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Man sues BMW for 20-month erection after bike ride


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how is this possible.

or am i being fucking obtuse.

IIRC, He contends that there was a ridge on the seat (Corbin seat?) that pressed against a nerve, causing damage to that nerve. he is suing Corbin for making the seat and BMW for installing the seat on his bike.

Pretty ballsy move.

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Hmm, cant have sex because he has a boner? Umm, I thought it was the other way around. I guess ive been doing it wrong all these years :dunno: time to back to sex ed.

They didn't elaborate on his complications, but priapism can result in impotence, blood clots and even gangrene/amputation. Long term priapism resulting in the inability to get-it-on is pretty easy to believe.

It's a pity. I heard he was a fine, upstanding citizen.

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They didn't elaborate on his complications, but priapism can result in impotence, blood clots and even gangrene/amputation. Long term priapism resulting in the inability to get-it-on is pretty easy to believe.

It's a pity. I heard he was a fine, upstanding citizen.

well, this is way way way beyond just priapism, if its been 20 months and a DR cannot figure out his condition(which I cannot believe) and there has been no steps to getting this cured on his part(which I can believe) than I say he really doesnt have a case here. Priapism isnt an uncommon thing. Im not sure if having a 6 hour erection classifies priapism or if having an erection 6 hours after you finish classifies priapism, but I suppose that makes no.difference in this case.

I think I got a lil off track though, but regardless im not sure how he can have a erection this long without ever being treated and if he was treated how come there is no cure? I smell something in the air and its not roses.

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well, this is way way way beyond just priapism, if its been 20 months and a DR cannot figure out his condition(which I cannot believe) and there has been no steps to getting this cured on his part(which I can believe) than I say he really doesnt have a case here. Priapism isnt an uncommon thing. Im not sure if having a 6 hour erection classifies priapism or if having an erection 6 hours after you finish classifies priapism, but I suppose that makes no.difference in this case.

I think I got a lil off track though, but regardless im not sure how he can have a erection this long without ever being treated and if he was treated how come there is no cure? I smell something in the air and its not roses.

Valid questions. 20 months without a cure sounds quite excessive. I wonder how accurate the new report is.

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