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Lifting as a chubby dude


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We have a total gym. I was working out 10 min every morning then going to work ( I lift a lot at work). After 3 weeks I ended up with spasms in my neck and shoulders so bad I couldn't move my head. 6 visits to a megun bed and 10 days of scrips I was ok. No pain does not mean keep lifting! I was never sore after working out.

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Anyways, my recommendation would be to stretch AFTER you workout, it's proven that stretching before weights does nothing truly beneficial, but some light cardio does. Movement lubes the joints, stretching just puts stress on them. Stretching after a weight session helps to stetch the muscle fibers and facia making them less prone to soreness, and helping in recovery.

^ This ^

It's true, movements like light cardio cause your joints to increase the amount of synovial fluid leading to better lubrication and less joint stress and are an excellent way to warm up.

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I'm going to give it a shot again tonight and really stretch afterwords as noted above. Almost was able to wash my hair this morning with two hands similiar to RTV's comment.

I'm using a Walmart old school muscle, cheap ass bench I had bought 3 years ago and finally put together. I use to do everything possible with two heavy barbells and a bench but they're to heavy at the moment. My workout included basically:bench-5 sets, 15,15,15,15, and then as many as I can get to before I'd drop it. It's only 70 pounds. I'll change it from flat to incline between workouts. I'll add more exercises gradually once I get into it for a while. I don't want to make it too much like work at first or won't stay at it.

Curl the bench bar for biceps, same thing as above

Lat bar, pushing down for triceps, same as above

Lat bar as it's supposed to be used for lats, same as above.

40 pushups.

Going to take it easier for sure tonight.

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Okay, Im not going to talk shit or be a dick here, but anyone who wants to get into things and get some advice etc. feel free to post up or PM me. Ask Blue03636fag, I helped him get some stuff jump started and I've been working with people for awhile. I've been working out for over 12 years religously and am personal friends with several IFBB pros, trainers, etc.

If you have muscle pains take some ibuprofin, aleave, and use some BenGay/pain reliever gel. BUT if you are doing this for more than 2 days, you over trained them.

Also up the food intake the first 2 weeks or so adding extra protein, or just a protein bar a day, and drink more water. NOT pop or shit like that.

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I think I'll reduce the weights. You mean take it to 35lbs? The lats and triceps were like 30, curls 50 both hands. Always took it to the burn before. I'm no expert, just doing what I did before. What would you suggest madcat with the limited equipmet I have?

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I think I'll reduce the weights. You mean take it to 35lbs? The lats and triceps were like 30, curls 50 both hands. Always took it to the burn before. I'm no expert, just doing what I did before. What would you suggest madcat with the limited equipmet I have?

Sorry buddy, I just read your thread about the equipment, and right away I knew why you are sore as fucking shit. You did a "burnout" set after every exercise on your first day? Meaning you did 5x15 THEN did as many reps until you couldn't do more? If that's the case you just totally over worked your muscles. Drop sets should really only be used once you know what your body will take. For instance, when I hit a body part, which I break up by day, I will onyl do 1 burnout set with 1 exercise, nothing more.

In your case it sounds like you did like 5 or 6 burn out sets. If thats the case you burnt up every ounce of ATP you had and your muscles are so pissed right now they hate you. Like they might kill you in your sleep.

Just starting out, remove the burn out sets and just focus on even ligther wt 5x15. For instance, my frat brother weight 315, used to rep 365 no issues, when he started back, I had him start repping 95lbs total, for all 5 sets, I did this for a month solid, nothing more.

Just an example.

Also maybe try to get an extra clean meal in, protein and good carbs. Maybe a protein shake or bar?

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It's all good. I don't know all the lingo. I did 4x 15 then the 5th set tried to get to 15. The 5th time I did it maybe 12 or 15 reps. no more than 15, it was really burning.

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I think I'll reduce the weights. You mean take it to 35lbs? The lats and triceps were like 30, curls 50 both hands. Always took it to the burn before. I'm no expert, just doing what I did before. What would you suggest madcat with the limited equipmet I have?

Starting back out 50 lbs each hand is too much. If your out of shape then your muscles are out of shape and that means energy supply routes have been reduced. Your joints also have changed and heavy weights all of a sudden can tear ligaments or weaken tendons. Then lifting will really suck. So focus less on hypertrophy and get endurance first. Something simple like tonight do 25x2 sit ups, 25x2 pushups, 20lbs each hand at 10x5 curls and overhead, 50lb bar bench at 5x5. See how your body feels and increase by 5 lbs next workout if desired. But tomorrow, go walk, light jog, bicycle, tread mill if you have one for 20 min, 1 hour after dinner. Alternate the days exercise with Saturday or Sunday as a day off if needed. By increasing in increments you are less likely to overdo it and able to adjust down in weight if needed. Same for the cardio days. Sounds easy but starting out the biggest issue is getting into a habit of doing it. Results will come ;)

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Curling 50#'s with bench bar using both hands at the same time. Thanks I'll use all this advice and tweak it. Just did the bench press and oddly the right triceps feels twice as good almost instantly, now and I can touch my face again.

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People need to be able to distinguish the difference muscle soreness from

breaking down the muscle fibers, which will cause it to grow, once feed and rested. This will usually happen then day after and can last a few days.

lactic acid build up, the burning sensation when doing high reps, this is immediate.

joint/tendon pain. can be immediate or a few days later. Lasts a long time

muscle tears, usually immediate, lasts about a half a month or more depending on severity

i try to accomplish muscle breakdown soreness, as it is a good indicator that I worked out my muscles. others I try to avoid.

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