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Buying this for my kid...


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thats awesome! We actually saw a kid riding one of those in his front yard of one of the little towns we went through riding yesterday. He seemed awfully excited when a bunch of us waved at him :lol:

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My son got one 2 Christmas' ago. His is an Indian but everytime he rode he took that shit serious. Acted like he was on a mission with someplace important to be. We would cruize around the block though..........that is until the battery pooped out on it. It wont take a charge now.


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Those things a freaken awesome. Looking to get one for my middle child or youngest, cant keep him off my bike. The batteries in those and the 4 wheelers will always suck and die on you and never hold a charge.

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thats awesome! We actually saw a kid riding one of those in his front yard of one of the little towns we went through riding yesterday. He seemed awfully excited when a bunch of us waved at him :lol:

You guys shoulda invited him to the dyno day. I wanna know how much power that things putting out. Lol.

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Forget the toys ppl !

My boy was 3 when I got him a PW50.

I paid 500 for it and sold it for 550 four yrs later !


Little steep for a new one, starting off on a used one might be rough if he hasn't learned to ride a smaller bike first. a mini bike might be a little more practical budget wise, unless you plan on training your kid for motocross. Also a bigger bike may intimidate some kids.

The little battery operated one is pretty cool for a first time child rider. Although once his daughter gets used to it im sure she will want a bigger bike to go on group rides with her daddy :lol:

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The pw50 is a great idea but it's nice to have something for them to tool around on in the development. These electric models also usually have 2 speeds and the low speed is a really nice feature for them to get used to in general.

We will be hunting for a pw50 soon. Then I get a dirtbike again and I guess I'll let my husband get one too. ;) We have this for the kids too.


My parents couldn't afford one of these when I was a kid and I wanted one sooooooo bad. So, yes, I am living through my kids. :D Good times!

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