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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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Great point #1:"If people leave the responsibility of policing to the tax paid officers that are trained to handle these situations, then nothing like this ever happens." Things like this may still happen, the police aren't perfect, but they are trained to handle situations like this. The more we have members of our society out there acting on their own because they think something is "suspicious" then more we can expect situations like this to occur. Report the crime, or supposed crime in this case, then stand back and let people trained to handle these situation handle it.

Great point #2: "Zimmerman is not a hero and in fact stupid for chasing down a guy(kid actually) who you have no idea of what they are capable of nor what kind of weapon they have." Did he actually chase? Who knows, but he def engaged a him.

Great point #3: "The dispatcher advised Zimmerman not to chase Martin, therefore he should be made accountable for his actions!" The dispatcher said nothing about chasing but did tell him to sit in his car and wait for police. Zimmerman choose not to do so and therefore should accept a certain amount of responsibility, not all, for what happened afterwards.

Again, great points.

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the 911 call has no relevance on specifically how long it was from when Zimmerman approached Martin and Martin got shot...

I think its time for me to gracefully bow out of the thread

Its has all the relevance to prove he never approached Martin for two minutes while on the phone giving description location and where the responding officers should meet him.

When Martin ran Zimmerman followed him then the dispatcher said "we don't need uoi to do that" Zimmerman said "ok" he then went on to tell the dispatcher to have the police meet him at a certain place and was on his way there.

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Great point #1:"If people leave the responsibility of policing to the tax paid officers that are trained to handle these situations, then nothing like this ever happens." Things like this may still happen, the police aren't perfect, but they are trained to handle situations like this. The more we have members of our society out there acting on their own because they think something is "suspicious" then more we can expect situations like this to occur. Report the crime, or supposed crime in this case, then stand back and let people trained to handle these situation handle it.

Great point #2: "Zimmerman is not a hero and in fact stupid for chasing down a guy(kid actually) who you have no idea of what they are capable of nor what kind of weapon they have." Did he actually chase? Who knows, but he def engaged a him.

Great point #3: "The dispatcher advised Zimmerman not to chase Martin, therefore he should be made accountable for his actions!" The dispatcher said nothing about chasing but did tell him to sit in his car and wait for police. Zimmerman choose not to do so and therefore should accept a certain amount of responsibility, not all, for what happened afterwards.

Again, great points.

Again not great points.

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Since my questions were never answered:


shotgun tazer 100ft (secondary weapon not carried with the officer)

duty carry tazer 35 ft

Glock 17 ~ 165ft

Ar15 ~1640ft

So how, Magley, would an officer go up again a Glock or AR by using a tazer keeping in mind electric shock will cause muscle contractions (trigger squeeze)

Edited by chevysoldier
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To go to the level of saying Trayvon MMA style pinned the guy tells me you are way too emotionally invested in the matter to respond with rational. All the evidence has yet to be confirmed and my comments are only on what has been confirmed. Therefore I'll leave the convo be for you to figure out until the case is resolved.

Direct quote from a witness.


Who's getting emotional, again?

Edited by Scruit
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it INSTANTLY interrupts communication between the nerves and muscles...

bullets have to rely on pain, destruction of ligament or muscle tissue, or bllod loss and fainting

Taser only crosses 2 cumulative inches of airgap. There's tiny gap on each gun-to-cartridge contact, leaving less than an inch of airgap that each probe can cross. A winter jacket will render the taser useless.

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Taser only crosses 2 cumulative inches of airgap. There's tiny gap on each gun-to-cartridge contact, leaving less than an inch of airgap that each probe can cross. A winter jacket will render the taser useless.

Yep, I'm still trying to understand how a taser is more effective against deadly threats.so far all I've gotten is what they do to a person, not a comparative analysis against a firearm. I'm open minded, just no valid argument has been supplied.

Wait. We give one guy a taser, another a handgun and we have a duel!

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Yep, I'm still trying to understand how a taser is more effective against deadly threats.so far all I've gotten is what they do to a person, not a comparative analysis against a firearm. I'm open minded, just no valid argument has been supplied.

Wait. We give one guy a taser, another a handgun and we have a duel!

And the moment a cop tases someone, he's demonized. :nono:

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Since my questions were never answered:


shotgun tazer 100ft (secondary weapon not carried with the officer)

duty carry tazer 35 ft

Glock 17 ~ 165ft

Ar15 ~1640ft

So how, Magley, would an officer go up again a Glock or AR by using a tazer keeping in mind electric shock will cause muscle contractions (trigger squeeze)

Mine beside me is only a 15 footer :(

Edited by 4DAIVI PAI2K5
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I'd like to see stats on police using tasers that caused deaths vs. police using bullets that caused death.

If you're shot and actually make it to the hospital with your heart beating, you have a 95% chance of survival.


^--- which is actually a link via: http://www.cracked.com/article_19698_7-deadly-things-you-wont-believe-most-people-survive.html

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there are several new tazers on the market, research them yourself.

a taser is as effective as a gun?

i saw an episode of cops where a guy was shot at with a taser and it wouldnt penetrate his coat...the officer shot it at him twice and he eventually realized it wasnt working and he actually attacked and disarmed the officer, before being shot by another officer

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