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"Now thats justice for Trayvon."


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Im confused... Why does everyone keep mentioning white people? Is zimmermann white? He looks like a mexican... And blacks and mexicans dont get along... Infact black and any race are less likely to get.along than any other one race... Idk why, thats just the way it is. Cant fix stupid.

Well I do know why, but I dont want to get into it.

J/k,, ya I do.

1) poorly educated

2) no daddy

3) poverty

4) peer pressure

5) racist(of everyone I know, blacks and itilans are the most racist, but I think blacks are slightly more racist)

6) reputation (its cool to be a total n......)

7) it builds their self esteeme

8) ..... The list goes on and on,

Black people love to riot and make a huge scene over nothing. again poorly educated and living in poverty, its their way to fit in with other blacks... Stereo types are true for a reason as it applies to most people of a certain background.... Not all, but most.

Example- its like girls LOVE DRAMA, not all of em do, but most of them do, why? us men may never understand, but we accept the fact that this is how.things are.

dude just stop, you're now being not much better than the 20 that jumped the guy. I get what you're saying to an extent but its going over board

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Your brush is a bit broad.

let me rephrase... Ghetto black people... Im not trying to bash em, but its true for 95% of ghetto black people, they are a walking stereotype. I should know this, I lived in the ghetto(projects), I tried my best to fit in as the only white boy around. Again I dont have a problem with black people, most of them in the ghetto I do have a problem with though cuz they dont know how to act civilized. thats just how it goes...

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It's those Damn spotted aliens that smell like sour milk...(obscure as fuck tv/movie reference)

Exarch, you are definitely racist. You're trying really hard not to look like you are, and I get it. It's ok. We understand that you don't hate black people because of the color of their skin, but because they are uneducated, poor, violent ignorant people.....let that sink in.

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dude just stop, you're now being not much better than the 20 that jumped the guy. I get what you're saying to an extent but its going over board

I wasnt trying to seem offensive, this is a touchy subject though. Its hard not to come off offensive. Ive seen this first hand though(been jumped myself by 6 black guys just for being white) sometimes the truth is painful, but in all honesty this is our reality.

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It's those Damn spotted aliens that smell like sour milk...(obscure as fuck tv/movie reference)

Exarch, you are definitely racist. You're trying really hard not to look like you are, and I get it. It's ok. We understand that you don't hate black people because of the color of their skin, but because they are uneducated, poor, violent ignorant people.....let that sink in.

I never said and By no means are all black people uneducated, violent, or ignorant. I dont like the same qualities in any race, be it black, white, asian, whatever.
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I wasnt trying to seem offensive, this is a touchy subject though. Its hard not to come off offensive. Ive seen this first hand though(been jumped myself by 6 black guys just for being white) sometimes the truth is painful, but in all honesty this is our reality.

I'm surely not offended by it and like I said I got your point, the problem is your point is null and void when it comes off as ignorant and blatantly racist and then its back to square one of "cracka kilt him cuz he iza negro"

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I'm surely not offended by it and like I said I got your point, the problem is your point is null and void when it comes off as ignorant and blatantly racist and then its back to square one of "cracka kilt him cuz he iza negro"

Well, like I said stereotypes are usually what they are for a reason :dunno: doesnt make em true in all cases, but when you see shit like this and think about the stereotypes you can clearly see the similarities... Again sorry to anyone who thinks im coming off a lil racist, but again this is.a.very touchy subject and to express my views(and surely others thay thought it, but kept their mouth.shut) I have to go by my experiences and the stereotypes(which everyone knows... Wonder.why that is?) What im saying is nothing new, its in the media, movies, tv, and radio every single day. I just choose not to limit myself to the point where im worried if someone dislikes me or not. I understand some people will take some of the things im saying out of context aswell(again nothing new, happens everyday, everywhere, all the time) and that doesnt bother me too much, as ill try to make myself more clear.

edit- Hard to believe I got a 100% on my english placement test and was put into honors englishes classes in college... :dunno:

Edited by Exarch
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If you take away moral absolutes, you have absolutely no basis for calling somebody's behavior wrong. This is only the beginning. It's not about white / black, etc. It's about people having no sense of what is right or wrong because the basis for that has been undermined in our society. When everybody does what they believe is right, this is what you get. To those people, this was justice. Who are you to say they are wrong? (note: sarcasm. of course it's wrong- just making a point).

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This also has a lot to do with the media, which is run by white people....its kind of paternal racism, when black kids shoot eachother the media pretty much ignores it because they expect that behavior from them, its nothing new, happens all the time. When a white guy shoots a black kid, the media immediately makes a big deal out of it and tries to sort of say "hey, that's not how white people should act". if the while trayvon thing went down exactly as zimmerman said it did (he was looking.g for him, couldn't find him and was attacked from behind while heading to his truck, was getting his head slammed into the concrete, trayvon saw his gun and went for it so he pulled it and shot him) then he will most likely be aquitted. What that means for us, well there just might be some riots and some hate crimes against whites. Funny, white people.didn't riot when oj was aquitted.

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I like how this turned into a black people hating thread... Well i know exactly whom not to ride with now

1st off this story was OBVIOUSLY based on racism... That was made crystal clear... If this was a group of.skin heads beating up on a black guy.just for being black I would be expressing my views of the stereotypical racist white person. Sorry some people like to think racism doesnt exist anymore, but it does. And just because a white person talks about a black person doesnt make him racist. If I was black I would have the same opinions. Sorry I have the balls to speak what is on my mind and sorry im not an ignorant white boy(say what u will to that one) but as ive said ive lived in the projects, have a black stepdad, have a black brother-in-law, have black cousins and have a black 1/2 brother and ill soon have a black niece/nephew. Sorry you have only been around white people all your life and think you know how everything is. I dare you, as a white man, to go to the ghetto at night all alone. Would you do it? Fuck no, now if you were black you would. Now on the other hand, as a black man, I dare you to go to a trailer park at night all alone. Would you do it? Fuck no. now if you were white you would...

If you are in the list bit scared to go anyplace because.of.the color of your skin than your just an idiot. idc if your racist or not, you just dont go where you dont belong. And its this shit why I dont care if you call me what you will, I know what I am and what im not period. You have never met me, I have never met you, you just think you know me cuz you saw a few things I typed. Btw normal people make racist jokes(I dont care for em, hut hear em all the time) they just dont let other people(people of other races) know about what say and wouldnt have the balls to say the joke to a person of that race. and DONT tell me you and your buddies have never cracked a racist joke(dont know ur race, dont care) of another race, cuz that would.be a lie, so quit fooling yourself.

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This also has a lot to do with the media

Cut it down to just this and we have a winner.;) Let's face it, most societies don't like and don't trust that which is different. It can be religion, skin color or just the way you look or talk. Isn't that why bullies are such a big deal now? They are praying upon those who are different or isolated from society in some way?

Racism is being a bully. You beat someone else down to built your self up. Don't be a bully or I'll come beat you up and take your lunch money. :lol:

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This also has a lot to do with the media, which is run by white people....its kind of paternal racism, when black kids shoot eachother the media pretty much ignores it because they expect that behavior from them, its nothing new, happens all the time. When a white guy shoots a black kid, the media immediately makes a big deal out of it and tries to sort of say "hey, that's not how white people should act". if the while trayvon thing went down exactly as zimmerman said it did (he was looking.g for him, couldn't find him and was attacked from behind while heading to his truck, was getting his head slammed into the concrete, trayvon saw his gun and went for it so he pulled it and shot him) then he will most likely be aquitted. What that means for us, well there just might be some riots and some hate crimes against whites. Funny, white people.didn't riot when oj was aquitted.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

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So now I should start beating random black people and yelling that justice for Owens. Got it.

no you should slap an asian while yelling this is justice for owens, it only follows the story's logic

latino kills black > black beats white > white slaps asian

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This is why I practice double tapping multiple targets while moving.

Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!

What about the Dr. that put you on the meds that had your nose gushing? :eek:

Also... white people smell like bologna and Asians can't drive.

Proof: Watch Jbot on his bike. :eek:

no you should slap an asian while yelling this is justice for owens, it only follows the story's logic

latino kills black > black beats white > white slaps asian


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It is on the foxnews website as of sometime in the 15:00 hour today:


it's also on a a couple other "CONSERVATIVE" news websites. :rolleyes:

One thing I found interesting, sort of related was from watching a TV show the other night (middle of the night, just what was on when I woke up to a kid feeling bad) about prison life, where they were in a women's prison. I had a tough time not noticing the black to white ratio. It saddened me that it was so blatantly obvious that I would notice, and that those who don't want to be discriminated against seem to do the most to live up to the stereotypes against them.

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