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Hello from Cleveland


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Ps- what's your height/weight? Moto series rents leathers, and my old set is still for sale.

short and fat, lol

5' 7" and around 210

Tried on a size 44/54 A* CR suit...lower body felt great, too bad I couldnt zip it up. :o Knew from the measurements I've seen it probably wouldn't fit my waist right now. Wish they had a 46 to try on.

Tried on the speed and strength twist of fate in 48 and I really didnt like the fit...a back protector would probably have helped, but it was just loose all over and felt like it was a foot taller than I need. Attempted to try on the 46 and I couldnt even get it over my thighs.

Wasnt a total loss though, picked up some SMX 5 boots along with a pair of GP plus gloves(AYC). Funny thing is, I have a pair of used SMX plus boots on their way. The 5's were just so comfortable I didnt want to take them off. Figure I'll wear 5's anytime I plan to do any walking.

I plan on checking out Ledges on the 28th. Would have liked to take part in the track day, but I'd rather come check out the track and everything first. I guess I forgot to mention, I've never been to a track let alone been on one.:)

Edited by RHill
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I like riding through the metropark in Brecksville, but living on the east side of Cleveland the closest place for me is Euclid but it's not as fun.

I was checking out google maps and spotted some nice stretches near Brecksville, but I havent made my way out there yet. Meadows Drive looks interesting.

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I grew up there. Good road, but the cops and rangers can be brutal. Plus I nearly hit a horse there once... The horse trail crosses the road, and even obeying the 30 mph limit, there is a little rise and curve that makes visibility kinda sketchy.

The ride out to Nelson is quick and pretty easy. Just have some cash for the gate fee (the shittiest part of track riding IMHO) and bring lots of water.

The pits at Nelson are small, and the observation deck is one of the better places to be anyway.

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I plan on checking out Ledges on the 28th. Would have liked to take part in the track day, but I'd rather come check out the track and everything first. I guess I forgot to mention, I've never been to a track let alone been on one.:)

Sweet, man! Welcome! I'll be there on the 28th along with a bunch of other guys on this forum that ride with motoseries, definitely stop and bullshit with us for a little bit. I'll be on a green and black 07 ZX6R wearing a black, red, and white Astars suit. Holla!

Oh, and try out Dead Man's Curve! (I kid, I kid.)

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I was checking out google maps and spotted some nice stretches near Brecksville, but I havent made my way out there yet. Meadows Drive looks interesting.
I grew up there. Good road, but the cops and rangers can be brutal. Plus I nearly hit a horse there once... The horse trail crosses the road, and even obeying the 30 mph limit, there is a little rise and curve that makes visibility kinda sketchy

I live about 5 mins from there and its part of my usual week night loop. Meadows is ok but the pavement is shitty with tar snakes everywhere and if it rains even a little bit it takes about 2 days before its dry most of the time. I've never had an issue with cops or park rangers and I've been driving/riding road since 01.

The other issue is asshole high school kids that think they can drive use it as a personal road course and can't stay in their own damn lane to save their lives. I've only come across this a handful of times and its usually right around when school lets out so you just gotta be cautious

South of Brecksville down off Riverview is a few decent roads but again usually the pavement is too shitty to have any real fun. Its usually enough though to get a small fix until the weekend. If you ever want a tour of the area let me know, should have my bike road ready by this weekend

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Well, looks like I won't be riding this weekend. Went to change my wheels over to my 01's with fresh rubber and realized the front axle is different. Have to grab a bolt and a couple nuts to make an adapter.

Think I have warped rotor as well, woohoo. It's not enough to make the brakes pulsate, but just enough to make a rubbing sound intermittently. I'll have to check to see if the brake is floating freely tomorrow, it was getting too dark tonight.

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