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Ever thought about just giving up and saying f**K it?


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Just because school isn't/wasn't an option for you doesn't make that so for everyone. There are tons of schools geared toward adults with kids and jobs. Speedy if you need help with looking for schools or info pm I can offer my experience.

Any advice you can offer would be appreciated. I've been looking for a while, and pretty much found that I will have to change jobs to get my engineering degree. They don't offer the classes online or during the evening- day only. I can get an EET (technology) degree at night which gets me right back to where I am- an engineering technician, so what's the point? I was looking at going for a computer science degree, which can mostly be done online (I would have to get 30 credit-hours or so at a local school and transfer into the program). It's an option at least.

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Jupiter would come into this thread with your bad info and nonsense.

Cdl is am option but be prepared to be gone for weeks for the first year. There are some bereft hometime options. I would take out a loan for $7k to do. Oh and I didn't. I make excellent money driving a truck but its not for everyone.

as a first time cdl driver it is wise to.go.through a 2week school, otherwise no one is gunna want to.really hire you. There arebalways cdl jobs out there, but cdl drivers are a dime a dozen.

I missed getting grandfathered in, but I could.of got my cdls without the schooling(its what I did in the army) but, I went to indiana and took the classes and got hooked up.with a cdl job asap. But I did fuck up and get a dui, which is why I no longer have my cdls.. I made a bad choice and it screwed me hard.

This was just 1 option for him, there are plenty of.options available without a degree.

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I appreciate all the advice. I'm going to man up now and quit my crying like a little bitch. You guys have provided a little lift, and I thank you for that.

No brother that is being a bitch. Manning up is facing yourself, taking a good hard look around and making some bold choices. Any fool can shut up, take the safe route and live a life of quiet desperation because he's weak and afraid.

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Dude.. swing by my place and we'll smoke a big' date=' fat blunt. Seriously, you need to smoke yourself retarded for an entire weekend. Come Monday... it's all cash and pussy.[/quote']

wish i could do that..be my luck I'd show up monday for work if they would ask me to piss in a cup...damn random test anyway

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Just because school isn't/wasn't an option for you doesn't make that so for everyone. There are tons of schools geared toward adults with kids and jobs. Speedy if you need help with looking for schools or info pm I can offer my experience.

I have a degree so does my wife. The point us unless your something that's hiring its useless. For what he ie looking at it might benefit him. To go for a generic degree is a waste of time and money. Your still in school so you think its great. A lot of the computer kind dried up or don't pay that much anymore sure there ate some but nitike before.

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Take a minute to step away from the every day grind. Take some sort of "sabbatical" and find yourself and what is important to you at this point in life. Not to be a dick but in reality you don't have too much to bitch at; you still have your wife, kids, job, and health. Thats a lot more that some can say.

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as a first time cdl driver it is wise to.go.through a 2week school, otherwise no one is gunna want to.really hire you. There arebalways cdl jobs out there, but cdl drivers are a dime a dozen.

I missed getting grandfathered in, but I could.of got my cdls without the schooling(its what I did in the army) but, I went to indiana and took the classes and got hooked up.with a cdl job asap. But I did fuck up and get a dui, which is why I no longer have my cdls.. I made a bad choice and it screwed me hard.

This was just 1 option for him, there are plenty of.options available without a degree.

I would NEVER recommenda two week program . I've had my cdl since I was 19, and taught myself to pass the test. Oh and if you have a CDL and no schooling swift will put you right in the truck with a trainer no school required. If he decides to look into getting his cdl I would be happy to pass along my knowledge. Drive a truck isn't easy on the hone life.

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Ever since I was 18, I've been working. I've been at my current job for 10 years, and it is becoming a dead-end quickly. I am surrounded by ass-kissing know-nothing jerkoffs that get ahead by being yes men. I hear from these people (that haven't really ever produced anything for this company- managers) that the only way I will get ahead is by getting a degree. I've proven many times over that I'm capable of doing much more than my education level, but the dickhead that is over everything is so hung up on his piece of paper from a well-respected school that it's pretty obvious I will never be qualified, whether I am or not. I have 2 kids at home, and if I go back to school I won't see them at all. Hell, I'm 36... by the time I'm done, I can retire! My life has been the same grind for years now. There is no light at the end of the tunnel any more. I've seriously considered killing myself lately, but I'm too much of a pussy, and I don't think God would like that too much. So, I'm thinking about becoming a non-productive member of society. Quit the job and let it all go to hell. It seems to work for some people. I assume a divorce is in my future, as well as losing all my stuff. I'll let you all know when the bikes go up for sale. I also have some guitars and drums and stuff. Circle the vultures!


No, no, no, no, no...

Getting rid of everything, isolating yourself, quitting your job, and sitting around is going to make it worse, not better.

The likelihood is that you've got depression. That's a medical condition, not an emotional one. Your brain isn't producing chemicals properly.

The good news is - you can fucking fix it. It's not even difficult. You just have to sack up and talk to a medical professional about it.

They're not going to have you committed, you're not going to lose your license to ride or function in society. It's a common problem and you're not alone in feeling that way.

Be smart, be safe, talk to someone before it's too late.

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^ this too

Usually one of the hardest things is talking to someone and admitting a problem. You were willing to post up on here and you know we are a bunch of dick squeezing ass hats who like to give each other shit off of their own poop dicks, a professional will be much more useful.

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No, no, no, no, no...

Getting rid of everything, isolating yourself, quitting your job, and sitting around is going to make it worse, not better.

The likelihood is that you've got depression. That's a medical condition, not an emotional one. Your brain isn't producing chemicals properly.

The good news is - you can fucking fix it. It's not even difficult. You just have to sack up and talk to a medical professional about it.

They're not going to have you committed, you're not going to lose your license to ride or function in society. It's a common problem and you're not alone in feeling that way.

Be smart, be safe, talk to someone before it's too late.

Wow. Drug yourself instead of fixing the problem? Pop a pill and make it all better? He clearly does not have a chemical imbalance because he sees the hollow nihilism in treading water in the rat race. That is bordering on, nay is, mind control.

Dude don't listen to the brainwashed here, trust yourself. YOU ARE THE SANE ONE. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU.

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I have been thinking this way at times. The problem I have is, my wife and I are both pretty low-risk people. It's not just my fears I have to overcome; I have to deal with her freaking out as well (understandably so- we have responsibilities). The thing is, I realize there is no reward without risk, but she's not in the same mindset.

I had the same issue many times. A simple way to try and overcome this issue is to find new challenges. If your boss is a dick and has his bitches maybe it's time to find out who the competition is and have a under the table chat with them about what you can do for them? Competitors love stealing employees who know trade secrets or have ideas, especially if they have an action plan.;)

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Electrical + analog + plays guitar = roadie for promising local band. See the world travel. Chase the dream.

I myself have thought fuck it. Let's get back to the roots. Everybody goes through this and am glad your feeling better Hell I feel better knowing that others have the same things going on.

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I would NEVER recommenda two week program . I've had my cdl since I was 19, and taught myself to pass the test. Oh and if you have a CDL and no schooling swift will put you right in the truck with a trainer no school required. If he decides to look into getting his cdl I would be happy to pass along my knowledge. Drive a truck isn't easy on the hone life.

I understand this, but like I said quite a few driving companies will pay off the loan in full(over a 3 year period I believe) there is no point in not having the schooling. Its free and looks good on a resume if you go this route :) its just like the brc/msf//drivers ed. You dont have to take em, but it doesn't hurt to have em under youe belt. Especially if its FREE(granted the company.you work.for will pay for it and you do not quit b4 they pay it off)

Im not trying to argue with you on this one, we both know how cdls work so there is no point. Im just trying to give him an alternative, im sure it would be tough to get your cdls without the schooling(if he has never drove a semi.

pasing the 3 driving courses is not easy without experience.

Passing the knowledge course is tough.aswell(you pretty much have to know everything about a semi for this part of the test, im sure you know this, unless it wasnt a requirement when you got yours)

Now its not impossible, but it is tough, I even learned a few things(after driving semis for 3 years) because mil reg and dot reg are NOT the same :) although I still would of passed, I just wouldnt of aced it.

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I understand this, but like I said quite a few driving companies will pay off the loan in full(over a 3 year period I believe) there is no point in not having the schooling. Its free and looks good on a resume if you go this route :) its just like the brc/msf//drivers ed. You dont have to take em, but it doesn't hurt to have em under youe belt. Especially if its FREE(granted the company.you work.for will pay for it and you do not quit b4 they pay it off)

Im not trying to argue with you on this one, we both know how cdls work so there is no point. Im just trying to give him an alternative, im sure it would be tough to get your cdls without the schooling(if he has never drove a semi.

pasing the 3 driving courses is not easy without experience.

Passing the knowledge course is tough.aswell(you pretty much have to know everything about a semi for this part of the test, im sure you know this, unless it wasnt a requirement when you got yours)

Now its not impossible, but it is tough, I even learned a few things(after driving semis for 3 years) because mil reg and dot reg are NOT the same :) although I still would of passed, I just wouldnt of aced it.

You missed my point I would recommend a minimum of a 4 week course, and then going to a company that trains you as a solo. There are a couple good deals on training. I would steer clear of the contracts with companies. My cousin got stick with a $13,000 bill because he didn't stay a year, his wife got stuck with another $13,000 bill.

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You can get a decent degree on line these days. It's difficult picking out one that is legitimate and well recognized though.

And... you need a vacation. Take a break.

I'll go along with the recommendations for some certifications. Those are a lot easier to get. And your boss should be willing to send you off for the weeks to complete that training. If not, then your company really isn't serious about that education. I am assuming no matter what training or education you would want, that they would be paying for it. That's a standard in the industry.

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You missed my point I would recommend a minimum of a 4 week course, and then going to a company that trains you as a solo. There are a couple good deals on training. I would steer clear of the contracts with companies. My cousin got stick with a $13,000 bill because he didn't stay a year, his wife got stuck with another $13,000 bill.

Oh, my fault. In that case I totally agree with you(I think thats a first lol) I thought you meant he wouldnt need training :lol: werner and swift are good STARTER companies (key word starter) but ya, if you get in a contract(not recommended) dont break that shit, no matter how much you hate the company(unless you can afford it) some are more forgiving than others, but its every man for himself in this world.

Hopefully you can find a new career that suits you well, dead end jobs suck ass.

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That's what I've been telling myself for like the last 5 years or so. I know what you're saying and I don't disagree- I'm in the same position. The problem is, I'm running out of ways to motivate myself and have a good attitude. I'm becoming somebody that is content to do the bare minimum, which is one reason I'm depressed- that's not who I am.

I know exactly where you're coming from and it's frustrating being at the point of burn-out or right in the middle of it which is even worse. The one thing you need to do, if you haven't already thought about it, is to simply take ownership of your attitude and how it affects you on the job.

Regardless of what you're being paid or being asked to do, give it your best everyday and if you see that attitude pop up, kick it down where it belongs. Doing the bare minimum isn't your best and the only thing you have that is yours is your reputation and good name to back it up.

My job is highly technical and I'm doing the work of two employees right now (most of us have at one time or another) with very little support from my supervisor and a whole lot of excuses as to why no one has been hired for the other area I'm covering. I get frustrated with the BS sometimes but each day is a new challenge and the job itself is very rewarding.

So, just keep looking for other opportunities either at your present job or network to see if there might actually be something you'd like to go into now or in the near future. But, don't leave your job until you've found it - your income is too valuable to walk away from out of frustration (don't ask me how I know about that one).

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Here's the way I take on every day...

I found a long term goal that I want to achieve and every single day I work toward it or I have fun. Having fun is the only excuse I let myself have to not work toward it. No matter how little progress you make some days, even if you're just thinking about what the next step is, you aren't giving up.

I will never be on my death bed and say I didn't try. Find joy in the journey, not the destination. Once you reach your goal, make another. The satisfaction and happiness comes from just doing it.

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I've got three suggestions for you...1)on the carreer front...have you ever considered getting in a electrical construction union?It would take a little while(5 years),and you might have to travel,but with the skills you already have and the skills you would learn in an apprenticeship you could be looking at$80k- $100k annually.Look into becoming an instrument tech.

Suggestion #2...spend about an hour on an alzhiemers ward.Everyday the world tells you what you don't have,one hour seeing these poor folks will bring it all back home about what you DO HAVE!

Suggestion #3...if you can possibly swing it,get on your bike,pack a tent,and head to the rocky moutains or Yosimite.Stay away from t.v.s,stay away from cell phones and get back to who you are.Bask in the natural beauty,camp,breath the moutain air,walk among the big trees and ride some mountain roads.You don't need the shit the world tells you,you need.

Don't let those people at work bring you down.When you are on your deathbed,which I hope is many decades from now,the only people that will be important will be the people you love.All of these people that you are giving this power to,to adveresly affect your life will be long forgotten.Every day people try so hard to please people at work and if the truth be told most of those people couldn't give a shit less if you live or die.

Realign priorities,it should be your God,your family and you.

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