a squat right next to me. There is know way in hell im going to wipe my ass infont of this dude. I had to sit there and wait him out. Talk about fucking awkward!

On a side note.......I'm not to picky when it comes time to do work in a public restroom. If you gotta go you gotta go.

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I end up in a silent feet stalemate at least a couple times a week because everyone likes to take long paid poops at work while playing on their phone. I probably rack up 3+ hours a week of paid poop time.

And I also opt for the upgraded luxury stall. They usually have higher toilets which I like and are also sometimes more oval than round which give me more room so I dont have to play the "keep your dick from touching the toilet bowl" game and I can focus on my words with friends or ORDN(I am on the toilet as I type this) lmao.

:lol: Couldn't have said it better. I do the exact same thing.

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This reminds me of a bad experience i had in a chinese resturant.

Back when i was a tree timmer i was working intown in Dayton. When your intown and you have to go to the bathroom most people will climb into the back of the chip truck, put up a road sign to block the view and do their business. I was willing to take a piss back there but not a deuce. So anyway i was overwelmed with the urge to take a crap. I'm talking turtle head peakin, sweating and hot flash type emergency. I hop in the truck and try to find the nearest resturant. I find some chinese food place and run in just to find the mensroom is occupied. I try to wait it out but say fuckit and dash into the womens (hoping nobody saw me). As im in there destroying this bathroom i hear someone tug on the door so i pinch it off so they dont hear me. I give it a second then get back to work. After im done handling my business i wash up and try to sneak back out of the womens restroom. When i open the door i see that there is a line 3 deep waiting on me. I know damn well they heard me. I kinda just looked down and walked out back to the truck in shame.

Here is another interesting tale of my public restroom expeirences. This one took place in Aberdeen Oh. The one gas station they have there had a bathroom with 2 toilets but no divider between them. Also no lock on the door. So i walk in having to take a deuce and get hit with a descision. Do i make a go for it and hope nobody comes in or hold it till i get across to Maysville Ky. You guessed it i went for it. I try my best to make quick work of it. But wouldnt you know just before im done someone comes right in. You would think that they would turn around and wait but OH HELL NO! They plop a squat right next to me. There is know way in hell im going to wipe my ass infont of this dude. I had to sit there and wait him out. Talk about fucking awkward!

On a side note.......I'm not to picky when it comes time to do work in a public restroom. If you gotta go you gotta go.

Wow and I thought I had some bad moments.

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