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Ready for Nelson this weekend!


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Bike is finally done. Did a few things differently...


She's all ready for a beat down at Moto Series this weekend... I'm a little worried my suspension will not be here in time, but if not, we will still have a blast with the MS boys!!

See ya Saturday and Sunday!!

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After last weekends festivities at Putnam, Im totally out, sorry all, I had talked to Cox and Nick and planned to come up Sunday only with the family, but not a chance now.

Have fun, and be safe, I am 100% sure this will be a WAY better event then Putnam was lol.

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You can run slicks in the classes with MS?

And you need one thing to make the bike complete, Brian.


Slicks in every class, beotch!!

Oh, and to get on that bike, you gotta tea bag Madcat's face at Nelson before he goes out on grid. Wait... He has a mangina and isn't coming! You have lost!:D

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The hell I did!

I will find that fat fuck, kidnap his ass, and give him a teabaggin' he'll not soon forget!

I expect a full tank of fuel and the warmer on high before I take that dirty whore out on the track.

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Wait, am I getting violated without being there? R1 are you stalking me?

What part of kidnapping don't you comprehend?

Wait, R1 called madcat fat :lol:

I never claimed to be a stick figure like Mike.

Hes got along way to go to catch fat madcat let alone a skinny madcat....

R1disappointment better be serious on that gixxer...

I guess I have no room to talk though :mad:

You'd have a better chance of keeping up if you could keep your shit upright.


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