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MotoSeries 5/19 and 5/20 (2012) - roll call


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Anybody get the number of that truck?

I hope the other rider are ok. I'm really sorry for the mess I created.

My wife says she got a picture of me with my hand up after I stalled.

First, I'm glad to see your doing ok given what happened. As far as the train that hit you, it was me. I was in the second group, first row and had a good launch and caught the back row of the first group as they got to you. I saw your hand go up and was on the brakes with the bike endo'ing before I got to you, but it was too late. I had you in front of me directly and those guys on each side with no where to go.

My understanding is that Farmer was in surgey this morning for his femur.

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Yes. I'm home now.

So you're okay then? no injuries? I talked to you at beaver last weekend about your wrist injury last year and how bad that was. i felt really bad that you got hurt again (if you did get hurt). either way, glad you're ok.

and i do feel bad for the kid. his leg looked pretty bad

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Well I am back home and got the bike in the garage. I will probably start tearing it down tomorrow. Hopefully it is something easy like a broken plug but I've got a feeling that it probably is going to be more than just that. It was good seeing you guys again and meeting the rest of you that I hadn't before. I wish I could have raced today even though I was hesitant after yesterdays ordeal. Thanks to Jinu for letting me scavenge his bike for parts and Pauly for taking time out to go with me to get the brake line from the bike.

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On the way home from the track now, good showing from OR in the mini 20. Decent weekend minus the 2 large pile ups on the starts. Hope everyone has a speedy recovery. See you guys in a few rounds, I have graduation and boards the next few rounds.

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What all happened with you Tyler? I thought your bike was fine after Saturday.

On about my 4th practice lap today, I was down shifting before a corner and heard a loud pop (maybe a back fire) and then lost a ton of power. The bike didn't sound quite right and I pulled it in. It is sounds like it is down a cylinder and you can smell a bit of oil from the exhaust but that could just be from the rings wearing. Hopefully it is just a plug or something but who knows.

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Lots of bruising,but nothing major.

Had good gear.

Wow. I am glad to hear it. People were putting on a brave face in front of your daughter, but I was really worried when I had already changed out of my leathers and you were still laying on the track and weren't doing much moving.

Your wife mentioned that you were awake and talking by the time they loaded you up, but that was an anxious 20+ minutes.

From what I heard, Farmer(?) hit Steve's bike, and went over the bars. Supposedly his own bike landed on him and that's what broke his leg. I didn't see it, but I was told it wasn't pretty.

If there's a bright side, I believe he's only 14, and should bounce back quicker than most of us would.

Unfortunate incident all the way around. I couldn't believe something so similar happened again today. We saw a 1 in a thousand wreck twice in one weekend...

Walt - we still need to get that picture. Just now both our bikes will be ugly. Yours really didn't look too bad. Sub-frame, some bodywork (or tape), and ride the piss out of it. Let us know if you need help with anything.

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For those who missed the Mini 20, Nick's right, it was a great race between ORDN members.

It was hard to keep track of what place everyone was in because they run the 1-hour and 3-hour at the same time, and the color of the number plate doesn't matter, but if it had been a 600cc novice race, I believe Hollywood33 (matt) and TRMN8R (brandon) were battling for 3rd most of the race before lap traffic held brandon up and let matt walk away a little.

Craig got a pretty bad start, and Nick had a good start, so I watched Craig hunt Nick down for a while, with John chasing (and eventually catching) Nick. But when the leaders came through about lap 15, they pushed John wide and Nick was right there to take the position back.

By the end of the race, I think the only OR member who was really off on his own was Craig, but he'd spent plenty of time trying to catch Nick. Really entertaining stuff!

Great seeing everyone. If I can't afford to race next round, I'll come out and pit-bitch for sure.

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Had a great weekend considering the events that took place Sat and Sun. I was on the track when both took place, just barely missing being involved in the second wreck. I was able to get over just enough to miss the stopped bike. Hands up or not, with that many bikes between me and the stopped rider it was nearly impossible to see him until the crowd in front of me split. I hate to see anyone get hurt but its a risk we all take every time we go out there.

On a more positive note I had a lot of firsts and personal bests. I ran several mid-low 1:16's on Sat. Ran my first sprint race today but that didnt go as i hoped. I think nerves from witnessing the wreck in the start and the heat had a lot to do with that though. I was only able to cut a few laps in the 1:18's. I was settled down some for the mini 20. I still wasnt up to Saturdays pace but ran a ton better. More consistent lap times and felt much better.

Cant wait till next round! Good seeing everyone again.

Edited by TRMN8TR
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I'm not going to post much because I just got home and need to get to bed, but I was behind the mock start wreck Saturday and ended up going into the dirt on the left to avoid it all and it was crazy. I saw SJC's bike 6+ feet in the air after he endo'd it trying to stop before the hit. From there it was blurry because I just saw parts flying as I got back onto the track and saw red flags all over. I knew it was bad, but am glad that everyone in the end survived. As stated, it's a chance we all take, we know the risks, and another thing stated, was GOOD GEAR made a huge difference.

Had a great time and will get a good write up tomorrow afternoon at work. Especially since a few of us actually ran Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all, we can kind of point out a few things to some newbies.

Also, that bar we went to for dinner last night = THE BOMB. That's my go to place Saturday nights for sure. I got a go to place on the way back from Jennings and one at Nelson. Now just need to hit the Grattan Bar this season, and find something local at Beaver.

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