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teen blames tsa for breaking insulin pump

kawi kid

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:p sorta, I only get a paycheck because most of my work is on here... its hard to work when my computer is all jacked up :(

I still can't grasp why the TSA is still operating. It is blowing my mind. .... srsly.

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I could easily do enough damage to a plane that would result in it's crash with 3 "Capri Suns".

They should have NEVER let that on the plane.

If you're a diabetic, travel by car.


you cant have capri sun on a plane :D

more than 3.4 ounces!

take that, terrorist!

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i was shocked how nice and not touchy the TSA was with my yesterday. I even joked with the one dude saying and here I was ready for an early prostate exam and he actually cracked a smile

first time dealing with TSA and since I had a 1 way flight I figured I was gonna get pulled

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Did you opt out of the scan?

no because I forgot I could til I was talking to a dude at the bar. I hope they gave me cancer and I can make some money off them and retire ;)

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Wow. Tsa really needs to go. Privatize the airport security and be done with it. Our govt has proven time and time again that they are incapable of operating anything.correctly or efficiently.

I.R.S. is doing alright :).

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Tell them you would rather have a pat down than step food into their microwave oven. The last time I flew I told them that and they didn't even pat me down the let me go without question.

my gf will be pissed but I'm going to do exactly that now

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That was at Vegas and the guy ushering the people to the scanner was younger than me. When o told him that he said ok and let me go thru the metal detector instead. Obviously this kid was horrible at his job cuz I always look like a terrorist. :)

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i thought you were going to say that you woke up with those symptoms then realized the hooker you hired was sitting on your chest, giving you cleveland steamer for falling asleep before paying her


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Bad goes for the fatties so and elephant sized dump on your chest could cause some breathing issues

Thank you both. I actually ran out of creative ideas to finish it off. This headache is throwing me off my game today.

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