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The TSA dropped my laptop...


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It hit a table before hitting the floor. So far (and I haven't tested everything yet), I've found that the plastic protecting the hinge is chipped so I can't open it up all the way and expect it to shut normally. I've read that claims can take from 30 days to 6 months and there's a good chance it will get rejected anyway. . . I still can't figure out why the TSA is allowed to handle my valuables in the first place.

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It hit a table before hitting the floor. So far (and I haven't tested everything yet), I've found that the plastic protecting the hinge is chipped so I can't open it up all the way and expect it to shut normally. I've read that claims can take from 30 days to 6 months and there's a good chance it will get rejected anyway. . . I still can't figure out why the TSA is allowed to handle my valuables in the first place.

You should've read the signs and put it in its own crate first!! But yeah, I used to deal with TSA all the time, did you get a supervisor or manager (suit) involved while you were there? That helps your chances 10fold! I just may have the number to the coordination center depending on what airport it was at so you can talk to the TSA manager or FSD....


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I did put it in its own bin. When you opt out of the backscatter machines, they forbid you from touching your things and carry them all to a different table before vigorously groping you.

Anyway, I was gonna see if anyone has had to file a claim here... see what the real process is like. I think some of the stories I've read online might be a little embellished (I hope!)

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If that happens you need to get the head honcho over immediatly. I've yelled at quite a few TSA agents. No I'm not kidding I've yelled loud enough that they stopped all the lanes to see what the hell was going on. Now understand I didn't yell because I was mad but was forced to yell as they just kept the damn belt running and were piling shit up to the point that bags and my laptops were in process of going over the edge. Understand that when I'm traveling for engagements I may have 3laptops with me and if they break one it runs the risk of loosing hundereds of thousands of dollars worth of project data. So yes I watch them like a hawk and make sure they are aware of the risks.

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Flounder Didn't you refuse to unpack something one time too? I remember something about that once for some reason.

On quite a few occasions actually. TSA doesn't seem to like things packed in electronics static bags either. The gate agents also don't like it when you tell them that by law you cannot check a bag due to the data that resides on the device. Maintaining chain of custody with certain data while flying can be troublesome and needs to be planned for. They don't understand why you have 3-4 laptops and a bunch of hard drives.

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Does what fall under Itar?

Searching laptops.

I work in aerospace and when our senior members travel with a laptop or documents they have to follow all itar procedures. Basicly they are not allowed to let any info leak on our parts processes or procedures.

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Searching laptops.

I work in aerospace and when our senior members travel with a laptop or documents they have to follow all itar procedures. Basicly they are not allowed to let any info leak on our parts processes or procedures.

Thats because of the types of data you may have and your companies contracts have Itar implications. Searching laptops in general does not fall under Itar.

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If that happens you need to get the head honcho over immediatly. I've yelled at quite a few TSA agents. No I'm not kidding I've yelled loud enough that they stopped all the lanes to see what the hell was going on. Now understand I didn't yell because I was mad but was forced to yell as they just kept the damn belt running and were piling shit up to the point that bags and my laptops were in process of going over the edge. Understand that when I'm traveling for engagements I may have 3laptops with me and if they break one it runs the risk of loosing hundereds of thousands of dollars worth of project data. So yes I watch them like a hawk and make sure they are aware of the risks.

I've done this before, on multiple occasions. I'll opt out of the backscatter, and as I do, instead of looking at the agent I stare at my bags. When the agent asks me to come around to the groping floor, I immediately and sternly tell them that I will comply, however the bags and the content of my bags are not leaving my sight at any time and for any reason. When I flew to Brisbane I had a feeling that the Columbus TSA lackey (I'm being serious, this guy did not have two brain cells to put together) would want to rifle through my checked bag (I had a wireless LAN controller in there, pretty large piece of electronics) so I hung around the bag dropoff. Sure enough, it got pulled, so I walked over and stood right in front of the guy as he conducted his search, just to make sure Dumbass McDerpington didn't break anything that I would have to have to MacGuyver later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

can any computer nerds tell me if dropping a laptop can increase the frequency of blue screens? I've gotten like 4 since it was dropped and I probably had like 4 in the entire lifetime before that. What causes blue screens?

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BSODs can mean just about anything, but in my experience come from one of 3 areas: bad hard drive, RAM, or motherboard. (Well...isn't that just about all there is?) Kind of, but some of it can be fixed. Being that your laptop suffered from a gust of gravity and came to an abrupt stop, any of those could be the cause. If the blue screen is up long enough, you can get some info from it that will lead you towards the culprit. For example if you see a long string of characters beginning with 0x0... that usually means it's bad memory.

Oh, BTW, did you contact anyone at the local C-bus TSA office about this? They should have 10-15 days worth of security and performance tapes that can be reviewed upon request.

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If you truly want to fix this kind of problem once and for all, do yourself a favor as well as your laptops and get a TSA approved laptop bag. I was so sick of traveling and having to basically strip down to your underwear and remove shit from my bags, especially my laptop.

This in itself will save you time and there will be a greatly reduced chance that something will happen to your laptop if they drop the entire bag it's in.

I suggest Targus bags personally.

Targus Checkpoint Friendly Bags

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  • 2 weeks later...

... I'm confused, you don't have to remove the laptop from the bag to go through the xray if you have one of these bags? I normally carry it in my backpack and always have to remove it to go through the luggage scanner.

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... I'm confused, you don't have to remove the laptop from the bag to go through the xray if you have one of these bags? I normally carry it in my backpack and always have to remove it to go through the luggage scanner.

Correct. I have one of these backpacks. They split open so that they can get a scan of just the laptop. They have never questioned me on it.

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Yes. The key to TSA approved laptop bags is that the laptop itself can be scanned and only the laptop on one side. All the rest of your stuff is on the opposite side when unzipped and unfolded.

Trust me when I tell you this. Get one. You'll thank me the very next trip you take.

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i've gone through airports with TSA friendly laptop bags. some of them still made me take it out and put it in one of those retarded baskets. in retaliation, i picked at my butthole, shook their hand and gently caressed their face.

the smell... it never washes out, you know.

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i've gone through airports with TSA friendly laptop bags. some of them still made me take it out and put it in one of those retarded baskets. in retaliation, i picked at my butthole, shook their hand and gently caressed their face.

the smell... it never washes out, you know.


A small price to pay for the smiting of one's enemies.

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i've gone through airports with TSA friendly laptop bags. some of them still made me take it out and put it in one of those retarded baskets.

I've had some TSA shlep try to tell me I had to take it out once. I told him I would not because the bag it is in was approved by them for that very reason. He just said "Oh" and left me alone.

Fuck that shit. It's bad enough that we as CHL holders most of the time know more than police and then we have these overpaid and under trained TSA agents telling us what to do also and we still know more than they do. I also refuse to be nuked. Come earn your money and grope me.

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