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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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I obviously don't know much about guns, don't really need to know that much...

What are they designed to do? Damage things by placing large holes in them...There is no other reason to carry a gun on your person.

Also good for starting races.

Your intent is clear, you're not carrying for self defense, that would be a bulletproof vest...

Bulletproof vest is not much good for blunt-force trauma to the skull, knife attacks, or mob violence.

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I just hit that point where I realize I've been wasting my breath talking to you.

You have no clue about guns, no clue about law and no clue about self-defense.

so correct my statement...

what else is this device designed for other than to mame injure and kill?

(cause fear of mame, injure, kill)

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Also good for starting races.

Bulletproof vest is not much good for blunt-force trauma to the skull, knife attacks, or mob violence.

Hadn't thought of race starting, but lights work just as effectively...

correct, vest wouldn't do much for attacks to the head, but should easily stop a knife if it stops a bullet in the same area, right?

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Hadn't thought of race starting, but lights work just as effectively...

correct, vest wouldn't do much for attacks to the head, but should easily stop a knife if it stops a bullet in the same area, right?

Knife attacks aren't just a stab or two to the torso. Think of more quick violent slashing by someone who wants to be close to you while they do this kind of damage. Now think of where all your major arteries are...

I would rather be shot at by someone with a handgun than face a knife. I've had enough training to understand this. Knives don't run out of ammunition, and are easily redeployed (unlike a bullet).

Knives are also a much more probable concern than are firearms.

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I obviously don't know much about guns, don't really need to know that much...

What are they designed to do? Damage things by placing large holes in them.

What is the result when used on a living organism? Severe bodily injury, and depending on location, death. There is no other reason to carry a gun on your person.

Your intent is clear, you're not carrying for self defense, that would be a bulletproof vest, you're carrying simply to injure or kill someone.

Now if you're just going along minding your own business, and someone attacks you, by all means, they took their life into their own hands.

On the other hand, if you go out of your way to harass someone, then can't handle the response, that's a shitty reason to pull a gun on someone.

Jesus. And this is why the stupidity of the anti gun menality perpetuates.

Ask any LEO and prob most permit holders what a gun is used for and they say it is not to kill. It is to stop or neutralize a threat. Should they die, well that sucks for them but was not the desired outcome.

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Hadn't thought of race starting, but lights work just as effectively...

correct, vest wouldn't do much for attacks to the head, but should easily stop a knife if it stops a bullet in the same area, right?

Kevlar will not stop knives.its actually not very effective against slashing either.

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Magley's insane MMA skills can thwart off any would be attacker, no matter what they are armed with or are high on.

I'm a lover not a fighter... lucky for me I'm in one of the safest places on the planet, and I don't have any enemies.

also, nobody has any reason (that I can think of) to attack me... :dunno:

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Jesus. And this is why the stupidity of the anti gun menality perpetuates.

Ask any LEO and prob most permit holders what a gun is used for and they say it is not to kill. It is to stop or neutralize a threat. Should they die, well that sucks for them but was not the desired outcome.

then they are using the wrong tool...

guns put holes in shit, that's what they do...

if you want to talk about neutralizing, there are several new devices on the market that interfere with the electrical impulses in the nervous system, effectively causing someone to be unable to control their muscles.

there are also some new devices that emit high frequency waves that effectively do the same thing.

there are ways of neutralizing threatening people without putting holes in them.

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Kevlar will not stop knives.its actually not very effective against slashing either.

really? cause that is what we use for our floor associates as protection from their razor knives... seems to work pretty well, and it's just a thin apron...

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I'm a lover not a fighter... lucky for me I'm in one of the safest places on the planet, and I don't have any enemies.

also, nobody has any reason (that I can think of) to attack me... :dunno:

Who says somebody needs a reason. Bad shit happens to good people at the hands of evil people everyday.

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then they are using the wrong tool...

guns put holes in shit, that's what they do...

if you want to talk about neutralizing, there are several new devices on the market that interfere with the electrical impulses in the nervous system, effectively causing someone to be unable to control their muscles.

there are also some new devices that emit high frequency waves that effectively do the same thing.

there are ways of neutralizing threatening people without putting holes in them.

Links? What's effective range? What's considered effective? Ease of use, durability.....?

And here is my vest fyi.


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Wow... lots of opinions on this therefore I guess I'll share my $.02...

This incident is what I would call pure job security for mass media communication. But they are not entirely at fault either. The fact is that the sensitivity of hate in this country remains highly unstable, therefore presenting a great opportunity for racial uproar. At the end of the day unless you were there as an eye witness, the best anyone can know of what happened is here-say! I myself am not exempt from jumping to the conclusion of guilty, although with the initial presented story, who wouldn't?

The facts of the incident is a young kid lost his life! (notice i didnt mention he was black)

Whether he had weed in his system or not doesn't make him a criminal. Zimmerman acted way beyond the duties of a neighborhood watch member! And if I was the kid being chased, I would still be alive!

Think about it, if the kid was so shady? would Zimmerman really have got the best of him? Shady kids in my neighborhood carry concealed weapons with no license! That kid had no intention of causing trouble and lost his life. If people leave the responsibility of policing to the tax paid officers that are trained to handle these situations, then nothing like this ever happens. But then again in many cases they have killed innocent as well.

Without knowing all the facts, I know enough to say Zimmerman is not a hero and in fact stupid for chasing down a guy(kid actually) who you have no idea of what they are capable of nor what kind of weapon they have. (again noting I didnt use race in any of my logic) The dispatcher advised Zimmerman not to chase Martin, therefore he should be made accountable for his actions!

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so correct my statement...

what else is this device designed for other than to mame injure and kill?

(cause fear of mame, injure, kill)

I'm not letting you drag me in again.

And the word is "maim".

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