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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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Amazing how my questions have gone unanswered in this thread. Never an answer as to how tasers are more effective and safer than guns. Just that guns put holes in people. Diversion tactic and theory based on emotions and lack of knowledge.

Another question: how is it that shootings happen where guns are banned? Columbine? Ft Hood? Post offices? Immigration offices?

Why is crime so low in Kennesaw GA (no murders in many years) where there is a law that states guns are required? Why are there no shootings at gun stores and shows? Police stations? And the few instances that do exist, how quickly was the shooter taken out?

As far as carrying a missile...really? How many people get taken out by a tank in Ohio? Yeah not many . Many people get shot, for NO reason in "safe" areas. It would be smart to try and equalize your chance of surviving. Don't wanna carry a gun? That's fine but don't be so oblivious to what really happens to innocent people. Also, try and think out what you're saying before you say something dumb like tasers are a better alternative to a gun. Id like you to go into a police station and tell them that. They'll laugh their asses off...I have been.

All that being said, I have no problem with you Magley. I think your view of guns and real life danger is naive and uniformed but that's your choice. Most people fear what they don't understand. :cheers:

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Obviously I need to spell this out...

If you eat too MUCH food, you can die...

If you eat NO food, you WILL die...

if you have too many bullet holes you can die...

if you have NO bullet holes, there is no consequence.

oh my bad....i thought we were just posting up stupid shit that has nothing to do with anything....you know, bullets kill people, spoons make people fat, not eating will kill you...etc....i think my point holds as much water as any point youve made in this thread

all im saying is, "if you have NO bullet holes, you will still die eventually"

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so why aren't you stockpiling nuclear missiles?

you never know if the other guy is going to bring a tank, or an army, or an armada, you better be better armed than everyone else.

That would be illegal! :bow::confused::D:cool::eek::confused:

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Most people fear what they don't understand. :cheers:

that seems to be the opposite of what you're sayng...

I don't fear guns, I understand them from a physics standpoint, but I don't understand them from a cultural standpoint. I guess it could be as simple as a big power trip "nobody better mess with me, I've got a gun" :dunno:

I'm not afraid of them, I'm not afraid of people who carry them, I'll take reasonable steps not to get shot by one if one is pulled and aimed at me, but I think I fear guns less than most here. (as demonstrated by my lack of will to obtain and/or carry one)

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that seems to be the opposite of what you're sayng...

I don't fear guns, I understand them from a physics standpoint, but I don't understand them from a cultural standpoint. I guess it could be as simple as a big power trip "nobody better mess with me, I've got a gun" :dunno:

I'm not afraid of them, I'm not afraid of people who carry them, I'll take reasonable steps not to get shot by one if one is pulled and aimed at me, but I think I fear guns less than most here. (as demonstrated by my lack of will to obtain and/or carry one)

Just give it up and save what little respect anyone here has for you. Let's not act stupid. Trevon is not dead because he is black. He is not dead because he likes skittles. He is dead because the guy who's head he was smashing into the sidewalk decided that his life was more important than trevons.

If I ever have to choose between my life of someone else's, I assure you I will choose my own

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Just give it up and save what little respect anyone here has for you.

Don't care... I have the respect of those who matter, and as for the rest, they don't matter.

Let's not act stupid. Trayvon is not dead because he is black. He is not dead because he likes skittles. He is dead because the guy who's head he was smashing into the sidewalk decided that his life was more important than Trayvon's.

Fify, and that is one account of the events as told by 1 party

If I ever have to choose between my life of someone else's, I assure you I will choose my own

I hope you've properly assesed the situation before making that choice... you might end up with life in prison.

Which is worse? Possibly dying, or spending the rest of your life in a cage?

Edited by magley64
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Don't care... I have the respect of those who matter, and as for the rest, they don't matter.

Fify, and that is one account of the events as told by 1 party

I hope you've properly assesed the situation before making that choice... you might end up with life in prison.

Which is worse? Possibly dying, or spending the rest of your life in a cage?

You keep upping your arsenal, so I hope you appreciate my intense efforts in trying to keep up in this cold tard war


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If trayvon wouldn't have been smashing zimmerman's head in, trayvon wouldn't be dead. End of story.

Trayvon made a decision to attack someone who could defend them self. Personally I think Magz is in this 100% over race. If the races were reversed I think his opinion would be different. Race shouldn't have played a role in this at all but the race baiters need to keep people seperated into little groups. The is one race the human race.

I like how the media has portrayed the 911 operator's conversation. Don't follow him is way different than we don't need you to do that. One is a director order the other isn't hmm.

Magz so would have been okay for zimmerman to have used a knife, key, rock, etc.

Also Magz if someone is smashing your head into the concrete and your death is imminent are you just going to lay down and die? Or are you going to fight for your life? Natural instinct is to survive!

Flame on! I will go back to playing with my num chucks(spelling?)

I know I know I'm :beathorse:

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If trayvon wouldn't have been smashing zimmerman's head in, trayvon wouldn't be dead. End of story.

Again, that is one account by one party involved, what about the other side of the story? Oh we can't hear him, he's dead...

Trayvon made a decision to attack someone who could defend them self. Personally I think Magz is in this 100% over race. If the races were reversed I think his opinion would be different.

NOPE! I'm in this armed vs unarmed, 18 yr old vs 30 yr old... their ancestors country of origin has nothing at all to do with it.

Race shouldn't have played a role in this at all but the race baiters need to keep people seperated into little groups. The is one race the human race.

Might be about race for you, not for me.

I like how the media has portrayed the 911 operator's conversation. Don't follow him is way different than we don't need you to do that. One is a director order the other isn't hmm.

Split hairs much? he had no business chasing someone around the neighborhood anyway, he was not on watch, and he already called the police...you're not a cop, you're not trained... go home

Magz so would have been okay for zimmerman to have used a knife, key, rock, etc.

Definitely better, not nearly as excessive... Would have been much better for him to mind his own business.

Also Magz if someone is smashing your head into the concrete and your death is imminent are you just going to lay down and die? Or are you going to fight for your life? Natural instinct is to survive!

right, but I'm not pulling a gun on an unarmed person (I KNOW this because I'm not carrying one) I'll fight, I'll throw elbows, punch, kick whatever, but then I'm not chasing people around town for no good reason either.

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I'll fight, I'll throw elbows, punch, kick whatever

this gets me every time :lol:

thats the shit you do when you get into a mutual confrontation with somebody.....not exactly the ideal defense for a life threatening altercation though, unless youre some highly trained jewish ninja or something

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Which is worse? Possibly dying, or spending the rest of your life in a cage?

You are displaying the classic signs of armchair quarterbacking. Have you even been in in that kind of situation? I can't imagine anyone having the presence of mind to remain calm when you are POSSIBLY going to die.

Seriously, come down to our Dojo on jujitsu night and we'll show you a couple things.

1) An unarmed person can kill you in seconds

2) It takes training, confidence and mental preparation to remain calm when you are overpowered and pinned, even in a controlled environment. An untrained person being overpowered in an uncontrolled environment has no chance.

I spar on a regular basis, and I roll Jujitsu twice a week. I'm over 6'2, 210lbs and I get tapped out by smaller, better trained fighters more than I care to admit. Even rolling with folks I know and trust it gets in your head when you get locked up - even though I know I can stop at any moment by tapping out. I am slowly learning to use technique rather than brute force because brute force lasts about a minute and technique stays with you forever, but that's where training, patience and confidence comes in.

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I'm naming my gun kindness... In case I get put in a situation where I have to use it I want to say I killed the bad guy with kindness.

I'm naming my gun "my little finger" for the same reason. Nobody who sees the new report will eve mess with me again. "Yeah, he tried to rob me so I killed him with my little finger."

Having said that, "A well-lubricated melon" would also be an epic name for a gun in that same news report... :eek:

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I never said I was a better fighter than anyone...

and I never said you couldn't be killed by an unarmed person...

Just seems way too convenient a way of killing someone to me.

I have no reason to kill anyone, I will not be carrying a weapon that projects deadly force at the squeeze of a trigger...period.

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I never said I was a better fighter than anyone...

and I never said you couldn't be killed by an unarmed person...

Just seems way too convenient a way of killing someone to me.

I have no reason to kill anyone, I will not be carrying a weapon that projects deadly force at the squeeze of a trigger...period.

That's your choice. I respect that.

My choice is that if my life is threatened I'm not going to give the other guy a "sporting chance".

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I never said I was a better fighter than anyone...

and I never said you couldn't be killed by an unarmed person...

Just seems way too convenient a way of killing someone to me.

I have no reason to kill anyone, I will not be carrying a weapon that projects deadly force at the squeeze of a trigger...period.

and thats your right, and nobody is telling you to

so stop telling us what were supposed to do and saying that we only carry to murder people etc.....it goes both ways.

you dont like being told what to do? thats fine. stop doing it to everyone else in this thread.

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I'm naming my gun kindness... In case I get put in a situation where I have to use it I want to say I killed the bad guy with kindness.

I opted to buy the defensive models instead the assault models. I don't know my guns, but if I did I'm thinking skittles blaster and maybe paint each bullet in skittles colors. Although I prefer M&M's but they melt in the barrel.

Oh and I 2nd what brandon said.

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Again, that is one account by one party involved, what about the other side of the story? Oh we can't hear him, he's dead...

NOPE! I'm in this armed vs unarmed, 18 yr old vs 30 yr old... their ancestors country of origin has nothing at all to do with it.

Might be about race for you, not for me.

Split hairs much? he had no business chasing someone around the neighborhood anyway, he was not on watch, and he already called the police...you're not a cop, you're not trained... go home

Definitely better, not nearly as excessive... Would have been much better for him to mind his own business.

right, but I'm not pulling a gun on an unarmed person (I KNOW this because I'm not carrying one) I'll fight, I'll throw elbows, punch, kick whatever, but then I'm not chasing people around town for no good reason either.

the one account is backed up by the evidence.

Zimmerman had every right to follow that wannabethug to make sure he wasnt doing anything wrong. there are no laws prohibiting him from checking the dude out to make sure he wasnt casing places to rob.

obviously the cops werent able to stop the robberies so zimmerman took it to himself to make sure the neighborhood was safe, we depend on the police to protect us when they cant.

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