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Somebody tried to kill me


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Pokey...no offense here, but you need to read up on Ohio law. I carry as well. If you "flash" your gun and he shoots you, guess whose fault it is? The whole point of "concealed" carry is that. It is concealed util you need it, which means you are going to shoot.

Ohio law in/on a motor vehicle has been changed, it's my understanding you can have the gun on and or transporting in the vehicle anyway that you like? As long as you are not pointing/displaying the actual unholstered gun or waving the gun at somebody, or acting in a threatening way....how is that brandishing? Technically I could now have my gun half concealed on my person while riding and I am not breaking the law, the police may not see it that way but I believe I am correct? Like I said, I am typically open carrying when I ride anyways so this is really a moot point. As we all know there are gray areas when it comes to carrying, I would not be making a threat toward the aggressor, it would be more of a "don't fuck with me anymore". Y'all do as you wish, everything we do or don't do is a judgement call anyways. I wonder how most would react if you honestly feel your life may be in danger, bad things happen fast.

Read this and pay special attention to rule #4, hence the gray area I am talking about.......my statement stands on what I would "more than likely" have done in that bad situation.


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Behind ninjadoc I was as he made me a sign to follow and pass this truck on a straight downhill road, as soon as ninjadoc tried to pass him , the guy started speeding up and swerved to the left lane as is he was trying to hit him, and as ninjadoc passed him he tried to speed up behind him , I slowed down a little as i had no idea what road we riding , or what to expect, after he gave up no catching up with ninjadoc , the guy decide to get on me , as i came up behind him he slowed down and tried to block the road on the start of a 4 way intersection , swerved behind him and flow straight forward , unfortunately , i had no idea where ninjadoc went , so after going couple of miles forward i decided to go back to try and take a turn at that intersection , but no sign of ninjadoc , stopped at a church and tried calling him few times, he said he is coming back to meet me , bad signal i couldn't hear most of what he said, and he didn't hear me either , stopped at that intersection waiting for ninjadoc , that guy comes back , " on feet " with his doc , told ninja i am to go on i170 and see if i can find a better location to wait for him , anyway , the guy lives somewhere really close to i170 and pancake rd near pancake auto shop , his license plates are PHE (8)566 not sure about the (8), drives a 1998-2004 silver chevy truck , Ninjadoc didn't want to call the cops , altho i would if it was me .

So here you go , anyone knows the guy ?


anyway Awesome ride , and great day , some of you should of came along :p


You should report him too. He's obviously a danger to everyone on the road. He came at you on foot with a dog? No sane person uses their dog like that unless they mean for it to attack and intimidate you.

Dude needs to go to jail for attempted vehicular manslaughter.

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Really....where is that law?

Anytime you carry a loaded weapon in a 'motor vehicle' in Ohio it is considered Concealed Carry. A MC is a motor vehicle in Ohio. We also all need to keep in mind the definition of a 'loaded weapon' in Ohio. If you have rounds in a speed loader for a revolver or in a Mag for a semi-auto it is a loaded weapon no matter how you store them.

So, a loaded mag locked in the glove box and an empty gun in the trunk in a safe and you are carrying concealed if you are in a motor vehicle in Ohio.

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Anytime you carry a loaded weapon in a 'motor vehicle' in Ohio it is considered Concealed Carry. A MC is a motor vehicle in Ohio. We also all need to keep in mind the definition of a 'loaded weapon' in Ohio. If you have rounds in a speed loader for a revolver or in a Mag for a semi-auto it is a loaded weapon no matter how you store them.

So, a loaded mag locked in the glove box and an empty gun in the trunk in a safe and you are carrying concealed if you are in a motor vehicle in Ohio.

Under the new laws, if you have your CHL you are not breaking the law whether it's being defined as concealed or not. Yes a motorcycle falls under the same exact laws as a cage, that was part of my point to begin with. There is no brandishing law in Ohio by the way, it falls under inducing panic or aggravated menacing. But if you are able to prove that you were in fact in danger "like the OP very well could've been", you have a solid case. Either way I would've contacted the police, that situation could have ended very badly. There are gray areas to the law and the situation at hand, you make a judgment call and deal with the potential consequences.

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Really......I just threatened his life? It was already past the ugly point in my opinion, and displaying the sidearm "in holster" means to me that you don't want any trouble. There would be no confrontation from me whatsoever, I would simply ride to the closest law enforcement dept or find a very busy place of business, lets see if the redneck piece of shits will follow.

My point being, If a person does not carry a weapon, and you show them a weapon of any kind, in any type of confrontational manner, they have only two choices, make that weapon useless, or have it used against them, not a hard decision to make...Especially if things were already at a heated level.

Yes you have just threatened his life!

NinjaDoc was not approached by the guy who tried to hit him with the truck, BikerBoy (where you placed yourself in your comments) was...

I agree with people properly obtaining an Ohio Concealed Carry Permit, protecting their rights and freedom, but seriously, this is the behavior it creates in some?...I really need to rethink this I guess!

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Under the new laws, if you have your CHL you are not breaking the law whether it's being defined as concealed or not. Yes a motorcycle falls under the same exact laws as a cage, that was part of my point to begin with. There is no brandishing law in Ohio by the way, it falls under inducing panic or aggravated menacing. But if you are able to prove that you were in fact in danger "like the OP very well could've been", you have a solid case. Either way I would've contacted the police, that situation could have ended very badly. There are gray areas to the law and the situation at hand, you make a judgment call and deal with the potential consequences.

I misunderstood your posts, it looked like you were saying open carry on a MC is open carry. I was only pointing out it was concealed if it was loaded. Another point in this conversation is Ohio's Castle Doctrine. It applies to your vehicle also, you have no duty to retreat when in your car and it would have proven a pretty strong defense if the OP has shot him.


But you are right, hit the brakes and call the cops. Unless pulling the trigger will save your life it should stay where it is tucked away.

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My point being, If a person does not carry a weapon, and you show them a weapon of any kind, in any type of confrontational manner, they have only two choices, make that weapon useless, or have it used against them, not a hard decision to make...Especially if things were already at a heated level.

Yes you have just threatened his life!

NinjaDoc was not approached by the guy who tried to hit him with the truck, BikerBoy (where you placed yourself in your comments) was...

I agree with people properly obtaining an Ohio Concealed Carry Permit, protecting their rights and freedom, but seriously, this is the behavior it creates in some?...I really need to rethink this I guess!

What behavior? Protecting rights and freedom, protecting your ass and others with you if need be....yeah that is proper. I have absolutely no John Wayne or billy the bad ass mentality at all, I am extremely calm and reserved when I carry. Now you threaten my life and or try to do me bodily harm without justification, and we are talking about a whole other ballgame.

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stopped at that intersection waiting for ninjadoc , that guy comes back , " on feet " with his doc

I am assuming that's a typo and doc=dog. I did not see this earlier. At that point I would have drawn, and told him one more step and I would shoot. And I would have.

Edit: And I should explain why. I just watched him try and kill my buddy. He is now stalking me with a dog. I would most certainly be in fear for my life at that point, and I think anyone would feel the same way. Assuming it wasn't a poodle.

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i am thinking he might have been thinking we are trying to retaliate and planning something by being around his house ( which at that point of time i am assuming bikerboy didnt know)

anyways i know i might be doing the wrong thing by not reporting etc, but i just want to forget about this and enjoy the rest of the riding season and from now on will always be careful about such situation and will pass only when i can do it in an eye blink

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I ran into the same scenario begin to develop a couple years ago in Zeleski. Waiting for this broken down pickup with two genetic misfires in it to turn first. Birdshit in the passenger seat gives me the wheelie sign and they make their turn. I turn behind them and just pulled over - let 'em get as far away as possible.

Glad you're OK, man. That was a hell of a story. Where's the GoPro when you need it!!

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I am assuming that's a typo and doc=dog. I did not see this earlier. At that point I would have drawn, and told him one more step and I would shoot. And I would have.

Edit: And I should explain why. I just watched him try and kill my buddy. He is now stalking me with a dog. I would most certainly be in fear for my life at that point, and I think anyone would feel the same way. Assuming it wasn't a poodle.

Yep it was a dog not doc :p sorry for the typo .

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Yep it was a dog not doc :p sorry for the typo .

No problem, I was just making sure I had my facts right :)

I will end my comments here by strongly asking/begging the two of you to report this. That madman is still out there and he is a danger to us all.

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i dont understand why there isn't a highly stylized music video of this encounter up on youtube, yet. if you're going to be almost vehicular manslaughter'ed, let the rest of us enjoy it with you.

jay kay, glad you're ok. please do report it. they may even be familiar with the guy already, it doesn't sound like this would be his first rodeo if he went as far as trying to pit maneuver you. definitely NOT an accident.

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Considering the circumstances and since there were two witnesses (at least) to what happened I think you at minimum should call or visit that county's prosecutor and offer your story just in case the guy is already known to them, and let them decide if there's grounds to file a case. At least then there is a record of you reporting it.

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People can be fucking idiots. Someone who pulls that type of shit needs to be charged with attempted murder. Its one thing to have an accident, its another to purposely try to hit someone with a car. Its no different than seeing someone walking along the road and running them over.

I had a drunk driver try to kill me with his car. It was in a 35 zone while riding with a group. I was last bike in the group and the guy claimed I pulled out in front of him(not even close to true, he was doing about 70 and just rounded the corner as I was pulling out).

I didnt expect what was about to happen, so I stayed at the back of the group... the car flew up beside me and jacked his emergency brake, swerved back into the right lane in an attempt to hit my rear tire. Luckily I was still in 1st or 2nd and jumped on the thottle just enough to avoid being hit. I got up between the next two riders and at this point everyone realizes what is happening and we cut into an gas station. The dumbass flys in and pulls an e-brake slide to a stop, jumps out of his car and starts screaming like he is going to and walking over to my bike. I think reality crept into the guys head, because about 5 feet away he stopped, turned around and left in a bunch of tire smoke.

Before we could say anything the attendant at gas station was already calling the cops. About 15 minutes later he was in cuffs and in a police car. Told the cops the color and model of the car and which direction he came from and left toward and they knew exactly who he was...his license was already suspended from his last DUI.

If I was old enough at the time to have my CCW, I dont think he would have made it to 5 feet before he would have stopped or I would have stopped him.

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Not sure if everyone has read about this guy in Northern KY. He ended up getting jail time for doing something similar. Luckily, it was caught on tape by one of the riders.

Pickup Driver Tries to Kill Motorcyclist

I'm pretty sure this was followed in another thread. If its the guy with the quad in the truck then yeah.

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