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Disabled toilet stalls...


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Like most good folks here, I'd prefer to not inconvenience the disabled should they need to drop a deuce. However, if I am touching cotton and sweating out colonic labor pains, I will shit in the trash can if I have to, let alone the luxury tard turd closet. I don't give a fuck if Stephen freaking Hawking comes motorin' in. Someone can clean him up.

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I don't go into public restrooms unless I absolutely have to. I will leave work, drive home, do my thing, and then come back to work. If I HAVE to go in public, I don't care if it's the handicap stall or not, it's the furthest from the door. If someone else is in there, I find another restroom.

I roll the paper towel down and then wash my hands, grab the towel, dry my hands off, and use it to turn off the water, open the door, etc...

This thread reminds me of this:


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slightly nuanced questions that go along with the original post:

- if you're in a busy public restroom (like at a Browns game) and someone in a wheel chair wheels in, do you let them jump to the head of the line for the handicapped stall, or expect them to wait like everyone else? (This is assuming that there are equal lines for EVERY stall and urinal)

Personally, I don't think being handicapped entitles you to avoid waiting in line. The lone 'exception' would be below.

- I always go for the handicrapper at work. One day I emerged to find a guy in a wheel chair waiting. The bathroom was otherwise empty, and there are 2 other stalls. He was not amused that I could have used them, and instead chose to use "his" stall.

My take on this is that I wasn't at fault, but only because I had no way of knowing that he would follow me into the bathroom. Had he entered directly after me, I wouldn't have been douchey enough to take the only stall he can reasonably use. I think my stance on that is reasonable.

But again, the exception might be if you actually work WITH someone who is in a wheel chair, and you are 'on notice' that they might have to use the handicrapper at any given time. In my case, this guy was (as far as i know) a client of one of the other companies in the building. If he'd been my coworker, I'd be a little bit of a dick (unless I passed him in the hall, as if he had just left the bathroom, and would not likely be returning so quickly)


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One day I emerged to find a guy in a wheel chair waiting. The bathroom was otherwise empty, and there are 2 other stalls. He was not amused that I could have used them, and instead chose to use "his" stall.

"The rest were occupied when I got here."

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At my office us guys get one stall (the delux model) and one urinal.. the women get 2 stalls. I mean come on, if you are going to go 1 less stall atleast put 2 urinals!! It's fun when a douche decides to camp out in our only stall.

I usually try to use a normal stall before a handicap but if I need to spend 10min cleaning up after the previous person.. in the handicap I go. Also I am a little averse to "sitting next to someone" since one time a crazy dude totally pissed on the stall wall next to me.

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